5 research outputs found

    Prisustvo sojeva stafilokoka rezistentnih na meticilin kod studenata Fakulteta veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu

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    Resistance to methicillin in staphylococci is considered to be one of the most dangerous forms of bacterial resistances to antibiotics. Methicillinresistant staphylococci (MRS) are zoonotic agents which cause local and systemic infections in humans and animals, often with a fatal outcome due to the absence of adequate antibiotic therapy. People colonized with strains of MRS are asymptomatic carriers and reservoirs of these strains in human populations. The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of strains of MRS among clinically healthy students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. The study was conducted on 100 volunteers: 62 males and 38 females. Given that staphylococci are expected to be found in the highest percentage in the nose and on the armpit skin, the swabs were taken from these regions of each person. Blood agar was innoculated immediately on taking the swabs After the incubation and isolation, the staphylococci were identified to species level. Their susceptibility to methicillin was tested in a disk-diffusion test with cefoxitin. All strains which were found to be resistant to cefoxitin were investigated for the presence of mecA gene with PCR. Staphylococci were isolated in 146 out of the 200 swabs taken: there were 79 nose swabs and 67 axillar swabs positive for these bacteria. Seventeen isolates were resistant to cefoxitin and the presence of the mecA gene was confirmed in seven, four of which were taken from the nose and three from the axillary region. The results of this research show that, being 6%, the prevalence of mecA-positive staphylococci in the population of clinically healthy students of veterinary medicine is significant. The percentage of methicillin-resistant staphylococci was higher in nose than in the axillar region of the students.Rezistencija na meticilin kod stafilokoka smatra se jednim od najopasnijih oblika rezistencije bakterija na antibiotike. Sojevi meticilin rezistentnih stafilokoka (MRS) pripadaju zoonotskim agensima i uzročnici su lokalnih i sistemskih infekcija kod ljudi i životinja, često sa fatalnim ishodom zbog nedostatka efikasne terapije. Ljudi kolonizovani sojevima MRS su asimptomatski nosioci i predstavljaju rezervoare ovih sojeva u humanoj populaciji. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi prevalencija izolata MRS kod klinički zdravih studenata Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 100 studenata - dobrovoljaca, 62 muškog i 38 ženskog pola. Brisevi su uzimani iz nosa i pazuha zato što su stafilokoke u najvećem procentu zastupljene u tim regijama. Brisevi su odmah zasejavani na krvni agar. Nakon inkubacije i izolacije, izvršena je identifikacija stafilokoka do vrste. Ispitivanje osetljivosti stafilokoka na meticilin izvedeno je primenom disk difuzione metode sa cefoksitinom. Svi sojevi rezistentni na cefoksitin ispitani su na prisustvo mecA gena metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR). Od ukupno 200 uzetih briseva izolovano je 146 izolata stafilokoka, 79 iz briseva nosa i 67 iz briseva pazušne regije. Kod 17 izolata ustanovljena je rezistencija na cefoksitin, a kod 7 je utvrđeno prisustvo mecA gena. Četiri mecA pozitivna izolata su poticala iz briseva nosa, a 3 sa kože pazušne regije. Utvrđena prevalencija meticilin-rezistentnih stafilokoka kod klinički zdravih studenata Fakulteta veterinarske medicine od 6%, procenjena je kao značajna. Veća učestalost stafilokoka rezistentnih na meticilin ustanovljena je na sluzokoži nosa u odnosu na kožu pazuha

    Economic Performance of Agriculture in the European Union Countries

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    The aim of the research is to classify the European Union (EU) countries based on the progress in the economic performance of agriculture. The originality of the paper stems from the fact that a new set of indicators (in relative form) was used to identify the clusters. The following indicators are used to assess the economic performance of the EU agricultural sector (by cluster analysis) for two periods (2015–2017 and 2018–2020): total labor force input, real income of factors in agriculture per annual work unit, total agricultural output, gross value added of the agricultural industry, and animal output. The study confirmed that EU countries, according to changes in agricultural performance, differ significantly. They were grouped into four relatively homogeneous clusters according to their similarity, with a clear geographical dispersion for both analyzed periods. Identifying development disparities between EU countries can be useful in future redesigns of the Common Agricultural Policy measures in terms of increased support to certain members


