8 research outputs found

    Self-rated health and educational level in Spain: Trends by autonomous communities and gender (2001-2012)

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    Objetivo Conocer la evoluci贸n de la prevalencia de mala salud percibida en Espa帽a por comunidades aut贸nomas (CC.AA.) para el periodo 2001-2012, las diferencias por sexo y edad, y la influencia del nivel educativo. M茅todo Estudio transversal de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2001 a 2011-12, y de la Encuesta Europea de 2009. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo por sexo, edad, nivel educativo y C.A. de residencia ajustado por edad. Se utilizaron an谩lisis de regresi贸n log铆stica para estudiar la evoluci贸n temporal y conocer la asociaci贸n entre el nivel educativo y la salud percibida, calculando su capacidad predictiva mediante el estad铆stico C. Resultados La prevalencia de mala salud percibida fue mayor en las mujeres con nivel educativo bajo y mejor贸 en las de nivel educativo alto (18,6% en 2001 y 14,6% en 2012). La mayor prevalencia de mala salud percibida se observ贸 en Andaluc铆a, Canarias, Galicia y Murcia, con diferencias por sexo. El nivel educativo bajo se asoci贸 con una peor salud percibida en la mayor铆a de las CC.AA., con buena capacidad predictiva. En todas las CC.AA., excepto Asturias, existi贸 una mayor percepci贸n de mala salud en las mujeres que en los hombres. En Espa帽a, la prevalencia de mala salud percibida se mantuvo sin cambios en el periodo analizado, pero mejor贸 en Baleares, Catalu帽a y Madrid. Conclusiones En Espa帽a existen diferencias en la prevalencia de mala salud percibida por CC.AA. Aunque no var铆a en el periodo analizado, se observan desigualdades en su evoluci贸n seg煤n el nivel educativo y el sexo, que podr铆an conllevar un aumento de las desigualdades en mujeres seg煤n el nivel educativo. Objective To identify the trend in self-rated health in Spain by autonomous communities (AC) in the period 2001-2012, as well as differences by gender and age, and the influence of educational level. Methods A cross sectional study was carried out using data from the National Health Surveys from 2001 to 2011-12 and the 2009 European Survey. A descriptive analysis was conducted that included gender, age, educational level, and the AC of residence. Logistic regression analyses were developed to explore the temporal trend and the association between educational level and self-rated health. The predictive capacity of the model was calculated using the C statistic. Results The prevalence of low self-rated health was higher in women with low educational level. Self-rated health improved in women with high educational level (2001:18.6% vs. 2012:14.6%). The highest prevalence of low self-rated health was observed in Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Galicia and Murcia, with differences by gender. Low educational level was associated with low self-rated health in most AC, with good predictive capacity. In all AC except Asturias, low self-rated health was more frequent in women than in men. In Spain, the prevalence of self-rated health showed no variations in the period analyzed and improved in the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, and Madrid. Conclusions The prevalence of self-rated health in Spain differed by AC. Although health was unchanged during the period considered, inequalities were found in its temporal trend by educational level and gender, which could lead to an increase in health inequalities in women according educational level

    Pharmacological Primary Cardiovascular Prevention and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Men: Evidence from the Aragon Workers' Health Study.

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    The objective of this study is to describe the profile of primary preventive treatment for cardiovascular disease in adult males and to analyze the association between treatment profile and subclinical atherosclerosis. We selected male workers who had undergone ultrasound imaging and had no previous history of cardiovascular disease (n = 2138). Data on the consumption of primary cardiovascular drugs from the previous year were obtained. We performed bivariate analyses to compare patient characteristics according to cardiovascular treatment and the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis, and logistic regression models to explore the association between these two variables. Among participants with no personal history of cardiovascular disease, subclinical atherosclerosis was present in 77.7% and 31.2% had received some form of preventive treatment. Of those who received no preventive treatment, 73.6% had subclinical atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular preventive treatment was associated only with CACS > 0 (odds ratio (OR), 1.37; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.06-1.78). Statin treatment was associated with a greater risk of any type of subclinical atherosclerosis (OR, 1.73) and with CACS > 0 (OR, 1.72). Subclinical atherosclerosis existed in almost 75% of men who had no personal history of cardiovascular disease and had not received preventive treatment for cardiovascular disease

    Utilizaci贸n de servicios sanitarios en ancianos (Espa帽a 2006-2012): influencia del nivel de salud y de la clase social

