35 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between adolescents\u27 empathy and maturity of moral reasoning with their self-reported prosocial behaviour. Fourteenyear- oldadolescents (N=311) were administered scales measuring emotional empathy, fantasy and prosocial behaviour. Kohlberg\u27s structured moral dilemmas were used to measure moral jUdgement maturity. Data were analysed by means of a hierarchical regression analysis with emotional empathy, fantasy and moral reasoning and their interactions as predictors and prosocial behavior as a criterion variable. Intelligence, social desirability tendencies and sex of subjects were taken as control variables. The results showed that higher prosocial behaviour could be best explained by higher emotional empathy. Moral reasoning was not related to prosocial behaviour. Significant interaction of moral maturity and emotional empathy was found showing that the correlation of empathy and prosocial behaviour was stronger at higher levels of moral reasoning. Significant sex differences in prosocial behaviour were also found. Additional analysis indicated that girls were found to be more altruistic than boys due to their higher emotional empathy. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of the current debate on the role of moral cognitions and moral affects in determining moral behaviour.Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi u kolikoj mjeri empatičnost i razina zrelosti moralnih prosudbi određuju prosocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. U istraživanju je sudielovalo 311 učenika završnih razreda osnovne škole koji su ispunjavali upitnike za mjerenje prosocijalnog ponašanja, emocionalne empatije i mašte. Razina zrelosti moralnog rasuđivanja utvrđena je u skladu s Kohlbergovom teorijom i instrumentarijem za mjerenje moralnog razvoja. Podaci su analizirani u sklopu modela hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza koje uključuju emocionalnu empatiju, maštu, moralno rasuđivanje i njihove uzajamne interakcije, kao glavne prediktore prosocijalnog ponašanja, te spol ispitanika, inteligenciju i sklonost odgovaranju na društveno prihvatljiv način, kao kovarijate. Rezultati su pokazali da se prosocijalno ponašanje najbolje može predvidjeti na temelju emocionalne empatije, dok moralno rasuđivanje nije bilo povezano s prosocijalnim ponašanjem. Utvrđena je značajna interakcija emocionalne empatije i zrelosti moralnih prosudbi koja pokazuje da je veza empatije i prosocijalnog ponašanja jača na višim razinama zrelosti moralnog rasuđivanja. Dobivene su i značajne razlike u prosocijalnom ponašanju ispitanika različitog spola. Dodatne analize podataka pokazale su da se češće prosocijalno ponašanje djevojaka u velikoj mjeri može pripisati njihovoj izraženijoj tendenciji empatiziranja. Glavni nalazi ovog istraživanja razmatraju se s obzirom na suvremene teorijske pristupe koji ističu različitu ulogu emocionalnih i kognitivnih čimbenika u određivanju moralnog ponašanja.Ziel dieser Arbeit war zu ermitteln, inwiefern Empathie und moralische Reife prosoziales Verhalten von Adoleszenten bewirken konnen. An der Untersuchung nahmen 311 kroatische SchOler des 8. Schuljahrs teil, denen Fragebogen zur Ermittlung von prosozialem Verhalten, emotionaler Empathie und Vorstellungsverrnoqen ausgeteilt wurden. Die Reife des moralischen Urteilsverrnčqens wurde an hand des von Kohlberg erarbeiteten Instrumentariums zur Messung des moralischen Entwicklungsstands ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse wurden nach dem Modeli hierarchischer Regressionsanalysen bearbeitet, in denen emotionale Empathie, Phantasie, moralisches Urteilsvermagen sowie die Interaktion dieser Faktoren als die Hauptpradiktoren prosozialen Verhaltens mit eingeschlossen sind; die hierarchischen Regressionsanalysen umfassen ferner als Kovarianten Geschlecht, Intelligenz sowie die Neigung des Befragten, auf gesellschaftlich anerkannte Weise zu reagieren. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dar., prosoziales Verhalten am ehesten aufgrund emotionaler Empathie prognosiert werden kann, wahrend moralisches Urteilsverrnoqen keinerlei Bezug zu prosozialem Verhalten aufwies. Bedeutende Interaktion besteht nachweislich zwischen emotionaler Empathie und moralischem Urteilsvermagen, was darauf verweist, dar., der Bezug zwischen Empathie und prosozialem Verhalten um so starker ist, je reifer das moralische Urteilsvermagen des einzelnen ist. Des weiteren stellte man bedeutende, durch die Geschlechtszugeharigkeit bedingte Unterschiede im prosozialen Verhalten der Befragten fest. Zusatzliche Analysen haben ergeben, dar., prosoziales Verhalten unter Madchen haufiger und grar.,tenteils auf die ausqepragtere Tendenz des MitfOhlens mit anderen zurOckzufOhren ist. Die wichtigsten Befunde dieser Untersuchung werden vor dem Hintergrund zeitqenčssischer Theorien untersucht, welche die Rolle emotionaler und kognitiver Faktoren im moralischem Verhalten hervorheben

