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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusLatvijā ir augsta Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infekcijas un ar to saistÄ«-tās kuņģa gļotādas atrofijas un kuņģa vēža izplatÄ«ba. Lai gan lÄ«dz pat 89% no ne-kardijas kuņģa vēža gadÄ«jumiem pasaulē saistÄ«ti ar H. pylori, vairumam cilvēku ar Å”o infekciju kuņģa vēzis dzÄ«ves laikā neattÄ«stÄ«sies. Å is apstāklis atstāj vietu virknei citu faktoru, kuriem varētu bÅ«t svarÄ«ga loma kuņģa priekÅ”vēža stāvokļu attÄ«stÄ«bā. Pepsinogēnu noteikÅ”ana serumā ir labākā Å”obrÄ«d pieejamā neinvazÄ«vā metode kuņģa gļotādas stāvokļa izzināŔanai. Tomēr pepsinogēniem piemÄ«t mērena diagnostiska nozÄ«me kuņģa priekÅ”vēža stāvokļu noteikÅ”anā un pētÄ«jumos vērojama bÅ«tiska datu atŔķirÄ«ba, kas varētu bÅ«t saistÄ«ta ar dažādu populāciju Ä«patnÄ«bām. Nav pieejami liela mēroga pētÄ«jumi par to, vai balstoties uz konkrētiem populācijas faktoriem varētu pielāgot un uzlabot pepsinogēnu diagnostiku.Balstoties uz iepriekÅ”minētajiem apstākļiem, izvirzÄ«ts darba virsmērÄ·is, kura sasniegÅ”ana varētu dot klÄ«niski izmantojamu pienesumu ā€“ izstrādāt populācijai pielāgotu pieeju kuņģa priekÅ”vēža stāvokļu seroloÄ£iskā skrÄ«ninga uzlaboÅ”anai, identificējot ar H. pylori un kuņģa atrofijas izplatÄ«bu saistÄ«tus socioekonomiskus un dzÄ«vesveida faktorus un lÄ«dz ar to populācijas riska grupasLatvia has a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), as well as conditions associated with the infection ā€“ atrophy of the gastric mucosa and stomach cancer. Although up to 89% of non-cardia gastric cancer cases in the world are attributable to H. pylori, most people with the infection will not develop gastric cancer during their lifetime. This leaves room for a number of other factors that could play an important role in the development of precance-rous gastric lesions. The detection of pepsinogens in serum is the best currently available non-invasive method for assessing the condition of the gastric mucosa. However, studies show that pepsinogens have a moderate diagnostic yield in identifying precancerous gastric lesions with heterogenous results, which could be due to population specific differences. There are no large scale studies pub-lished on whether pepsinogen testing could be adapted and improved based on specific population factors.Based on the abovementioned circumstances, the aim of the thesis was to develop a population tailored approach to improve serological screening for pre-cancerous gastric lesions by identifying the socioeconomic and lifestyle factors associated with the prevalence of H. pylori and gastric atrophy, so identifying risk groups in the population. This would result in clinically applicable fnding

    Iodine deficiency during pregnancy in a regional context and its influence on intellectual development of school children in Latvia

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    Latvijā ilgstoÅ”i pastāv joda deficÄ«ts, kas ir bÄ«stams sabiedrÄ«bas veselÄ«bai un intelektuālajai attÄ«stÄ«bai. Pat neliels joda deficÄ«ts grÅ«tniecÄ«bas periodā izraisa bērna IQ pazemināŔanos, lÄ«dz ar to vēlāk arÄ« iespējamu valsts IKP per capita samazināŔanos. Uzdevumi: izvērtēt joda pietiekamÄ«bu Latvijas grÅ«tniecēm reÄ£ionālā griezumā, sakarÄ«bas ar saistÄ«tiem faktoriem, kā arÄ« censties identificēt sakarÄ«bu starp joda koncentrāciju urÄ«nā (JU) skolēniem un atzÄ«mēm valsts eksāmenos. Visos Latvijas reÄ£ionos grÅ«tniecēm konstatēts joda deficÄ«ts (mediānā JU 64.5-89.9 Āµg/g Cr). Starp grÅ«tnieču JU un jodu saturoÅ”u vitamÄ«nu lietoÅ”anu statistiski ticama sakarÄ«ba atrasta tikai Zemgalē, bet ar jodsāls lietoÅ”anu nav atrasta. Rezultāti norāda uz esoÅ”o joda uzņemÅ”anas veidu nepietiekamo efektivitāti joda deficÄ«ta novērÅ”anā grÅ«tniecēm Latvijā. IezÄ«mējas iespējama tendence starp joda deficÄ«tu skolēniem un zemākām atzÄ«mēm.Iodine deficiency remains a problem in Latvia, detrimental to the health and intellectual development of the community. Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy causes a decrease in child IQ, later possibly resulting in a decline in per capita GDP. Objectives: evaluate the iodine status of pregnant women in Latvia from a regional perspective, relationships between urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and related factors, and try to identify a relationship between UIC of school children and state exam grades. Pregnant women were found to be iodine deficient in all regions of Latvia (median UIC 64.5-89.9 Āµg/g Cr). Statistically significant relationship was found between UIC in pregnancy and iodine containing vitamin use only in Zemgale, but with iodized salt use was not found. Results indicate that the current methods of iodine uptake are not sufficient to effectively avert iodine deficiency during pregnancy in Latvia. A possible tendency was observed between iodine deficiency in school children and lower state exam grades