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    Objetivo Conocer la utilizaci贸n de servicios sanitarios de Atenci贸n Primaria (AP), Atenci贸n Especializada (AE), hospitalizaciones, Hospital de D铆a y Urgencias, y la hiperfrecuentaci贸n en ancianos en Espa帽a, analizando la influencia del estado de salud, sexo, clase social y evoluci贸n temporal. Dise帽o Estudio transversal en 2 fases. Emplazamiento Espa帽a. Participantes Personas encuestadas en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2006 y 2011-12. Mediciones principales Como variables de salud se utilizaron la salud percibida y diagnosticada (n煤mero y tipo de diagn贸sticos). La clase social se obtuvo a partir de la 煤ltima ocupaci贸n del sustentador principal (clases manuales y no manuales). Se realizaron an谩lisis de regresi贸n log铆stica, ajustando por sexo, edad, nivel de salud, clase social y a帽o, calculando su capacidad predictiva. ResultadosEl porcentaje de poblaci贸n mayor que utiliza consultas m茅dicas descendi贸 en el periodo estudiado. Las mujeres trabajadoras manuales presentaron la mayor prevalencia de mala salud (mala salud percibida en el 2006: 70,6%). La mala salud se asoci贸 a mayor utilizaci贸n de servicios sanitarios. La salud percibida fue mejor predictor de utilizaci贸n de servicios y de hiperfrecuentaci贸n que la diagnosticada, con la mayor capacidad predictiva para AE (C = 0,676). Los ancianos de clases sociales bajas utilizaron con m谩s frecuencia AP y Urgencias, mientras que la utilizaci贸n de AE y Hospital de D铆a fue mayor en clases altas. Conclusiones Existen diferencias en salud y utilizaci贸n de servicios sanitarios en mayores seg煤n clase social. Resulta necesario prestar atenci贸n a la salud percibida como predictor de la utilizaci贸n de servicios sanitarios y revisar la accesibilidad-equidad de nuestros servicios

    Perceptions of patients and health professionals about the quality of care provided to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients].

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    Objetivo: Explorar la percepci贸n y el conocimiento de pacientes y profesionales sanitarios sobre factores que influyen en la calidad de los cuidados prestados en atenci贸n primaria (AP) a personas con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr贸nica (EPOC). Objetivo Explorar la percepci贸n y el conocimiento de pacientes y profesionales sanitarios sobre factores que influyen en la calidad de los cuidados prestados en atenci贸n primaria (AP) a personas con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr贸nica (EPOC). Dise帽o Estudio cualitativo realizado entre febrero y marzo de 2010. Emplazamiento Centros de salud urbanos. Participantes Profesionales m茅dicos y de enfermer铆a de AP y pacientes con EPOC. M茅todos Muestreo intencional no probabil铆stico con criterios de representatividad del discurso. Se realizaron 2 entrevistas grupales y 6 individuales. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas literalmente e interpretadas mediante el an谩lisis social del discurso. Resultados Los pacientes no identifican bien la sintomatolog铆a ni asumen la importancia de la EPOC hasta estadios avanzados. La falta de conocimiento sobre la evoluci贸n de la enfermedad y el impacto en la calidad de vida dificulta la adopci贸n de los cambios necesarios. Los profesionales refieren problemas con la realizaci贸n de espirometr铆as. Entre los m茅dicos se identifica escepticismo respecto a la efectividad de las intervenciones dirigidas al cambio de conductas. Como factores organizativos destacan la existencia de Gu铆as de Pr谩ctica Cl铆nica (GPC), la coordinaci贸n entre profesionales y el alineamiento de prioridades entre gestores y profesionales. Conclusiones Los factores identificados sugieren la posibilidad de mejorar la asistencia sanitaria, adecuando la comunicaci贸n con los pacientes para motivarlos a adoptar las modificaciones conductuales necesarias y mejorar la adherencia a los tratamientos. Para ello puede mejorarse la concienciaci贸n y la formaci贸n de los profesionales, la coordinaci贸n asistencial, la implementaci贸n de GPC y la utilizaci贸n de indicadores en un proceso de evaluaci贸n de la calidad. Objective To explore the understanding and knowledge of patients and health professionals about factors that influence the quality of care provided in Primary Care to people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Design Qualitative study performed between February and March 2010. Location Primary Care Centers. Participants Medical and nursing professionals and patients with COPD. Methods Non-probabilistic intentional sampling with representation criterion of the discourse. Two group (focus group) and 6 individual interviews were performed. The interviews were recorded, literally transcribed and interpreted by social discourse analysis. Results Patients neither identify properly the symptomatology nor they assume the COPD importance until advanced states. The lacks of knowledge about the evolution of the disease and the impact on quality of life hinders the necessary changes. Professionals reports problems with performing spirometry. Among doctors, scepticism regarding to the effectiveness of the interventions aimed at change of behaviour is identified. The existence of Clinical Guides, the improvement of the coordination between professionals and the alignment of priorities between managers and professionals stand out as organizational factors. Conclusions The identified factors suggest the possibility of improving the health care through improved communication to motivate them to take the recommended changes and to increase the adherence to treatments. To this effect, the awareness and training of professionals, the healthcare coordination, the implementation of Clinical Guides and the use of indicators in a process of quality assessment

