9 research outputs found

    Papillomavirus in the genesis of oral leukoplakia

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    Immunohistochemical examination of the proliferative activity of cells was made investigating the expression of Ki-67 protein and the location of proteins associated with epithelial cell papillomavirus infection involving P16INK4a and HPV16 proteins in different cell areas of the intact mucosa, in leukoplakia with the signs of hyperplasia and dysplasia, and in squamous cell carcinoma. There was a positive correlation between the proliferative activity of cells in the parabasal cell areas and the expression of P16INK4a protein in oral leukoplakia with the signs of hyperplasia (rs =0.397; p=0.018). In oral leukoplakia with dysplastic changes, there was a positive correlation between the proliferation of cells in the parabasal and prickle cell layers and the location of HPV type 16 antigens (rs =0.515; p=0.041 and rs =0.651 ; p=0.006). Detection of papillomavirus infection in leukoplakia can solve not only the problems with its genesis, but this is also a morphological basis for the effective prevention and treatment of this common oral mucosal disease

    Papillomavirus in the genesis of oral leukoplakia

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    Immunohistochemical examination of the proliferative activity of cells was made investigating the expression of Ki-67 protein and the location of proteins associated with epithelial cell papillomavirus infection involving P16INK4a and HPV16 proteins in different cell areas of the intact mucosa, in leukoplakia with the signs of hyperplasia and dysplasia, and in squamous cell carcinoma. There was a positive correlation between the proliferative activity of cells in the parabasal cell areas and the expression of P16INK4a protein in oral leukoplakia with the signs of hyperplasia (rs =0.397; p=0.018). In oral leukoplakia with dysplastic changes, there was a positive correlation between the proliferation of cells in the parabasal and prickle cell layers and the location of HPV type 16 antigens (rs =0.515; p=0.041 and rs =0.651 ; p=0.006). Detection of papillomavirus infection in leukoplakia can solve not only the problems with its genesis, but this is also a morphological basis for the effective prevention and treatment of this common oral mucosal disease

    Immunomorphology of oral lichen planus

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    The article is devoted to immunohistochemical study of reticular and erosive forms of oral lichen planus. Morphological examination of the reticular form revealed the increased number of Langerhans cells (CD1a), mast cells (CD25) and T lymphocytes (CD4, CD8, CD16) in the oral epithelium. Activation of these cells leads to the secretion of TNF-α and destruction of basal keratinocytes, which manifests as a focal reduction of intercellular protein expression of E-cadherin. Destruction of basal keratinocytes in a reticular form of oral lichen planus is accompanied by a significant decrease in proliferative activity of the basal cell layer (21.7±10.2%) compared with normal mucosa (33.6±7.0%), p=0.0045. In erosive form along with the above changes IgG and C3d complement's elements are revealed, which confirms the activation of immune complex mechanisms in the erosion area.Abstract available from the publisher

    Immunohistochemical diagnosis of necrotizing sialometaplasia [Immunogistokhimicheskaya diagnostika nekroticheskoi sialometaplazii]

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    The article presents a clinical case of an immunohistochemical study of a rare disease: necrotizing sialometaplasia in the hard palate. Due to the complexity of the differential diagnosis between necrotizing sialometaplasia and squamous cell carcinoma, an immunohistochemical method was used with antibodies to proteins Ki-67, P53, P63 and cytokeratins-7 and Immunohistochemical study established low proliferative activity of glandular cells in excretory ducts and metaplastic squamous epithelium for Ki-67 protein, significant expression of protein P63 was detected both in the ductal epithelium nuclei and in metaplastic areas and expression of the mutant protein P53 was approximately absent. Marked expression of cytokeratin-7 in the ducts cells and weak expression in necrotic acini of the glands and metaplastic epithelium was noted. It was shown that cytokeratin-15 homogeneously stains the peripheral zone of metaplastic epithelium, which is characteristic of a benign lesion. Thus, the panel of antibodies to proteins Ki-67, P53 and cytokeratins-7 and 15 allows to verify necrotizing sialometaplasia.В статье представлен клинический случай иммуногистохимического исследования редкого заболевания — некротической сиалометаплазии на твердом небе. Ввиду сложности дифференциальной диагностики между некротической сиалометаплазией и плоскоклеточным раком был применен иммуногистохимический метод с антителами к белкам Ki-67, P53, P63 и цитокератинам 7 и 15. По результатам иммуногистохимического исследования установлена низкая пролиферативная активность железистых клеток выводных протоков и метаплазированного плоского эпителия по белку Ki-67, выраженная экспрессия белка P63 выявлена как в ядрах клеток протокового эпителия, так и в участках метаплазии, экспрессия мутантного белка Р53 практически отсутствовала. Отмечалась выраженная экспрессия цитокератина-7 в клетках протоков и слабая — в некротизированных ацинусах желез и метаплазированном эпителии. Показано, что цитокератин-15 гомогенно окрашивает периферическую зону метаплазированного эпителия, что характерно для доброкачественного образования. Панель антител к белкам Ki-67, P53 и цитокератинам 7 и 15 позволяет верифицировать некротическую сиалометаплазию