    Attitudes Toward Single Parenthood

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    Promjene u strukturi obitelji nailaze na različite društvene reakcije, a negativan stav društva prema jednoroditeljskim obiteljima može generirati društvenu ranjivost ove skupine. (Ne)razumijevanje okoline utječe ne samo na ponašanje drugih osoba prema samohranim roditeljima i njihovoj djeci, nego i na njihove stavove i osobni doživljaj samohranog roditeljstva. Kako bi se povećao uvid u doživljaj novih oblika obitelji u našem društvu, provedeno je istraživanje stavova roditelja različitog bračnog statusa i spola prema samohranom roditeljstvu, te je provjerena povezanost stavova prema samohranom roditeljstvu s ostalim sociodemografskim obilježjima roditelja. Uzorak je obuhvaćao 384 roditelja iz dvoroditeljskih (301 žena i 83 muškaraca) i 376 iz jednoroditeljskih obitelji (325 žena i 51 muškarac) iz četiri najveća grada u Hrvatskoj. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruirana je Skala stavova prema samohranom roditeljstvu čije se čestice odnose na pretpostavljene osobine samohranih roditelja i na pretpostavljene učinke samohranog roditeljstva na razvoj djece. Rezultati su pokazali da pozitivnije stavove prema samohranom roditeljstvu imaju samohrani roditelji, žene, mlađi roditelji i roditelji boljeg materijalnog statusa. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u percipiranom odnosu društva prema različitim podskupinama jednoroditeljskih obitelji. Prema mišljenju anketiranih roditelja, društvo se ne odnosi prema svim samohranim roditeljima jednako, već ih se diferencira s obzirom na način kako su to postali i spol. Dok je prema roditeljima udovcima i udovicama stav društva pozitivan, u nepovoljnoj su situaciji rastavljeni i neoženjeni očevi, a još više rastavljene i neudate majke. Najnepovoljniji s obzirom na percipirane stavove u društvu je položaj majki izvanbračne djece. Rezultati ovog i drugih istraživanja upućuju na to da samohrani roditelji mogu naići na poteškoće u uspostavljanju svog kredibiliteta kao roditelja koje mogu izvirati iz negativnih stavova i stereotipa o njima. Ukoliko se to događa od strane davatelja socijalnih usluga, može se govoriti o psihološkim preprekama ostvarivanju socijalnih prava na strani davatelja usluga.Changes in the family structure produce different social reactions, and the negative attitude of society towards single parent families can generate social vulnerability of this group. (The lack of) understanding of the environment influences not only the behaviour of other persons toward single parents and their children, but also their attitudes and personal experience of single parenthood. In order to improve the insight into the experience of new forms of family in our society, a survey of the attitudes of parents of different marital status and gender towards single parenthood, and the connection of the attitudes towards single parenthood with other socio-demographic characteristics of parents was analysed. The sample included 384 parents from families with two parents (301 women and 83 men) and 376 parents from single parent families (325 women and 51 men) from four largest towns in Croatia. For the research purposes, the scale of attitudes towards single parenthood was formed, and its parts relate to the assumed characteristics of single parents and the assumed effects of single parenthood on the development of the children. The results have shown that single parents, women, younger parents and parents of better material status show more positive attitudes towards single parenthood. The second aim of the research was to analyse the differences in the perceived attitude of society towards different subgroups of single parent families. According to the opinion of the parents who participated in the survey, society does not treat all single parents equally, but differentiates them according to the way how they became single parents and according to their gender. While the attitude of society towards widows and widowers is a positive one, it is unfavourable towards the divorced and single fathers, and even more so towards the divorced and unmarried mothers. With regard to the perceived social attitudes, mothers of illegitimate children are in the most unfavourable position. The results of this and other research studies point out that single parents may encounter difficulties in establishing their credibility as parents, and that can be the result of the negative attitudes and stereotypes about them. If the providers of social services are contributing to this, we can speak of the psychological obstacles in the realisation of social rights imposed by the service providers

