7 research outputs found

    Mogućnost erupcije donjeg trećeg molara - radiografska analiza

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    Backgraund/Aim. To assess the possibility of the eruption of the lower third molar on the basis of the measured parameters: retromolar space, mesiodistal crown width of a molar and the third molar angulation. Methods. The investigation included 104 patients both sexes (43 boys, and 61 girls), 16 to 25 years old (meanage, 18 years). It was performed using the orthopanthomographic radiographs analysis of those patients. Each radiograph was covered by tracing paper, and the contoures of the followiny anatomic details were drawn: a) the crown and root contours of third molars, upper and lower central incisors, distal molars in occlusion, anterior edge of ramus mandible, b) lines: 1. the occlusal plane, 2. the line of retromolar space, 3. the mesiodistal crown width of third molar, 4. the axial shaft of the third molar and the distal angle between occlusal plane and the axial shaft of the third molar. The values were measured with an orthodontic caliper: the diameter of retromolar space, diameter of mesiodistal width, the value of distal angle between occlusal plane and axial shaft of molar. Results. A favourable angulation of the lower third molar (more than 60Ā°) was found in, boys (left 27.90%, right 32.55%), girls (left 39.34%, right 37.77%). A favourable relationship between the diameters of mesiodistal width of the third molar and retromolar space was found in, boys, (left 13.59%, right 16.27%), girls, (left 8.19%, right 14.75%). A favorable relationship between the diameters of mesiodistal width of the third molar and the retromolar space and the angulation was found in boys, (left 9.30%, right 11.62%), girls, (left 6.56%, right 9.83%). Conclusion. There was not any statistically significant difference found between the relation of the retromolar value, third molar mesiodistal diameter, or of the third molar angulation to the left and the right side nor of their mutual relations in comparing boys and girls. A favorable prognosis was found in 9.33% of the patients.Uvod/Cilj. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj procenu mogućnosti nicanja donjeg trećeg molara na osnovu izmerenih parametara: retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalnog promera umnjaka i inklinacije umnjaka. Metode. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 104 ispitanika (43 dečaka i 61 devojčica) oba pola, starosti 16āˆ’25 godina. Istraživanje se zasnivalo na ortopantomografskoj analizi. Na svaki ortopantomografski snimak zalepljen je paus papir i ucrtavane su konture anatomskih detalja: a) konture krunice i korena umnjaka, centralnih gornjih i donjih inciziva, poslednjih molara u okluziji, prednje ivice ramusa mandibule, b) linije: okluzalna ravan, linija retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalni promer krunice umnjaka, aksijalna osovina umnjaka i spoljaÅ”nji ugao između okluzalne ravni i aksijalne osovine umnjaka. Merene su vrednosti: veličina retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalni promer umnjaka, vrednost spoljaÅ”njeg ugla između aksijalne osovine umnjaka i okluzalne ravni. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je ustanovljena povoljna inklinacija donjih umnjaka (viÅ”e od 60Ā°) kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 27,90%, desno 32,55%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 39,34%, desno 37,77%. Povoljan odnos meziodistalnog promera i retromolarnog prostora nađen je kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 13,59%, desno 16,27%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 8,19%, desno 14,75%. Povoljan odnos meziodistalnog promera, retromolarnog prostora i inklinacije nađen je kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 9,30%, desno 11,62%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 6,56%, desno 9,83%. Zaključak. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu veličine retromolarnog prostora, veličine meziodistalnog promera, stepena inklinacije umnjaka leve i desne strane, kao i njihovih odnosa upoređivanjem dečaka i devojčica. Povoljna prognoza nicanja donjih trećih molara nađena je kod 9,33% ispitanika

    Uticaj resorptivne membrane humanog porekla na regeneraciju koŔtanog tkiva - patohistoloŔka studija

