6 research outputs found

    Electrification of precipitating systems over the Amazon: Physical and dynamical processes of thunderstorm development

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    Os sistemas convectivos da região Amazônica possuem características microfísicas peculiares, que variam de um caráter convectivo marítimo (estação chuvosa) a continental (estação de transição seca-chuvosa). Essas características modulam a eletrificação desses sistemas, porém ainda não se sabe quais são os processos dominantes que intensificam o número de descargas elétricas de uma estação para outra: efeito dos aerossóis, termodinâmico, grande-escala ou topografia? Para responder à essa pergunta, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a importância de cada um desses efeitos na eletrificação dos sistemas convectivos da Amazônia. A metodologia foi baseada em análises de dados observacionais do experimento de campo DRYTOWET e em um modelo numérico com parametrizações de transferências de cargas e descargas elétricas. A análise do ciclo anual das descargas elétricas do tipo nuvem-solo (CGs) mostrou que a atividade elétrica dos sistemas precipitantes da região sudoeste da Amazônia aumenta durante a transição da estação seca para a estação chuvosa (Agosto a Setembro), associada aos sistemas convectivos com maior desenvolvimento vertical que acontecem nesse período. Com o estabelecimento da estação chuvosa (Novembro a Março), o número de CGs diminui porém a atividade elétrica ainda se mantêm. A porcentagem desses totais de CGs que tinham polaridade positiva (+CGs) tem média de 12% durante todo o ano, aumentando drasticamente para até 25% em Setembro, durante a transição entre as estações secas e chuvosa. Esse aumento da %+CGs ocorreu simultaneamente ao aumento da poluição atmosférica provocada pela queima de biomassa das pastagens realizada pelos fazendeiros locais, que as preparam para a agricultura e pecuária durante o início das primeiras chuvas. Por outro lado, o aumento da %+CGs das tempestades também ocorreu preferencialmente sobre a área de pastagem do estado de Rondônia. Através da análise de dados de radar dos sistemas precipitantes que ocorreram durante o experimento DRYTOWET, foi constatado que as tempestades positivas (tempestades que produzem mais de 50% de +CGs em 50% de seu tempo de vida) se formaram em ambientes mais secos e com alturas do nível de convecção por levantamento (NCL, altura da base da nuvem) maiores do que as demais tempestades (tempestades negativas), durante todo o experimento mas com maiores diferenças durante o final da estação seca (Setembro-Outubro). Com altura da base da nuvem mais elevada, a espessura da camada quente (ECQ - base da nuvem até a isoterma de 0oC) diminui, aumentando assim a velocidade das correntes ascendentes através de um melhor processamento da energia potencial disponível para convecção (CAPE) devido a um menor entranhamento. O aumento da velocidade das correntes ascendentes dentro da nuvem resulta em tempestades mais profundas e mais intensas. O efeito do aumento do NCL é uma característica das regiões com vegetação de pastagem, onde a razão entre o calor sensível e latente na superfície é maior do que as áreas florestadas, aumentando a altura da camada limite planetária. As diferenças de concentração total e distribuição de tamanho dos aerossóis devido ao aumento da poluição durante a transição entre as estações seca e chuvosa não foram conclusivas quanto a um possível efeito na distribuição de hidrometeoros das tempestade positivas e negativas, uma vez que o ciclo diurno da concentração dos aerossóis acompanha o ciclo diurno da camada limite planetária, que também regula o efeito da ECQ. Simulações numéricas com um modelo 1D de nuvem, acoplado à parametrizações de transferências de cargas elétricas entre hidrometeoros e raios, mostraram que a estrutura termodinâmica da atmosfera foi a maior responsável pela eletrificação das tempestades simuladas, aumentando a velocidade das correntes ascendentes. O efeito do aumento do número de aerossóis, que inibe da fase quente da nuvem e conseqüentemente fortalece a da fase fria da nuvem fornecendo mais vapor e gotículas de nuvem para essa região, provocou a diminuição da quantidade de granizo nas tempestades simuladas e o aumento de partículas agregadas menores, como os flocos de neve e graupel, diminuindo a freqüência de raios.Amazonian convective systems have unique microphysical characteristics, varying from a maritime convective behavior (rainy season) to a continental behavior (wet-dry transition season). These characteristics modulate the electrification of these systems, however it is still not well understood which are the dominant processes that intensify the frequency of lightning from one season to another: aerosol effect, thermodynamics, large-scale variability, landscape or topography? To answer this question, the objective of this study was to identify and quantify the importance of each one of these effects on the electrification of convective systems over the Amazon. The methodology was based on the analysis of observational data from the field experiment DRYTOWET and a numerical model with charge transfer parameterizations and lightning discharges. The cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges annual cycle presented that the electrical activity of the southwestern Amazonian precipitating systems increased during the transition between the dry and wet seasons (August to September), in association with the convective systems deepening. With the establishment of the wet season (November to March), the number of CGs decreased but the electrical activity continued. The mean annual percentage of cloud-to-ground lightning of positive polarity (+CGs) was 12%, increasing drastically to 25% in September during the transition between the dry and wet seasons. This percentage of +CGs raise happened simultaneously with the increase in the atmospheric pollution due to the pasture biomass burning, held by local farmers to prepare the soil for agriculture and livestock during the begging of first rains. On the other hand, the increase in %+CGs also occurred preferentially over pasture areas of Rondonia state. Through the analysis of radar precipitating systems that occurred during the field campaign DRYTOWET, it was noted that positive thunderstorms (storms that produced more than 50% of +CGs over 50% of their life time) were initiated in drier and higher lift condensation levels (cloud base height) environments than other storms (negative thunderstorms) during all the field experiment, especially in the end of the dry season (September-October). A higher cloud base height is associated with a shallower warm cloud depth (cloud base height to the 0oC isotherm) and consequently less entrainment, increasing the updrafts due to a more efficient processing of the convective available potential energy (CAPE). This increase in updrafts inside the clouds results in deeper and stronger thunderstorms. The higher cloud base heights is a characteristic from pasture regions, where the ratio between sensible and latent heats at surface is greater than forested areas, which increases the top of the planetary boundary layer. The differences in the aerosol total concentration and size distribution, due to the increase in the atmospheric pollution during the transition between the dry and wet seasons, were inconclusive in a possible aerosol effect in the strength of positive and negative thunderstorms, once the aerosol concentration diurnal cycle follows the cycle of the planetary boundary layer, that also regulates the warm cloud depth effect. Numerical simulation of an 1D cloud model, coupled with charge transfer between the hydrometeors, showed that the thermodynamic structure was the main responsible feature for cloud electrification, increasing the updraft velocities. The pollution effect was masked in simulations, which inhibit the warm precipitation and consequently strength the the mixed and cold regions of the cloud, was responsible for an increase in the number of smaller aggregated particles, like snow flakes and graupel, decreasing the electrification and lightning frequency

