10 research outputs found

    Brightfield images of PCO 162 demonstrating the effects of selective seeding.

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    <p>A: Epithelial cell growth from supernatant removed 30 minutes after initial plating (×20 magnification); B: Cells adhering during the initial 30 minute incubation were almost entirely fibroblastic (×10 magnification).</p

    Phenotypic appearances of primary cultures.

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    <p>A: Brightfield demonstrating cobblestone monolayer; immunoflourescent images with antibodies targeted against: B: FITC-anti-pancytokeratin; C: Alexafluor 596 anti-CA125; D: Alexflour 488 anti-EpCAM; E: Alexafluor 596 anti-MOC 31; F: Alexaflour 596 anti-Vimentin</p

    Figure 6

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    <p>A: ImagestreamX cell plot of representative cells demonstrating the three major cellular sub-populations within ascitic fluid, ; i) CK positive only, ii) CK and CA125 positive and iii) EpCAM, CK and CA125 positive. B: Sub-populations identified in the epithelial cell population in EOC ascitic fluid (n = the total number of epithelial cells identified in 10 ml of ascites).</p