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    Background/Aim. Filling a bone defect with bone substitution materials is a therapy of choice, but the infiltration of connective tissue from the mucoperiostal flap may compromise a healing of bone substitutions with bony wall defects. Application of membrane as a barrier is indicated as a solution to this problem. The aim of this study was to show a pathohistological view of bone regeneration and the significance of human resorbable demineralized membrane (HRDM), 200 Ī¼ thick in bone regeneration regarding mandibular defects in an experiment on dogs. Methods. The experiment was performed on six dogs. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the right side of the mandible after the elevation of the mucoperiostal flap. One defect was filled with human deproteinised bone (HDB), and in between HDB and soft tissue RHDM of 200 Ī¼ thick was placed. In the second defect, used as a control one, only HDB without RHDM was placed. Two dogs were sacrificed two months after the surgery, another two dogs four months after the surgery and the last two dogs six months after the surgery. After that, samples of bone tissue were taken for histopathological analysis. Results. In all the six dogs with defects treated with HDB and RHDM the level of bone regeneration was much higher in comparison with the control defects without RHDM. Conclusion. Membrane, as a cover of bony defect, is useful and benefits bone regeneration. Bony defects covered with RHDM show better bony healing despite the fact that bone regeneration was not fully complete for as long as six months after the RHDM implantation.Uvod/Cilj. Popunjavanje koÅ”tanih defekata zamenicima kosti je terapija izbora, ali prorastanje vezivnog tkiva iz mukoperiostalnog režnja može kompromitovati sam proces zarastanja zamenika kosti sa zidovima koÅ”tanih defekata. U cilju reÅ”avanja ovog problema indikovana je primena membrane kao barijere. Cilj ove studije bio je da se prikaže patohistoloÅ”ki izgled koÅ”tane regeneracije i značaj resorptivne demineralizovane membrane humanog porekla (RHDM), debljine 200 mikrona, u regeneraciji kosti kod mandibularnih defekata u eksperimentu rađenom na psima. Metode. Eksperiment je vrÅ”en na Å”est pasa kojima je sa desne strane donje vilice, po podizanju mukoperiostalnog režnja, pravljen koÅ”tani defekt. U jedan defekt stavljana je humana deproteinizovana kost (HDK), a između nje i mekotkivnog dela stavljana je RHDM debljine 200 mikrona. U drugi defekt, koji je služio kao kontrola, stavljena je samo HDK, bez RHDM. Dva psa žrtvovana su dva meseca nakon hirurÅ”ke intervencije, dva posle četiri meseca, a preostala dva Å”est meseci nakon hirurÅ”ke intervencije. Nakon žrtvovanja uzimani su isečci za patohistoloÅ”ku analizu. Rezultati. Kod svih Å”est pasa kod kojih je u koÅ”tani defekt ugrađena HDK i RHDM stepen koÅ”tane regeneracije bio je daleko veći u odnosu na kontrolne defekte bez RHDM. Zaključak. Membrana, kao pokrivač koÅ”tanog defekta, podesna je i poboljÅ”ava koÅ”tanu regeneraciju. KoÅ”tani defekti prekriveni RHDM pokazali su značajno bolje koÅ”tano zarastanje, mada koÅ”tana regeneracija nije bila potpuna ni Å”est meseci nakon njene ugradnje

    Oral surgery as risk factor of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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    In order to determine the risk factors of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, a total number of 40 patients with this pathological condition was examined in three-year period. Oroantral communication was detected in 40% of patients, oroantral fistula in 25%, sinus foreign bodies in 15% and other pathological conditions in 10% of cases. The extraction of the upper lateral teeth was the cause of odontogenic sinusitis in 65% patients. Given the specific tooth, the first upper molar was the most common cause of the condition, i.e. in 40% of cases. It may be concluded that odontogenic sinusitis is the complication of the oral cavity surgery in 85% of patients, what should be taken into consideration in prevention

    The most often causes of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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    In the period 2000-2002, 40 patients with odontogenic sinusitis were examined at the Institute for ENT and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia. Oroantral communication was detected in 40% of the patients, oroantral fistula in 35%, sinus foreign bodies in 15% and other conditions in 10% of the cases. The extraction of the upper lateral teeth was the cause of odontogenic sinusitis in 65% of the cases. Given the specific tooth, the first upper molar was the most often cause of the condition, i.e., in 40% of cases. Odontogenic sinusitis as the complication of the oral cavity surgery was found in 85% of the patients