    Determinants of menopause-related symptoms in women during the transition to menopause and the postmenopausal period-A systematic literature review

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    Introduction: Menopause is a complex physiological, self-perceived health condition caused by the reduction and termination of ovarian function, a process that results in a range of both psychological and physiological symptoms. The aim of this literature review was to synthesize the results of published studies on factors associated with menopausal symptoms in women during the transition to menopause and the postmenopausal period. Methods: This systematic review was carried out according to the PRISMA statement. Primary studies published between 2007 and 2017 were identified through the following databases: PUBMED, SCOPUS, and CINAHL. In total, 3301 studies were identified and 279 were screened in full text. Of these, 54 studies were included for quality assessment using checklists from the Norwegian Institute for Public Health. A total of 22 studies were ultimately selected for inclusion in the results. These were thematically reviewed. Results: A wide range of determinants was sorted as socio-demographic predictors, reproductive factors, clinical characteristics, behavioral, and lifestyle characteristics, and their association with the following outcomes was examined: The prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms; sexual functioning; health indicators and health behaviors; health-related quality of life; physical performance; cognitive changes and attitudes; and the prevalence and age of natural menopause. Conclusions: The current state of knowledge regarding menopause indicates that a wide array of instruments and variables have been employed and assessed to further understanding about menopause-related symptoms. This systematic review provides information on factors that should be considered in the treatment of menopause-related changes that may be bothersome for menopausal women.publishedVersio


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    Socijalizacija se u najširem smislu definira kao proces tijekom kojeg ljudi stječu stavove i vrednote određene kulture te uče ponašanja koja se smatraju prikladnima za pojedince, članove određenog društva. Ispitivanje kompleksnog procesa socijalizacije djece i mladeži značajno je svakom društvu, posebice tijekom naglih društvenih promjena koje uključuju i promjene društvenih normi i vrednota


