7 research outputs found

    Reductive decompositions and Einstein-Yang-Mills equations associated to the oscillator group

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    9 pages.-- PACS nrs.: 04.40.Nr, 11.15.-q, 02.40.Ma.-- MSC1991 codes: 53C30, 53C50, 53C80.-- Issue title: "Relativity and Gravitation".All of the homogeneous Lorentzian structures on the oscillator group equipped with a biinvariant Lorentzian metric, and then the associated reductive pairs, are obtained. Some of them are solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations.Partially supported by DGES (Spain) under Project PB95-0124, and by Xunta de Galiza, under Project XUGA 20703B98.Peer reviewe

    Hepatitis C virus strategies to evade the specific-T cell response: a possible mission favoring its persistence

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a small, enveloped RNA virus. The number of HCV-infected individuals worldwide is estimated to be approximately 200 million. The vast majority of HCV infections persist, with up to 80% of all cases leading to chronic hepatitis associated with liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The interaction between HCV and the host have a pivotal role in viral fitness, persistence, pathogenicity, and disease progression. The control of HCV infection requires both effective innate and adaptive immune responses. The HCV clearance during acute infection is associated with an early induction of the innate and a delayed initiation of the adaptive immune responses. However, in the vast majority of acute HCV infections, these responses are overcome and the virus persistence almost inexorably occurs. Recently, several host- and virus-related mechanisms responsible for the failure of both the innate and the adaptive immune responses have been recognized. Among the latter, the wide range of escape mutations to evade the specific-T-and B-cell responses as well as the T cell anergy and the CD8+ T cell exhaustion together with the interference with its function after prolonged virus exposure hold a pivotal role. Other HCV strategies include the modification or manipulation of molecules playing key roles in the induction of the interferon response and its induced effector proteins. In this review, we attempt to gain insights on the main T cell immune evasion strategies used by the virus in order to favor its persistence

    The oscillator group as a homogeneous spacetime

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    Some results on the oscillator group are reported. Specifically: some of their properties as a causal homogeneous spacetime; the oscillator group as a symmetric Lorentzian space which is solution of sourceless Einstein-Yang-Mills equations; the Lorentzian homogeneous structures and their associated groups of isometries on the oscillator group with left-invariant Lorentzian metrics; the Lorentzian homogeneous structures associated to a bi-invariant metric; and then the oscillator group as solution of Einstein-Yang-Mills equations with sources.Partially supported by DGES (Spain) under Project PB95-0124 and by Xuna de Galicia under Project SUGA 20703B98Peer Reviewe

    Molecular epidemiology and putative origin of hepatitis C virus in random volunteers from Argentina

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    designed the research and participated in the discussion, analysis of results and manuscript preparation; Quer J, del Pino N, Otero T, García-Cehic D, Cubero M, Camos S, Casillas C performed the real-timenested polymerase chain reaction amplifications and sequencing research; Quer J and Gregori J performed the alignments and phylogenetic analysis; del Pino N collected the samples. Abstract AIM: To study the subtype prevalence and the phylogenetic relatedness of hepatitis C virus (HCV) sequences obtained from the Argentine general population, a large cohort of individuals was analyzed. METHODS: Healthy Argentinian volunteers (n = 6251) from 12 provinces representing all geographical regions of the country were studied. All parents or legal guardians of individuals younger than 18 years provided informed written consent for participation. The corresponding written permission from all municipal authorities was obtained from each city or town where subjects were to be included. HCV RNA reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. The 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) was used for RNA detection and initial genotype classification. The NS5B polymerase region, encompassing nt 8262-8610, was used for subtyping. RESULTS: An unexpectedly low prevalence of HCV infection in the general population (0.32%) was observed. Our data contrasted with previous studies that reported rates ranging from 1.5% to 2.5%, mainly performed in selected populations of blood donors or vulnerable groups. The latter values are in keeping with the prevalence reported by the 2007 Argentinian HCV Consensus (approximately 2%). HCV subtypes wer

    El río y la ciudad

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    Bajo la dirección de Sergio Delgado y Enrique Fernández Domingo Este número de Cuadernos LIRICO reúne los trabajos presentados en el coloquio internacional Le fleuve et la ville. Possibilités descriptives d’une transformation permanente (París, 2-4 de marzo de 2017), organizado por la universidad Paris Est-Créteil, la universidad Paris 8 y la universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Se trata del segundo coloquio “en el país del sauce”; el primero, realizado en Paraná, en noviembre 2015, dio por resultado el libro El horizonte fluvial (Paraná, EDUNER, colección “El país del sauce”, 2017). Se incluyen además un dossier creativo (dirigido por Laura Gentilezza) en el que se invitó a trabajar sobre el tema a diversos escritores, ensayistas, artistas plásticos y cineastas. A la memoria de Claudia Rosa: la insistencia vital de quien no abandona la escritura aunque percibe sus lagunas y sus desastre