    Possibilty of the lower third molar eruption: Radiographic analysis

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    Backgraund/Aim. To assess the possibility of the eruption of the lower third molar on the basis of the measured parameters: retromolar space, mesiodistal crown width of a molar and the third molar angulation. Methods. The investigation included 104 patients both sexes (43 boys, and 61 girls), 16 to 25 years old (meanage, 18 years). It was performed using the orthopanthomographic radiographs analysis of those patients. Each radiograph was covered by tracing paper, and the contoures of the followiny anatomic details were drawn: a) the crown and root contours of third molars, upper and lower central incisors, distal molars in occlusion, anterior edge of ramus mandible, b) lines: 1. the occlusal plane, 2. the line of retromolar space, 3. the mesiodistal crown width of third molar, 4. the axial shaft of the third molar and the distal angle between occlusal plane and the axial shaft of the third molar. The values were measured with an orthodontic caliper: the diameter of retromolar space, diameter of mesiodistal width, the value of distal angle between occlusal plane and axial shaft of molar. Results. A favourable angulation of the lower third molar (more than 60Ā°) was found in, boys (left 27.90%, right 32.55%), girls (left 39.34%, right 37.77%). A favourable relationship between the diameters of mesiodistal width of the third molar and retromolar space was found in, boys, (left 13.59%, right 16.27%), girls, (left 8.19%, right 14.75%). A favorable relationship between the diameters of mesiodistal width of the third molar and the retromolar space and the angulation was found in boys, (left 9.30%, right 11.62%), girls, (left 6.56%, right 9.83%). Conclusion. There was not any statistically significant difference found between the relation of the retromolar value, third molar mesiodistal diameter, or of the third molar angulation to the left and the right side nor of their mutual relations in comparing boys and girls. A favorable prognosis was found in 9.33% of the patients.Uvod/Cilj. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj procenu mogućnosti nicanja donjeg trećeg molara na osnovu izmerenih parametara: retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalnog promera umnjaka i inklinacije umnjaka. Metode. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 104 ispitanika (43 dečaka i 61 devojčica) oba pola, starosti 16āˆ’25 godina. Istraživanje se zasnivalo na ortopantomografskoj analizi. Na svaki ortopantomografski snimak zalepljen je paus papir i ucrtavane su konture anatomskih detalja: a) konture krunice i korena umnjaka, centralnih gornjih i donjih inciziva, poslednjih molara u okluziji, prednje ivice ramusa mandibule, b) linije: okluzalna ravan, linija retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalni promer krunice umnjaka, aksijalna osovina umnjaka i spoljaÅ”nji ugao između okluzalne ravni i aksijalne osovine umnjaka. Merene su vrednosti: veličina retromolarnog prostora, meziodistalni promer umnjaka, vrednost spoljaÅ”njeg ugla između aksijalne osovine umnjaka i okluzalne ravni. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je ustanovljena povoljna inklinacija donjih umnjaka (viÅ”e od 60Ā°) kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 27,90%, desno 32,55%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 39,34%, desno 37,77%. Povoljan odnos meziodistalnog promera i retromolarnog prostora nađen je kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 13,59%, desno 16,27%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 8,19%, desno 14,75%. Povoljan odnos meziodistalnog promera, retromolarnog prostora i inklinacije nađen je kod dečaka āˆ’ levo 9,30%, desno 11,62%; kod devojčica āˆ’ levo 6,56%, desno 9,83%. Zaključak. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu veličine retromolarnog prostora, veličine meziodistalnog promera, stepena inklinacije umnjaka leve i desne strane, kao i njihovih odnosa upoređivanjem dečaka i devojčica. Povoljna prognoza nicanja donjih trećih molara nađena je kod 9,33% ispitanika

    Significance of ultrasound and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for the detection of laryngeal occult metastases

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    Background/Aim. To evaluate ultrasound criteria based on a node size, shape, vascularity and cytology findings with respect to their value for the comparative determination of metastatic lymph nodes in laryngeal carcinoma. Methods. A prospective study included 30 patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma without node enlargement on computerized tomography, at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, the University Hospital, Zemun. Thirty-six neck lymph nodes were evaluated sonographically and aspirated with an ultrasound-guided fine-needle. They were examined cytologically and/or histopathologically and compared to the sonographic assessment of their malignancy. Results. Of the 36 neck lymph nodes evaluated cytologically, the 13 were found to be with a metastatic deposit. The assessment of a lymph node malignancy using the parameter of size had the sensitivity of 84%, the specificity of 70%, and the reliability of 75%. Using the criteria of a lymph node shape for the assessment of malignancy, the sensitivity of 61%, specificity of 65%, and the reliability of 64% were achieved. The evaluation of a lymph node vascularity by the use of the effect of Doppler showed the sensitivity of 69%, the specificity of 95%, and the reliability of 86%. Concluson. Ultrasound and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology should be always used for the preoperative staging and for the postoperative follow-up of the status of the neck with cancer of the larynx becouse of their high accuracy, availability and semiinvasivity, and in order to enhance the reliability of the evaluation of the malignant disease progression

    Histopathological evaluation of bone regeneration using human resorbable demineralized membrane

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    Background/Aim. Filling a bone defect with bone substitution materials is a therapy of choice, but the infiltration of connective tissue from the mucoperiostal flap may compromise a healing of bone substitutions with bony wall defects. Application of membrane as a barrier is indicated as a solution to this problem. The aim of this study was to show a pathohistological view of bone regeneration and the significance of human resorbable demineralized membrane (HRDM), 200 Ī¼ thick in bone regeneration regarding mandibular defects in an experiment on dogs. Methods. The experiment was performed on six dogs. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the right side of the mandible after the elevation of the mucoperiostal flap. One defect was filled with human deproteinised bone (HDB), and in between HDB and soft tissue RHDM of 200 Ī¼ thick was placed. In the second defect, used as a control one, only HDB without RHDM was placed. Two dogs were sacrificed two months after the surgery, another two dogs four months after the surgery and the last two dogs six months after the surgery. After that, samples of bone tissue were taken for histopathological analysis. Results. In all the six dogs with defects treated with HDB and RHDM the level of bone regeneration was much higher in comparison with the control defects without RHDM. Conclusion. Membrane, as a cover of bony defect, is useful and benefits bone regeneration. Bony defects covered with RHDM show better bony healing despite the fact that bone regeneration was not fully complete for as long as six months after the RHDM implantation