441 research outputs found

    Factors That Influence on Dividend Policy Between Indonesia and China Banking

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    This research aimed to investigate influence of stock price, growth, profitability and free cash flow on dividend policy. Dividend is one of the agency problem that occurs because there is separation between the shareholders (as principal) with company management (as agent). In agency theory, agency relationship arises when one or more persons (principal) employs another person (agent) to provide a service and then delegate a decision-making authority to the agency (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Samples in this research are Indonesia and China banking companies listed on the IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) from the years 2007-2010. The data used are secondary data and methods of data collection in this research is purposive sampling. In this method, Indonesia and China banking companies issuing annual report the year 2007-2010 and has acquired 16 Indonesia banking companies and 17 China banking companies from 31 Indonesia banking companies and 21 China banking companies. Data analysis methods used in this study is multiple regression analysis. Indonesia banking company dividend policy was only affected by ROE. Meanwhile, in China banking company dividend policy was only affected by Stock Price, Growth, and Operating Profit Margin

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Koperatif Tipe Stad Mengunakan Media Ular Tangga Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Pelajarangeografi Siswa Kelas XI is Man Darul Ulum Kota Banda Aceh

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    Model pembelajaran koperatif tipe STAD merupakan model yang menekankan pada adanya aktivitas dan interaksi di antara siswa untuk saling memotivasi dan saling membantu dalam menguasai materi pelajaran. Media ulartangga adalah sebuah permainan yang mengunakan dadu atau board game. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) Peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik;(2) Aktivitas guru dan peserta didik; (3)Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran; dan (4) Respon peserta didik terhadap model pembelajaran koperatif tipe STAD berbantuan media ulartangga. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XI IS MAN Darul Ulum Kota Banda Aceh dengan jumlah 22 orang. Pengambilan data diambil dengan menggunakan instrumen pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) Persentase ketuntasan individual meningkat dari 17 siswa yang tuntas pada siklus I, 19 siswa tuntas di siklus II, dan 21 tuntas pada siklus III, ketuntasan klasikal pun mengalami peningkatan dari 60% pada siklus I, 80% pada siklus II, dan 90% pada siklus III; (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa meningkat menjadi sesuai dengan persentase waktu ideal; (3) Keterampilan guru meningkat dari perolehan skor 2,53 pada siklus I dengan kategori sedang, skor 3,00 di siklus II dengan kategori baik, dan 3,30 pada siklus III dengan kategori baik; (4) Respon peserta didik, terhadap model pembelajaran koperatif tipe STAD berbantuan media ular tangga dapat dikatagorikan baik

    Hubungan Power Otot Lengan Bahu dan Kelenturan Otot Punggung dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru pada Atlet Putra Pplp Dispora Riau

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    Based on researcher's observation on PPLP athlete Riau Province has good posture but can not produce maximum repulsion, this can be seen from deficiencies when doing prefix, when holding bullet, exit position, arm strength and body position on When refused. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation of muscle power of shoulder arm and back muscle flexibility with repulsion result in putlet bullet athlete PPLP Dispora Riau. The population in this study is the male athletes PPLP Dispora Riau, amounting to 12 people. In this study the sample was taken using total sampling, it means that all the men's population is sampled as many as 12 people. The instrument is a test of two hand medicine ball put, sit and reach test and the result of bullets. The data obtained in the analysis by using the correlation produck moment simple and double. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is a power relationship between arm and shoulder muscles with the result of the shot hit at the athlete of PPLP Dispora Riau, where rhitung (0.778)> rtabel (0,602) at α = 0,05. There is a back muscle flexibility relationship with the result of a shot hit at the athlete of PPLP Dispora Riau, where rhitung (0.778)> rtabel (0,602) at α = 0,05. There is a mutual relationship between arm and shoulder muscle strength and back muscular flexibility of bullet outcome at the athlete of PPLP Dispora Riau, where rhitung (0.778)> rtabel (0.602) at α = 0.05