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    The aim of the research is to classify the European Union (EU) countries based on the progress in the economic performance of agriculture. The originality of the paper stems from the fact that a new set of indicators (in relative form) was used to identify the clusters. The following indicators are used to assess the economic performance of the EU agricultural sector (by cluster analysis) for two periods (2015–2017 and 2018–2020): total labor force input, real income of factors in agriculture per annual work unit, total agricultural output, gross value added of the agricultural industry, and animal output. The study confirmed that EU countries, according to changes in agricultural performance, differ significantly. They were grouped into four relatively homogeneous clusters according to their similarity, with a clear geographical dispersion for both analyzed periods. Identifying development disparities between EU countries can be useful in future redesigns of the Common Agricultural Policy measures in terms of increased support to certain members.Celem badań jest klasyfikacja krajów Unii Europejskiej (UE) na podstawie postępu w wynikach ekonomicznych w rolnictwie. Oryginalność artykułu wynika z faktu, że do identyfikacji klastrów zastosowano nowy zestaw wskaźników (w postaci względnej). Do oceny wyników ekonomicznych sektora rolnego UE (poprzez analizę klastrów) dla dwóch okresów (2015–2017 i 2018–2020) stosuje się następujące wskaźniki: całkowity nakład siły roboczej, rzeczywisty dochód czynników w rolnictwie na roczną jednostkę pracy, produkcja rolna ogółem, wartość dodana brutto przemysłu rolnego oraz produkcja zwierzęca. Badanie potwierdziło, że kraje UE znacznie się różnią pod względem zmian wyników rolniczych. Zostały one pogrupowane w cztery stosunkowo jednorodne klastry według podobieństwa, z wyraźnym rozproszeniem geograficznym dla obu analizowanych okresów. Identyfikacja dysproporcji rozwojowych pomiędzy krajami UE może być przydatna w przyszłych przekształceniach środków wspólnej polityki rolnej pod kątem zwiększonego wsparcia dla niektórych członków

    Poor ovarian response to stimulation for in vitro fertilization

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    The term “poor respond (POR) patients” is used for the group of women who respond badly to usual doses of gonadotropins in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments; the consequence is low pregnancy rate. A consensus was reached on the minimal criteria needed to define POR. At least two of the following three features must be present: 1. advanced maternal age (40 years or more) 2. previous POR (3 or less oocytes with a conventional stimulation protocol) 3. abnormal ovarian reserve (AMH 0.5-1.1 ng/ml or AFC 5-7). The aim is to find better therapeutic options for these patients. Increased levels of day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (E2), as well as decreased levels of anti-Mьllerian hormone (AMH) and antral follicle count (AFC), can be used to assess ovarian reserve, as indirect predictive tests. A larger number of well designed, large scale, randomized, controlled trials are needed to assess the efficacy of different management strategies for poor responders: flare up gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist protocols, modified long GnRH agonist mini-dose protocols, luteal initiation GnRH agonist stop protocol, pretreatment with estradiol - GnRH antagonist in luteal phase, natural cycle aspiration or natural cycle aspiration GnRH antagonist controlled, adjuvant therapy with growth hormone or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The results of up to now used protocols are unsatisfactory and stimulation of the ovulation in poor responders remains a challenge, especially when bearing in mind that in the majority of cases the patients will be menopausal in relatively short period of time

    Radiological features of breast benign lesions in patients with hyperprolactinemia

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    Background: The study was conducted to determine whether prolactin (PRL) influences radiological features of benign breast lesions. Methods: During the 4-year period, we observed 50 patients with nipple discharge: 23 with normal serum prolactin levels (group 1) and 27 with hyperprolactinemia (group 2a before hyperprolactinemia treatment and group 2b after hyperprolactinemia treatment). Patients observed during this study underwent breast ultrasonography (US) and mammography. Radiological findings in group 1, group 2a and group 2b were compared. Results: The most frequent radiological findings in group 2a were dilated lactiferous ducts and cystic lesions with statistical significances p<0.001 and p<0.01 in comparison to other radiological findings. In group 1 significantly less presence of dilated lactiferous ducts was observed (p<0.05) and proportional lower frequency of solid lumps compared to group 2a. Our results showed significantly lower incidence (p<0.001) of dilated lactiferous ducts, after hyperprolactinemia treatment (group 2b). In group 2b less presence of solid lumps and enlarged axillary lymph nodes is also observed in comparison to group 2a. Frequency of cystic lesions significantly decreased (p<0.05) and pseudocysts completely withdrew in patients with normalized serum prolactin levels. Conclusion: Prolactin significantly influences radiological presentation of benign breast diseases. Treatment of hyperprolactinemia results in withdrawal of mammary duct ectasia, pseudocystic formations, cystic lesions and solid lumps. Breast ultra-sonography and mammography should be considered as routine diagnostic procedures in patients with hyperprolactinemia