    Microphysical evidence of the transition between predominant convective/stratiform rainfall associated with the intraseasonal oscillation in the Southwest Amazon

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    The distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation profiles around various precipitating systems existent in tropical regions is very important to the global atmospheric circulation, which is extremely sensitive to vertical latent heat distribution. In South America, the convective activity responds to the Intraseasonal Oscillation (IOS). This paper analyzes a disdrometer and a radar profiler data, installed in the Ji-Paraná airport, RO, Brazil, for the field experiment WETAMC/LBA & TRMM/LBA, during January and February of 1999. The microphysical analysis of wind regimes associated with IOS showed a large difference in type, size and microphysical processes of hydrometeor growth in each wind regime: easterly regimes had more turbulence and consequently convective precipitation formation, and westerly regimes had a more stratiform precipitation formation

    Using Lightning Mapping Array to evaluate the lightning detection signatures at different technologies

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    Ten lightning detection networks measured lightning activity in the São Paulo area during CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba field experiment in the months of December 2011-March 2012. This field experiment gathered different lightning systems from a broad range of electromagnetic frequencies (ELF to VHF and optical), corresponding to a great opportunity for understanding the different lightning detection technologies. Assuming that the Lightning Mapper Array (LMA) can capture the majority of electromagnetic irradieted sources through a lightning discharge (breakdown, step leader, return stroke and dart leaders), it is possible to correlate in space and time what each system is really measuring (i.e., are they measuring sferics, leaders, return strokes, sources or a complete lightning channel?). In a preliminary analysis, the total lightning systems were very comparble in time, i. e., they had coincident time measurements. For the VLF and LF systems that were designed to measure mainly cloud-to-ground discharges, we did find some difference, i.e., sometimes all networks reported lightning, but most of the time just one or two systems had lightning reports. It was observed that often there are temporal coincidences between LIS groups and the ground-based total lightning measurements. Moreover, the probability of LIS groups being detected by LMA increases as the lightning signals are observed at higher heihgts and it is also dependent on the amount of precipitation overhead of the flash.FAPESP -CHUVA Project 2009/15235-