    Penerapan Strategi Promosi Kesehatan pada Pemberian Inisiasi Menyusu Dini di Rumah Bersalin Sophiara Makassar 2009

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    This study aimed to explore the information about health provider support, family support, and the policy at Sophiara Hospital on giving early initiation of breast feeding/ IMD. This study was a qualitative study with phenomenology design. The informants are the health providers who help during mothers labour and also to the families who accompany the mother during antenatal and on birth. Data collection conducted by indepth interview and observation. Analysis data with content analysis. The study showed that the policy of the hospital support the giving of breast feeding early initiation/IMD, by suggesting the health provider to give IMD to the new born baby, rooming-in between mother and baby, and there is no promotion on milk formula. Health provider was giving the breast feeding early initiation /IMD to the new born baby but not perfect because the baby was not giving the chance too long until the baby reach the mothers breast, and still there baby was not giving IMD because the health provider is busy, obstacles of the work, and not enough time, because he/she works alone. The mother and the family also support the breast feeding early initiation/IMD although they never heard about breast feeding because they consider the breast feeding is best food for the baby. Keywords : Early Initiation/IMD, support, family, heatlh provider, wisdo

    Karakteristik Teknis Sistem Pertanaman Polikultur Sayuran Dataran Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sentra produksi sayuran dataran tinggi Pangalengan, Jawa Barat pada bulan No vem ber2001. Observasi lapang dan survai for mal melalui wawancara dengan 23 orang petani responden diarahkan untukmemperoleh data/informasi dasar mencakup karakteristik teknis sistem pertanaman polikultur pada komunitassayuran dataran tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat dari penggunaansistem pertanaman polikultur. Kombinasi tanaman yang pal ing sering dipilih petani adalah cabai + petsai, kemudiandiikuti oleh tomat + petsai, cabai + siampo, kubis + petsai, dan cabai + kentang + petsai. Secara umum, pemilihan jenissayuran yang dikombinasikan telah sejalan dengan prinsip dasar polikultur yang mengisyaratkan maksimisasisinergisme dan minimisasi kompetisi antartanaman. Petani pada umumnya memilih tanaman kombinasi yangcenderung berumur lebih pendek dan memiliki kanopi lebih sempit dibandingkan dengan tanaman utama.Pengalaman petani mengindikasikan bahwa (a) tomat+petsai dikategorikan memiliki hubungan kompetitif, (b)cabai+petsai dikategorikan tidak saja memiliki hubungan komplementer, tetapi juga hubungan suplementer, (c)tomat+cabai, kentang+tomat, tomat+siampo, dikategorikan memiliki hubungan komplementer/kompetitif, dan (d)cabai+tomat dikategorikan memiliki hubungan suplementer/kompetitif. Kemungkinan kekurangan air ataukekeringan dipersepsi memiliki bobot pengaruh terpenting terhadap keberhasilan sistem pertanaman polikultur.Berdasarkan urutan kepentingannya, bobot pengaruh tersebut diikuti oleh curah hujan per tahun, efek naungan daritanaman lain yang dapat mengurangi radiasi sinar matahari, to tal kebutuhan air, curah hujan efektif per tahun dan efeklindungan. Dukungan hasil penelitian hulu yang bersifat teknis mencakup optimasi penataan spasial dan tem po ral(waktu tanam), optimasi kombinasi tanaman berdasarkan potensi sinergi dan kompetisi, seleksi, dan pemuliaantanaman spesifik untuk tumpangsari, aplikasi pemupukan dan pemulsaan, serta pengendalian hama penyakit secarabiologis, masih sangat diperlukan agar diperoleh suatu acuan atau bahan pembanding yang dapat digunakan untukmelakukan evaluasi, konfirmasi, dan pengembangan sistem polikultur lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: Polikultur; Sayuran dataran tinggi; Sinergisme; KompetisiAB STRACT. Adiyoga, W., R. Suherman, N. Gunadi, and A. Hidayat. 2004. Tech ni cal char ac ter is tics ofpolyculture sys tem of high land vegetables. This study was car ried out in No vem ber 2001, in the high land veg e ta blepro duc tion cen ter, Pangalengan, West Jawa. Field ob ser va tion and for mal sur vey to in ter view 23 re spon dents wereaimed to ob tain data tech ni cal char ac ter is tics of veg e ta ble mul ti plecrop ping sys tems in the high land. Re sults sug gestthat there is an in creas ing trend the use of multiplecropping by veg e ta ble farm ers. The most fre quent crop com bi na tioncho sen by farm ers is hot pep per + chi nese cab bage, fol lowed by to mato + chi nese cab bage, hot pep per + chi nese mus -tard, cab bage + chi nese cab bage, and hot pep per + po tato + chi nese cab bage. In gen eral, the choice of crop com bi na -tion has been in agree ment with the ba sic re quire ment of multiplecropping that is max i miz ing syn er gism, whilemin i miz ing com pe ti tion be tween crops. Farm ers usu ally choose a com pan ion crop that is early ma tur ing and haslower/smaller can opy than the main crop. Farm ers' ex pe ri ence sug gests that (a) to mato+chi nese cab bage tends to havea com pet i tive re la tion ship, (b) hot pep per+chi nese cab bage, not only has a com ple men tary, but also a sup ple men taryre la tion ship, (c) to mato+hot pep per; po tato+to mato; and to mato+chi nese mus tard have a com ple men tary/com pet i tivere la tion ship, and (d) hot pep per+to mato has a sup ple men tary/com pet i tive re la tion ship. The pos si bil ity of wa ter short -age is per ceived to be the most sig nif i cant fac tor that may af fect the suc cess of multiplecropping sys tems. This is fol -lowed by other fac tors, such as rain fall per year, shad ing ef fect, to tal wa ter re quire ment, ef fec tive rain fall per year, andshel ter ef fect. The sup port of tech ni cal ba sic re search that in cludes the op ti mi za tion of spa tial and tem po ral ar range -ments, op ti mi za tion of crop com bi na tion that con sid ers syn er gism and com pe ti tion as pects, se lec tion of and breed ingof crop va ri et ies which are par tic u larly suited to mul ti ple crop ping, fer til iza tion and mulch ap pli ca tion, and biologicalpest and disease control, is still needed to establish a guidance for evaluating, con firm ing, and further developing theadvantages of multiplecropping sys tem