    Polypharmacy in older adults with human immunodeficiency virus infection compared with the general population

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    Mercedes Gimeno-Gracia,1 María José Crusells-Canales,2 Francisco Javier Armesto-Gómez,3 Vicente Compaired-Turlán,4 María José Rabanaque-Hernández5 1Pharmacy Department, Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital, Aragon Institute for Health Research, 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Aragon Institute for Health Research, Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital, 3Pharmacy Department, Aragon Health Service, 4Pharmacy Department, Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital, 5Department of Public Health, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Background: The percentage of older HIV-positive patients is growing, with an increase in age-related comorbidities and concomitant medication. Objectives: To quantify polypharmacy and profile types of non-antiretroviral drugs collected at community pharmacies in 2014 by HIV-positive individuals on antiretroviral therapy and to compare these findings with those of the general population. Methods: HIV-positive patients (n=199) were compared with a group of patients from the general population (n=8,172), aged between 50 and 64 years. The factors compared were prevalence of polypharmacy (≥5 comedications with cumulative defined daily dose [DDD] per drug over 180), percentage of patients who collected each therapeutic class of drug, and median duration for each drug class (based on DDD). Results were stratified by sex. Results: Polypharmacy was more common in HIV-positive males than in the male general population (8.9% vs 4.4%, P=0.010). Polypharmacy was also higher in HIV-positive females than in the female general population (11.3% vs 3.4%, P=0.002). Percentage of HIV-positive patients receiving analgesics, anti-infectives, gastrointestinal drugs, central nervous system (CNS) agents, and respiratory drugs was higher than in the general population, with significant differences between male populations. No differences were observed in proportion of patients receiving cardiovascular drugs. The estimated number of treatment days (median DDDs) were higher in HIV-positive males than in males from the general population for anti-infectives (32.2 vs 20.0, P<0.001) and CNS agents (238.7 vs 120.0, P=0.002). A higher percentage of HIV-positive males than males from the general population received sulfonamides (17.1% vs 1.5%, P<0.001), macrolides (37.1% vs 24.9%, P=0.020), and quinolones (34.3% vs 21.2%, P=0.009). Conclusion: Polypharmacy is more common in HIV-positive older males and females than in similarly aged members of the general population. HIV-positive patients received more CNS drugs and anti-infectives, specifically sulfonamides, macrolides, and quinolones, but there were no differences in the percentage of patients receiving cardiovascular drugs. It is essential to investigate nonantiretroviral therapy medication use in the HIV-positive population to ensure these patients receive appropriate management. Keywords: polypharmacy, HIV infection, agin

    Reliability of INTERMED Spanish version and applicability in liver transplant patients: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integrated delivery methods in healthcare systems have been proposed to confront the increasing complexity in general health care. INTERMED is an empirically derived, observer-rated instrument to measure case complexity. It was intended as a visualized, action-oriented decision-support tool for the early assessment of bio-psychosocial health risks and health needs. This study aims to document the reliability and applicability of the Spanish version of INTERMED in liver transplant patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross-sectional study of patients who had been included in the liver transplant waiting list. Two nurses interviewed the patients with INTERMED, and scored the instrument blind to each other. Kappa and w-kappa, Spearman, Kendall and intraclass correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's alfa were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No patient refused the interview. Satisfactory coefficients were documented in most INTERMED items. Kappa was = 0.858 for the categorization of patients as "complex", and 21 of them (48.8%) were classified in this category, and were considered to need integrated treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Spanish version of INTERMED is reliable. Its applicability in liver transplant patients adds to its generalizability.</p