548 research outputs found

    Cordiality and intimacy in contemporary Brazilian culture:introduction

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    Color is affected by what is around it. A color doesn\u27t necessarily look the same when its placed against two different colored backgrounds (Ryan, William, and Theodore Conover, 2004) Oftentimes, designers are given a blank package and given the task of creating a label or package for the product. What is missing is the product, which can be an integral part of this design process. What is not yet to be determined by current packaging research is how colors work together through the product and package. One way to determine this would be through transparent bottled packages that contain external labels. Using various color harmonies, with the base color determined by the product color, this can be evaluated. Transparent packages with visible products containing colored labels were evaluated using established color theory. This research sought to understand the following questions: [RQ1]: Can established color theory be applied to packaging when visible product and external labels exist simultaneously? [RQ2]: Do consumers prefer a particular color harmony when compared to others? This was assessed using eye tracking metrics and overall preference testing. Eye tracking data yielded quantitative data that was statistically analyzed. This was completed through analysis of variance (ANOVA). A post experiment survey was given to collect participant\u27s demographics and additional data completed through Chi-squared tests for association

    Lensview: Software for modelling resolved gravitational lens images

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    We have developed a new software tool, Lensview, for modelling resolved gravitational lens images. Based on the LensMEM algorithm, the software finds the best fitting lens mass model and source brightness distribution using a maximum entropy constraint. The method can be used with any point spread function or lens model. We review the algorithm and introduce some significant improvements. We also investigate and discuss issues associated with the statistical uncertainties of models and model parameters and the issues of source plane size and source pixel size. We test the software on simulated optical and radio data to evaluate how well lens models can be recovered and with what accuracy. For optical data, lens model parameters can typically be recovered with better than 1% accuracy and the degeneracy between mass ellipticity and power law is reduced. For radio data, we find that systematic errors associated with using processed radio maps, rather than the visibilities, are of similar magnitude to the random errors. Hence analysing radio data in image space is still useful and meaningful. The software is applied to the optical arc HST J15433+5352 and the radio ring MG1549+3047 using a simple elliptical isothermal lens model. For HST J15433+5352, the Einstein radius is 0.525" +/- 0.015 which probably includes a substantial convergence contribution from a neighbouring galaxy. For MG1549+3047, the model has Einstein radius 1.105" +/- 0.005 and core radius 0.16" 0.03. The total mass enclosed in the critical radius is 7.06 x 10^{10} Solar masses for our best model.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, appearing in MNRAS. Software available from http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~rwayth/lensview/Lensview_Home.htm

    How Young Adult Readers Select Fiction in Public Libraries: A Study of the Factors Which Influence Information-Seeking in Context

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    Research Problem: The purpose of this research paper is to observe the information-seeking behaviour and book selection methods of the youth today, mainly in the public library context. There are so many questions, and prescribed answers as to how young adults seek reading material for themselves, who and what influences them, what is the best way to communicate with them, as well as how technology effects these processes. There are few recent research articles on this topic, and no qualitative-research examples, which prevent us from uncovering rich, genuine data about how young adults respond to aspects such was Web 2.0, peer influence, family influence, teacher/librarian influence, the introduction of new collections, book displays, youthful-looking book covers and so forth. Methodology: Qualitative research methods used. Focus groups were conducted with 3 groups, each consisting of 8-11 teenagers, who are members of Auckland Libraries. Results: We can observe that for optimal effect on young adults, public libraries (or even publishing houses, bookstores and schools) is to be wiser and more focused with some services, and to understand what young adults are actually seeking. It is about giving a facelift to some current services, re-organizing the collection, re-thinking how the web and Web 2.0 is used, and being more strategic in establishing personal relationships with young adults. Implications: This research offers theoretical grounding within a comprehensive literature review of as much current information examples as possible. It also offers practical lessons, offered by the examples given from the young adults themselves, which public libraries may or may not choose to employ, in order to draw young adults to their services, to use their collections, and to stay as members for life

    Healthy Living in the Pacific Islands: Results of a Focus Group Process to Identify Perceptions of Health and Collaboration in the U.S-Affiliated Pacific Islands

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    A focus group process was used to gather data on perceptions of health and community collaboration within 6 U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands as part of a process to encourage a community-based participatory approach to addressing community health issues and planning. The focus groups revealed Pacific Islanders\u27 perceptions of health and key local health issues and elements of collaboration. The results were applied to a community-oriented planning process, resulting in the creation of a broad planning framework within which islands could implement their own activities. This approach shows potential for initiating future activities in which communities collaborate in the planning process