    Aspek Nonteknis dan Indikator Efisiensi Sistem Pertanaman Tumpang Sari Sayuran Dataran Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sentra produksi sayuran dataran tinggi Pangalengan, Jawa Barat pada bulan No vem ber2001. Observasi lapang dan survai for mal melalui wawancara dengan 23 orang petani responden diarahkan untukmemperoleh data/informasi dasar mencakup aspek non-teknis dan indikator efisiensi sistem pertanaman tumpangsaripada komunitas sayuran dataran tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas sayuran utama yangdiusahakan secara monokultur maupun tumpangsari di Pangalengan adalah kentang, kubis, petsai, cabai dan tomat.Petani mempersepsi kentang sebagai komoditas sayuran yang teknik budidayanya pal ing dikuasai serta pal ing dapatdiandalkan/menguntungkan. Sementara itu, tomat dan kubis dikategorikan sebagai jenis sayuran yang memiliki risikoproduksi pal ing tinggi (terutama dikaitkan dengan risiko kehilangan hasil panen akibat serangan hama penyakit).Sebagian besar petani responden cenderung lebih sering memilih sistem pertanaman tumpangsari berdasarkanpertimbangan (a) memberikan ruang gerak yang lebih leluasa bagi petani untuk menghindarkan kemungkinankehilangan hasil secara to tal serta kerugian finansial yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya harga salah satu komoditas yangditanam, (b) memanfaatkan lahan dan energi sinar matahari secara lebih efisien, (c) instabilitas hasil yang disebabkanoleh cekaman lingkungan maupun serangan hama penyakit secara keseluruhan dapat dikurangi oleh karena sistemterdiri dari dua atau lebih spesies tanaman yang berbeda, (d) memungkinkan penggunaan tenaga kerja dan modalproduksi secara lebih efisien, dan (e) dua atau lebih cabang USAha (jenis tanaman) yang menopang sistem tersebutdapat saling menutupi jika salah satu di antaranya mengalami kerugian. Sebagian besar petani responden cenderungmemberikan penilaian positif terhadap sta tus sistem pertanaman tumpangsari berkaitan dengan kemungkinanpeningkatan pendapatan USAhatani, pengurangan risiko harga/hasil dan pemeliharaan/perbaikan kelestarianlingkungan. Evaluasi produktivitas sistem pertanaman tumpangsari menunjukkan bahwa nisbah kesetaraan lahanuntuk berbagai kombinasi tanaman, berkisar antara 1,13-2,10. Berdasarkan urutan kepentingannya, petanimempersepsi fluktuasi harga, ketersediaan modal dan insiden hama penyakit sebagai tiga kendala terpentingkeberhasilan sistem pertanaman tumpangsari sayuran dataran tinggi. Secara berturut-turut kemudian diikuti olehketersediaan lahan, ketersediaan pupuk/pestisida, ketersediaan air/pengairan, erosi tanah atau kesuburan tanah,ketersediaan informasi teknis dan ketersediaan tenaga kerj