    To the question of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia malignant potential [K voprosu o zlokachestvennom potentsiale proliferiruyushchei verrukoznoi leikoplakii]

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    AIM OF STUDY: To study of neoplastic transformation of the epithelial cells of the oral mucosa with verrucous hyperortokeratosis, verrucous carcinoma and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Oral mucous membrane biopsies of 33 patients with clinical diagnosis of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia were investigated. Histologically in 19 cases (57.6%) was revealed verrucous hyperorthokeratosis, in 8 cases (24.2%) - verrucous carcinoma and in 6 cases (18.2%) - oral squamous cell carcinoma. Tissue antigens were determined using mouse monoclonal antibodies to Ki-67 and mouse monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin 15. RESULTS OF THE STUDY: In comparison with the proliferative activity of epithelial cells in the malpighian layer in verrucous hyperorthokeratosis (17.2±8.1%) was detected increasingof cell proliferation in epithelial growth zone in verrucous carcinoma (33.8±8.1%) and in peripheral zone of solid areas in oral squamous cell carcinoma (51.2±35.7%). A significant decrease in the expression of cytokeratin 15 in the cytoplasm of tumor cells was noted inverrucous carcinoma and oral squamous cell carcinoma in comparison with verrucous hyperorthokeratosis. CONCLUSION: The obtained results proclaim that there is no stage of epithelial dysplasia during tumor transformation of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia into verrucous carcinoma and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Verrucous carcinoma by the nature of proliferative activity, cell atypia and expression of cytokeratin 15 corresponds to carcinoma in situ.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Изучить особенности неопластической трансформации эпителиальных клеток слизистой оболочки рта (СОР) при веррукозном гиперортокератозе, веррукозной карциноме и плоскоклеточном раке СОР. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ: Исследованы биоптаты СОР 33 пациентов с клиническим диагнозом пролиферирующая веррукозная лейкоплакия. В 19 (57,6%) случаях на основании гистологического исследования установлен веррукозный гипер-ортокератоз, в 8 (24,2%) — веррукозная карцинома и в 6 (18,2%) — плоскоклеточный р Тканевые антигены определяли с помощью мышиных моноклональных антител к Ki-67 и цитокератину 15. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: По сравнению с пролиферативной активностью эпителиальных клеток в мальпигиевом слое при веррукозном гиперортокератозе (17,2±8,1%) выявлено увеличение пролиферации клеток ростковой зоны эпителия при веррукозной карциноме (33,8±8,1%) и периферической зоны солидных участков при плоскоклеточном раке (51,2±35,7%). Отмечено достоверное снижение экспрессии цитокератина 15 в цитоплазме опухолевых клеток при веррукозной карци-номе и плоскоклеточном раке по сравнению с веррукозным гиперортокератозом. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что при опухолевой трансформации пролиферирующей веррукозной лейкоплакии в веррукозную карциному и плоскоклеточный рак отсутствует стадия дисплазии эпителия. Веррукозная карцинома по характеру пролиферативной активности, клеточной атипии и экспрессии цитокератина 15 соответствует carcinoma in situ

    Immunomorphology of oral lichen planus

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    The article is devoted to immunohistochemical study of reticular and erosive forms of oral lichen planus. Morphological examination of the reticular form revealed the increased number of Langerhans cells (CD1a), mast cells (CD25) and T lymphocytes (CD4, CD8, CD16) in the oral epithelium. Activation of these cells leads to the secretion of TNF-α and destruction of basal keratinocytes, which manifests as a focal reduction of intercellular protein expression of E-cadherin. Destruction of basal keratinocytes in a reticular form of oral lichen planus is accompanied by a significant decrease in proliferative activity of the basal cell layer (21.7±10.2%) compared with normal mucosa (33.6±7.0%), p=0.0045. In erosive form along with the above changes IgG and C3d complement's elements are revealed, which confirms the activation of immune complex mechanisms in the erosion area.Abstract available from the publisher