8 research outputs found

    Additional file 4: Figure S1. of Midgut proteome of an argasid tick, Ornithodoros erraticus: a comparison between unfed and engorged females

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    Pie charts showing the amino acid coverage for all the identified protein with two unique significant peptides in the different midgut fractions. The identified proteins in each fraction after mining either the BCBInr_metozoa or the EST_acari databases are included. For each chart, the proteins are grouped according to the sequence coverage into the following ranges: < 10 %, 10–25 %, 25–40 %, 40–60 % and > 60 %. For each sequence coverage range, the percentage of grouped proteins is given. (TIFF 104 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Midgut proteome of an argasid tick, Ornithodoros erraticus: a comparison between unfed and engorged females

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    Non-redundant host proteins identified in Soluble fraction, S-1, from midgut of engorged ticks at 48 h post-feeding (fed group). (XLSX 45 kb

    Additional file 3: of A proteomic insight into the midgut proteome of Ornithodoros moubata females reveals novel information on blood digestion in argasid ticks

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    Table S3. Biological pathways represented in the midgut unfed ticks, number of sequences and enzymes involved in each pathway. The analysis of the midgut proteome was done in the KEEG pathway database using the Blast2GO software (XLSX 44 kb

    Additional file 2: of A proteomic insight into the midgut proteome of Ornithodoros moubata females reveals novel information on blood digestion in argasid ticks

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    Table S2. Non-redundant tick proteins identified in the midgut of unfed ticks (unfed group) and engorged ticks at 48 h post-feeding (fed group) (XLSX 295 kb

    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) potential risk factors meta-analysed with related effect model used, odds ratio and confidence intervals (CI), significance of overall effect and numbers of papers included for case-control studies.

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    <p>Cystic echinococcosis (CE) potential risk factors meta-analysed with related effect model used, odds ratio and confidence intervals (CI), significance of overall effect and numbers of papers included for case-control studies.</p