    Efektifitas Program Talkshow Tambahan Obat Tradisional Terhadap Perilaku Pendengar Radio Di Kota Makassar

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    Health promotion and media have a close connection, through media the information can be presented more interestingly and more easily to understand. Radio is electronic media that broadcasts health information. Broadcasting the information through the radio is faster, easier to access. It can also be packed more interestingly and more flexible. Radio is effective and efficient for presenting the health information. The aim of this research is to get information about the effectiveness of the program of Tambara toward listeners behavior in Makassar City. The type of this research is qualitative research using phenomenology approach. The selection of informants uses purposive sampling. Data collection is in-depth interview and documentation study for checking the validity of the data uses triangulation. Processing and data analysis uses content analysis and it is presented in narrative format. This research shows that radio listener interested to the presented in narrative format. This research shows that radio listener is interested to the program of " Tambara" because the material is communicative and applicative. Radio listeners understand on Tambaras information (additional traditional medicine) related with their health problem. Tambaras listenerfind that the program can give much knowledge and experience about traditional medicine. Tambara also uses common language which is easily to be accepted. Tambara uses traditional medicines and the ingredients is easily to be found. Tambaras information is suitable with their health problem. "Tambara" listener is also eager to use "Tambara" medicine because "Tambara" medicine is effective to cure health problems that they have and it is safe for a long time consumption. The environmental influences and the relatively low cost motivate the listener to use "Tambara" medicine. The recommendation is to add more time for "Tambara" on Sunday, because "Tambara" has many listeners on Sunday. It needs to make another social media for the interaction between listener and practitioner of herbal medicine. Keywords: Effectiveness, Talkshow, Traditional Medicine, Behavio

    Karakteristik Ekologi Dan Aspek Silvikultur Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.) Sulawesi Selatan

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    This paper describes the ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.)site characteristics in Amaro Forest,Barru District, South Sulawesi including its secondary succession to create a favourable conditions for stand establishment. Association analysis shows that a wide variety of lowland species have been identified grows together with the ebony.Physical characteristics rather than chemical fertility of soils show a great value in supporting ebony stand growth.Poor stand with low natural regeneration of these remaining fragmented forests suggest the need to apply enrichment planting and improvement cutting to increase their productivity
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