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    The aim of this study was to examine the structure of adolescents\u27 terminal and instrumental values by using modified Rokeach Value Survey. The investigation was carried out with a sample of 311 fourteen-year-old adolescents. The subjects rated the importance of each value on a seven point scale, and they also chose the first five most important values. Both techniques provided similar results in terms of ordering the relative importance of value choi ces. The ratings of 18 terminal and 18 instrumental values were subjected to factor analyses. Instrumental values reflecting morality/ self-restriction, competence, independence and benevolence were identified. Terminal values were comprised of hedonism/gratification, social/security and self-actualization value factors. Based on the factor solutions, terminal and instrumental values subscales were constructed and their correlations with measures of intelligence, school achievement and prosocial behaviour were examined. The findings suggest that value types differ in the extent to which they endorse interpersonal or other-directed focus in comparison to self-directed or achievement-oriented focus.Uradu se opisuju rezultati ispitivanja sustava vrednota adolescenata uporabom modificirane Rokeacheve ljestvice terminalnih i instrumentalnih vrednota. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 311 adolescenata prosječne dobi 14 godina. Uz procjenu važnosti svake vrednote na skali od sedam stupnjeva, ispitanici su birali i pet najvažnijih vrednota. Hijerarhijski sustav instrumentalnih i terminalnih vrednota, utvrđen postupkom rangiranja i procjenjivanja, nije se znatno razlikovao. Na temelju rezultata faktorske analize procjena važnosti pojedinih vrednota konstruirane su podljestvice za mjerenje različitih tipova terminalnih (\u27hedonizam\u27, \u27samoaktualizacija\u27 i \u27socijalne vrednote\u27) i instrumentalnih vrednota (\u27moralnost/ samokontrola\u27, \u27sposobnost\u27, \u27nezavisnost\u27 i \u27dobrohotnost linterpersonalni sklad\u27). Utvrđene su korelacije između pojedinih tipova vrednota te između ljestvica za mjerenje vrednota, inteligencije, školskog uspjeha i prosocijalnog ponašanja. Rezultati ukazuju na to da određeni tipovi vrednota u najširem smislu odražavaju afilijativnost i usmjerenost na druge, a za ostale je vrednote karakteristična usmjerenost na sebe i vlastiti razvoj.Yorliegende Studie bringt die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die anhand der Rokeache-Skala endgOItiger (terminaler) und instrumentaler Werte das Wertesystem von Adoleszenten ermitteln sollte. An der Umfrage nahmen insgesamt 311 Jugendliche im Durchschnittsalter von 14 Jahren teil. Die Befragten mutšten mittels einer 7-stufigen Skala die einzelnen Werte einstufen und aufšerdern eine Rangliste der fOnf fur sie wichtigsten Werte aufstellen. Die hierarchische Anordnung der instrumentalen und endgOltigen Werte, die so durch Rangieren und Einschatzunq ermittelt wurde, zeigte in den einzelnen Fallen nur geringfOgige Abweichungen. Aufgrund einer Faktorenanalyse zur Einschatzung der einzelnen Werte wurden Unterskalen konstruiert, um verschiedene Typen endgOItiger Werte (\u27Hedonismus\u27, \u27Selbstverwirklichung\u27 und \u27soziale Werte\u27) sowie instrumentaler Werte (\u27Moralitat/SelbstkontrolIe\u27, \u27Fahiqkert\u27, \u27Unabhangigkeit\u27 und \u27Gutwilligkeit/zwischenmenschliche Harmonie\u27) zu messen. Man stellte fest, dar.. Korrelationen bestehen zwischen den einzelnen Wertetypen sowie zwischen den bestehenden Skalen zur Messung von Werten, Intelligenz, Schulerfolg und prosozialem Verhalten. Die ermittelten Resultate besagen, dafš bestimmte Wertetypen im weitesten Wortsinn miteinander affiliiert und aufeinander ausgerichtet sind, wanrend fur andere Werte die Ausrichtung auf sich selbst und die eigene Entwicklung charakteristisch sind


