24 research outputs found

    Comparisons of two co-circulating clusters of WNV-2a in Europe.

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    (a) The mean time of the most recent ancestor (TMRCA) and 95%HPD interval for each cluster. (b) The mean clock rate (substitutions per site per year, subst./site/yr) and 95% HPD interval for each cluster was estimated using an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock model. (c) The Mean number of Markov jump between countries and 95%HPD interval for each cluster were estimated using a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model. (d) Estimation of effective population size via time and a 95% HPD interval using the Skygrid coalescent model. The logarithmic effective number of infections (Ne) vs. viral generation time (t), representing effective transmissions is plotted over time. (e) The mean of weighted dispersal velocity averaged over the branches of the entire tree (km/yr) and (f) The weighted dispersal velocity over time (km/yr) with a 95% HPD interval estimated using the continuous phylogenetic diffusion model.</p

    Results of drivers on viral dispersal velocity*.

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    BackgroundWest Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks in birds, humans, and livestock have occurred in multiple areas in Europe and have had a significant impact on animal and human health. The patterns of emergence and spread of WNV in Europe are very different from those in the US and understanding these are important for guiding preparedness activities.MethodsWe mapped the evolution and spread history of WNV in Europe by incorporating viral genome sequences and epidemiological data into phylodynamic models. Spatially explicit phylogeographic models were developed to explore the possible contribution of different drivers to viral dispersal direction and velocity. A “skygrid-GLM” approach was used to identify how changes in environments would predict viral genetic diversity variations over time.FindingsAmong the six lineages found in Europe, WNV-2a (a sub-lineage of WNV-2) has been predominant (accounting for 73% of all sequences obtained in Europe that have been shared in the public domain) and has spread to at least 14 countries. In the past two decades, WNV-2a has evolved into two major co-circulating clusters, both originating from Central Europe, but with distinct dynamic history and transmission patterns. WNV-2a spreads at a high dispersal velocity (88km/yr–215 km/yr) which is correlated to bird movements. Notably, amongst multiple drivers that could affect the spread of WNV, factors related to land use were found to strongly influence the spread of WNV. Specifically, the intensity of agricultural activities (defined by factors related to crops and livestock production, such as coverage of cropland, pasture, cultivated and managed vegetation, livestock density) were positively associated with both spread direction and velocity. In addition, WNV spread direction was associated with high coverage of wetlands and migratory bird flyways.ConclusionOur results suggest that—in addition to ecological conditions favouring bird- and mosquito- presence—agricultural land use may be a significant driver of WNV emergence and spread. Our study also identified significant gaps in data and the need to strengthen virological surveillance in countries of Central Europe from where WNV outbreaks are likely seeded. Enhanced monitoring for early detection of further dispersal could be targeted to areas with high agricultural activities and habitats of migratory birds.</div

    Distribution of predictors for viral genetic diversity over time.

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    Data in four months (January, April, July, and October) were shown for each predictor. Definition for each predictor is shown in the (S3 Table). The unit of each predictor is shown after the predictor name above each panel. The European shapefile was created using the R package “rworldmap” (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rworldmap/). (DOCX)</p

    Phylogeny-inferred dispersal history of WNV-2a in Europe between 2004 to 2021.

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    Colors of the dots represent interpolated maximum clade credibility phylogeny positions for clusters A (yellow) and B (purple) from NS3. The base map of the movie is displayed using R package “maps” (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/maps/). This world map (within package maps, updated in 2013) is imported from the public domain Natural Earth project (the 1:50m resolution version), The Natural Earth data set is in the public domain and available from https://www.naturalearthdata.com. The data from the time-scaled phylogenetic MCC tree is overlayed using the author’s own custom R code which makes use of R package ape (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ape/index.html). (GIF)</p

    Quantified transmission network of WNV-2a between European countries and within Greece inferred using discrete trait models.

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    The shape of colors on the map indicates the number of samples; the edge weight indicates the median number of transmissions between pairs of countries/regions; the arrow on the edge indicates transmission direction; color of the edge from light to dark indicates Bayes Factor (BF) support from low to high only transmissions with BF>3 are shown). The European shapefile was created using the R package “rnaturalearth” (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rnaturalearth/).</p