22 research outputs found

    Realistic atomistic structure of amorphous silicon from machine-learning-driven molecular dynamics

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    Amorphous silicon (a-Si) is a widely studied noncrystalline material, and yet the subtle details of its atomistic structure are still unclear. Here, we show that accurate structural models of a-Si can be obtained using a machine-learning-based interatomic potential. Our best a-Si network is obtained by simulated cooling from the melt at a rate of 1011 K/s (that is, on the 10 ns time scale), contains less than 2% defects, and agrees with experiments regarding excess energies, diffraction data, and 29Si NMR chemical shifts. We show that this level of quality is impossible to achieve with faster quench simulations. We then generate a 4096-atom system that correctly reproduces the magnitude of the first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the structure factor, achieving the closest agreement with experiments to date. Our study demonstrates the broader impact of machine-learning potentials for elucidating structures and properties of technologically important amorphous materials

    Identifying the Structural Basis for the Increased Stability of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formed on Silicon with the Additive Fluoroethylene Carbonate.

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    To elucidate the role of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) as an additive in the standard carbonate-based electrolyte for Li-ion batteries, the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed during electrochemical cycling on silicon anodes was analyzed with a combination of solution and solid-state NMR techniques, including dynamic nuclear polarization. To facilitate characterization via 1D and 2D NMR, we synthesized 13C-enriched FEC, ultimately allowing a detailed structural assignment of the organic SEI. We find that the soluble poly(ethylene oxide)-like linear oligomeric electrolyte breakdown products that are observed after cycling in the standard ethylene carbonate-based electrolyte are suppressed in the presence of 10 vol% FEC additive. FEC is first defluorinated to form soluble vinylene carbonate and vinoxyl species, which react to form both soluble and insoluble branched ethylene-oxide-based polymers. No evidence for branched polymers is observed in the absence of FEC

    The Effect of Water on Quinone Redox Mediators in Nonaqueous Li-O2 Batteries.

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    The parasitic reactions associated with reduced oxygen species and the difficulty in achieving the high theoretical capacity have been major issues plaguing development of practical nonaqueous Li-O2 batteries. We hereby address the above issues by exploring the synergistic effect of 2,5-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone and H2O on the oxygen chemistry in a nonaqueous Li-O2 battery. Water stabilizes the quinone monoanion and dianion, shifting the reduction potentials of the quinone and monoanion to more positive values (vs Li/Li+). When water and the quinone are used together in a (largely) nonaqueous Li-O2 battery, the cell discharge operates via a two-electron oxygen reduction reaction to form Li2O2, with the battery discharge voltage, rate, and capacity all being considerably increased and fewer side reactions being detected. Li2O2 crystals can grow up to 30 ÎŒm, more than an order of magnitude larger than cases with the quinone alone or without any additives, suggesting that water is essential to promoting a solution dominated process with the quinone on discharging. The catalytic reduction of O2 by the quinone monoanion is predominantly responsible for the attractive features mentioned above. Water stabilizes the quinone monoanion via hydrogen-bond formation and by coordination of the Li+ ions, and it also helps increase the solvation, concentration, lifetime, and diffusion length of reduced oxygen species that dictate the discharge voltage, rate, and capacity of the battery. When a redox mediator is also used to aid the charging process, a high-power, high energy density, rechargeable Li-O2 battery is obtained.The authors thank EPSRC-EP/M009521/1 (T.L., G.K., C.P.G.), Innovate UK (T.L.), Darwin Schlumberger Fellowship (T.L.), EU Horizon 2020 GrapheneCore1-No.696656 (G.K., C.P.G.), EPSRC - EP/N024303/1, EP/L019469/1 (N.G.-A., J.T.F.), Royal Society - RG130523 (N.G.-A.), and the European Commission FP7-MC–CIG Funlab, 630162 (N.G.-A.) for research funding

    The Science Case for Io Exploration

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    Io is a priority destination for solar system exploration, as it is the best natural laboratory to study the intertwined processes of tidal heating, extreme volcanism, and atmosphere-magnetosphere interactions. Io exploration is relevant to understanding terrestrial worlds (including the early Earth), ocean worlds, and exoplanets across the cosmos

    Recommendations for Addressing Priority Io Science in the Next Decade

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    Io is a priority destination for solar system exploration. The scope and importance of science questions at Io necessitates a broad portfolio of research and analysis, telescopic observations, and planetary missions - including a dedicated New Frontiers class Io mission

    Quantum Computation for Periodic Solids in Second Quantization

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    In this work, we present a quantum algorithm for ground-state energy calculations of periodic solids on error-corrected quantum computers. The algorithm is based on the sparse qubitization approach in second quantization and developed for Bloch and Wannier basis sets. We show that Wannier functions require less computational resources with respect to Bloch functions because: (i) the L1_1 norm of the Hamiltonian is considerably lower and (ii) the translational symmetry of Wannier functions can be exploited in order to reduce the amount of classical data that must be loaded into the quantum computer. The resource requirements of the quantum algorithm are estimated for periodic solids such as NiO and PdO. These transition metal oxides are industrially relevant for their catalytic properties. We find that ground-state energy estimation of Hamiltonians approximated using 200--900 spin orbitals requires {\it ca.}~101010{}^{10}--101210^{12} T gates and up to 3⋅1083\cdot10^8 physical qubits for a physical error rate of 0.1%0.1\%.Comment: Published in Physical Review Research 23 March 202