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    The aim of this study was to examine the structure of adolescents\u27 terminal and instrumental values by using modified Rokeach Value Survey. The investigation was carried out with a sample of 311 fourteen-year-old adolescents. The subjects rated the importance of each value on a seven point scale, and they also chose the first five most important values. Both techniques provided similar results in terms of ordering the relative importance of value choi ces. The ratings of 18 terminal and 18 instrumental values were subjected to factor analyses. Instrumental values reflecting morality/ self-restriction, competence, independence and benevolence were identified. Terminal values were comprised of hedonism/gratification, social/security and self-actualization value factors. Based on the factor solutions, terminal and instrumental values subscales were constructed and their correlations with measures of intelligence, school achievement and prosocial behaviour were examined. The findings suggest that value types differ in the extent to which they endorse interpersonal or other-directed focus in comparison to self-directed or achievement-oriented focus.Uradu se opisuju rezultati ispitivanja sustava vrednota adolescenata uporabom modificirane Rokeacheve ljestvice terminalnih i instrumentalnih vrednota. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 311 adolescenata prosječne dobi 14 godina. Uz procjenu važnosti svake vrednote na skali od sedam stupnjeva, ispitanici su birali i pet najvažnijih vrednota. Hijerarhijski sustav instrumentalnih i terminalnih vrednota, utvrđen postupkom rangiranja i procjenjivanja, nije se znatno razlikovao. Na temelju rezultata faktorske analize procjena važnosti pojedinih vrednota konstruirane su podljestvice za mjerenje različitih tipova terminalnih (\u27hedonizam\u27, \u27samoaktualizacija\u27 i \u27socijalne vrednote\u27) i instrumentalnih vrednota (\u27moralnost/ samokontrola\u27, \u27sposobnost\u27, \u27nezavisnost\u27 i \u27dobrohotnost linterpersonalni sklad\u27). Utvrđene su korelacije između pojedinih tipova vrednota te između ljestvica za mjerenje vrednota, inteligencije, školskog uspjeha i prosocijalnog ponašanja. Rezultati ukazuju na to da određeni tipovi vrednota u najširem smislu odražavaju afilijativnost i usmjerenost na druge, a za ostale je vrednote karakteristična usmjerenost na sebe i vlastiti razvoj.Yorliegende Studie bringt die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die anhand der Rokeache-Skala endgOItiger (terminaler) und instrumentaler Werte das Wertesystem von Adoleszenten ermitteln sollte. An der Umfrage nahmen insgesamt 311 Jugendliche im Durchschnittsalter von 14 Jahren teil. Die Befragten mutšten mittels einer 7-stufigen Skala die einzelnen Werte einstufen und aufšerdern eine Rangliste der fOnf fur sie wichtigsten Werte aufstellen. Die hierarchische Anordnung der instrumentalen und endgOltigen Werte, die so durch Rangieren und Einschatzunq ermittelt wurde, zeigte in den einzelnen Fallen nur geringfOgige Abweichungen. Aufgrund einer Faktorenanalyse zur Einschatzung der einzelnen Werte wurden Unterskalen konstruiert, um verschiedene Typen endgOItiger Werte (\u27Hedonismus\u27, \u27Selbstverwirklichung\u27 und \u27soziale Werte\u27) sowie instrumentaler Werte (\u27Moralitat/SelbstkontrolIe\u27, \u27Fahiqkert\u27, \u27Unabhangigkeit\u27 und \u27Gutwilligkeit/zwischenmenschliche Harmonie\u27) zu messen. Man stellte fest, dar.. Korrelationen bestehen zwischen den einzelnen Wertetypen sowie zwischen den bestehenden Skalen zur Messung von Werten, Intelligenz, Schulerfolg und prosozialem Verhalten. Die ermittelten Resultate besagen, dafš bestimmte Wertetypen im weitesten Wortsinn miteinander affiliiert und aufeinander ausgerichtet sind, wanrend fur andere Werte die Ausrichtung auf sich selbst und die eigene Entwicklung charakteristisch sind


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    Socijalizacija se u najširem smislu definira kao proces tijekom kojeg ljudi stječu stavove i vrednote određene kulture te uče ponašanja koja se smatraju prikladnima za pojedince, članove određenog društva. Ispitivanje kompleksnog procesa socijalizacije djece i mladeži značajno je svakom društvu, posebice tijekom naglih društvenih promjena koje uključuju i promjene društvenih normi i vrednota

    Povezanost kvalitete privrženosti roditeljima s različitim aspektima perfekcionizma kod adolescenata

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati u kolikoj je mjeri kvaliteta privrženosti roditeljima povezana s različitim aspektima perfekcionizma kod adolescenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 350 srednjoškolaca prosječne dobi od 16 godina. Podaci su prikupljeni Inventarom privrženosti roditeljima i vršnjacima – revidirana verzija (Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment; IPPA; Armsden i Greenberg, 1987.) i Multidimenzionalnom skalom perfekcionizma (Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale; Frost i sur., 1990.). Na temelju rezultata faktorske analize formirane su četiri subskale koje mjere različite aspekte perfekcionizma. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako djevojke u odnosu na mladiće pokazuju veću sklonost prema redu i organiziranosti, dok na ostalim dimenzijama perfekcionizma razlike između rezultata djevojaka i mladića nisu značajne. Rezultati hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza, uz kontrolu roda sudionika istraživanja, pokazali su da su privrženost majci i privrženost ocu značajni negativni prediktori ukupnog perfekcionizma i neadaptivnih dimenzija perfekcionizma (zabrinutost zbog pogrešaka i sumnja u vlastitu izvedbu, roditeljska očekivanja i prigovaranja) te značajni pozitivni prediktori adaptivne dimenzije perfekcionizma (organiziranost). Privrženost roditeljima nije značajno povezana s dimenzijom osobnih standarda adolescenata. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju na važnost kvalitete odnosa privrženosti između roditelja i djece za razvoj adaptivnog i neadaptivnog perfekcionizma kod adolescenata