46 research outputs found

    Computational modelling of wound healing insights to develop new treatments

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    About 1% of the population will suffer a severe wound during their life. Thus, it is really important to develop new techniques in order to properly treat these injuries due to the high socioeconomically impact they suppose. Skin substitutes and pressure based therapies are currently the most promising techniques to heal these injuries. Nevertheless, we are still far from finding a definitive skin substitute for the treatment of all chronic wounds. As a first step in developing new tissue engineering tools and treatment techniques for wound healing, in silico models could help in understanding the mechanisms and factors implicated in wound healing. Here, we review mathematical models of wound healing. These models include different tissue and cell types involved in healing, as well as biochemical and mechanical factors which determine this process. Special attention is paid to the contraction mechanism of cells as an answer to the tissue mechanical state. Other cell processes such as differentiation and proliferation are also included in the models together with extracellular matrix production. The results obtained show the dependency of the success of wound healing on tissue composition and the importance of the different biomechanical and biochemical factors. This could help to individuate the adequate concentration of growth factors to accelerate healing and also the best mechanical properties of the new skin substitute depending on the wound location in the body and its size and shape. Thus, the feedback loop of computational models, experimental works and tissue engineering could help to identify the key features in the design of new treatments to heal severe wounds

    Simple synthesis of 32P-labelled inositol hexakisphosphates for study of phosphate transformations

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    In many soils inositol hexakisphosphate in its various forms is as abundant as inorganic phosphate. The organismal and geochemical processes that exchange phosphate between inositol hexakisphosphate and other pools of soil phosphate are poorly defined, as are the organisms and enzymes involved. We rationalized that simple enzymic synthesis of inositol hexakisphosphate labeled with 32P would greatly enable study of transformation of soil inositol phosphates when combined with robust HPLC separations of different inositol phosphates

    20 Gb/s QPSK transmission using an electro-optically modulated vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser

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    20 Gb/s QPSK transmission over 100 m of OM3 fibre using an EOM VCSEL under QPSK modulation is reported. Bit-error-ratio measurements are carried out to express the quality of the transmission scheme. © 2011 Optical Society of America

    Monolithic electro-optically modulated VCSEL suitable for radio over fibre applications to 20 GHz

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    An integrated EOM VCSELs is shown to offer high linearity (92dB/Hz 2/3 at 6GHz) and by extrapolation ∼90dB/Hz2/3 up to 20GHz. Successful modulation with IEEE 802.11g signals is demonstrated at 6GHz with a 12dB dynamic range. © 2011 Optical Society of America