6 research outputs found

    Statistical approach to selecting the optimal parameters for diagnosis of some connective tissue diseases / Статистический метод выбора оптимальных параметров для диагностики некоторых заболеваний соединительной ткани / Statistički pristup izboru optimalnih parametara u dijagnostici nekih bolesti vezivnog tkiva

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    In order to choose the optimal parameters for easier diagnosis of systemic autoimmune diseases, the authors focused on data dimensionality reduction, using both feature selection and feature extraction. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis was used as a feature extraction method, with the aim of exploring the underlying data structure and detecting the crucial latent variables. The obtained latent variables were used as an input for the Discriminant Analysis which correctly classified 86.5% of all analyzed cases. The high rate of correctly classified objects indicates that it would be possible to automate diagnostic processes, which would lead towards the development of decision support systems in this area of medicine. In addition to their knowledge and experience, clinical experts would have further help in decision support systems. That can allow easier learning, faster checking of diagnostic steps, lower rates of misdiagnosed cases and easier communication with experts from other medical centers. / В данной работе представлена так называемая редукция размерности данных, проведенная методом селекции и экстракции характерных атрибутов, с целью выбора оптимальных параметров для диагностики заболеваний иммунной системы. Анализ множественной корреспонденции проведен не только при экстракции, но и при исследовании самой структуры данных, а также при диагностике латентных переменных. Благодаря проведенному анализу множественной корреспонденции на материале экстрагированных латентных переменных с максимальной точностью было классифицировано 86,5% наблюдаемых случаев. Высокий уровень точно классифицированных заболеваний свидетельствует о реальных возможностях автоматизации диагностических процессов, которая поможет в усовершенствовании системы поддержки диагностики системных заболеваний соединительной ткани. Данные системы отличаются надежностью и скоростью диагностики, они легко осваиваются и облегчают коммуникацию специалистов из различных медицинских учреждений. / Radi izbora optimalnih parametara u dijagnostici sistemskih autoimunih bolesti, autori su se u ovom radu fokusirali na tzv. reduckiju dimenzionalnosti podataka upotrebom metoda selekcije i ekstrakcije karakterističnih atributa. Višestruka analiza korespondencije korišćena je ne samo za ekstrakciju, već i za ispitivanje same strukture podataka, kao i za detekciju ključnih latentnih promenljivih. Na ekstrahovane latentne promenljive je, primenom diskriminantne analize, korektno klasifikovano 86,5% posmatranih slučajeva. Visoka uspešnost klasifikacije upućuje na realne mogućnosti automatizacije dijagnostičkog procesa, što bi rezultiralo razvojem sistema za podršku u dijagnostici sistemskih bolesti vezivnog tkiva. Ovakvi sistemi omogućuju lakše učenje, bržu i pouzdaniju dijagnostiku i lakšu komunikaciju sa ekspertima iz drugih medicinskih centara

    Étude en vraie vie de l'efficacité de la désensibilisation par voie sublinguale pour les pollens d'herbacées dans la population serbe

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    Introduction: In the Serbian population allergy to weed pollen is the most common type of pollen-associated allergy, ahead of grass and tree pollens. Besides causing discomfort, allergy to pollen is often associated with rhinitis and asthma. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is the only treatment that can lead to potential long-term immune modification while reducing development of new sensitization and halting disease progression. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) to weeds in the adult patient population using vaccine produced by the local Serbian Torlak Institute for virology, vaccines and serum. Methods: Adult patients with a clinical history of allergic rhinitis with and without asthma were included in the study. IgE-mediated sensitization to grass, tree and weed pollens was confirmed by skin prick testing and/or positive specific IgE. Patients were divided into two groups: patients with allergy to tree and grass pollen and patients with allergy to weeds. All patients received SLIT for three years, either with or without additional symptomatic therapy. Results: Three-year SLIT therapy led to significant improvement in several parameters, including skin-prick reactivity, decrease in specific IgE and use of symptomatic therapy, with mild adverse effects and high patient satisfaction concerning therapy. Conclusion: Three-year SLIT is a safe and efficient treatment option for respiratory allergy to weeds. Further observations in a larger number of patients could provide a better epidemiological evaluation of SLIT, but the positive effects we observed in our study may be considered representative despite the small number of patients