100 research outputs found

    The structure of spinful quantum Hall states: a squeezing perspective

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    We provide a set of rules to define several spinful quantum Hall model states. The method extends the one known for spin polarized states. It is achieved by specifying an undressed root partition, a squeezing procedure and rules to dress the configurations with spin. It applies to both the excitation-less state and the quasihole states. In particular, we show that the naive generalization where one preserves the spin information during the squeezing sequence, may fail. We give numerous examples such as the Halperin states, the non-abelian spin-singlet states or the spin-charge separated states. The squeezing procedure for the series (k=2,r) of spinless quantum Hall states, which vanish as r powers when k+1 particles coincide, is generalized to the spinful case. As an application of our method, we show that the counting observed in the particle entanglement spectrum of several spinful states matches the one obtained through the root partitions and our rules. This counting also matches the counting of quasihole states of the corresponding model Hamiltonians, when the latter is available.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor changes, and added references. Mathematica packages are available for downloa

    Computation of Casimir forces for dielectrics or intrinsic semiconductors based on the Boltzmann transport equation

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    The interaction between drifting carriers and traveling electromagnetic waves is considered within the context of the classical Boltzmann transport equation to compute the Casimir-Lifshitz force between media with small density of charge carriers, including dielectrics and intrinsic semiconductors. We expand upon our previous work [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 101}, 163203 (2008)] and derive in some detail the frequency-dependent reflection amplitudes in this theory and compute the corresponding Casimir free energy for a parallel plate configuration. We critically discuss the the issue of verification of the Nernst theorem of thermodynamics in Casimir physics, and explicity show that our theory satisfies that theorem. Finally, we show how the theory of drifting carriers connects to previous computations of Casimir forces using spatial dispersion for the material boundaries.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Contribution to Proceedings of "60 Years of the Casimir Effect", Brasilia, June 200

    High-dimensional fractionalization and spinon deconfinement in pyrochlore antiferromagnets

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    The ground states of Klein type spin models on the pyrochlore and checkerboard lattice are spanned by the set of singlet dimer coverings, and thus possess an extensive ground--state degeneracy. Among the many exotic consequences is the presence of deconfined fractional excitations (spinons) which propagate through the entire system. While a realistic electronic model on the pyrochlore lattice is close to the Klein point, this point is in fact inherently unstable because any perturbation ϵ\epsilon restores spinon confinement at T=0T = 0. We demonstrate that deconfinement is recovered in the finite--temperature region ϵ≪T≪J\epsilon \ll T \ll J, where the deconfined phase can be characterized as a dilute Coulomb gas of thermally excited spinons. We investigate the zero--temperature phase diagram away from the Klein point by means of a variational approach based on the singlet dimer coverings of the pyrochlore lattices and taking into account their non--orthogonality. We find that in these systems, nearest neighbor exchange interactions do not lead to Rokhsar-Kivelson type processes.Comment: 19 page

    Nematic Structure of Space-Time and its Topological Defects in 5D Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    We show, that classical Kaluza-Klein theory possesses hidden nematic dynamics. It appears as a consequence of 1+4-decomposition procedure, involving 4D observers 1-form \lambda. After extracting of boundary terms the, so called, "effective matter" part of 5D geometrical action becomes proportional to square of anholonomicity 3-form \lambda\wedge d\lambda. It can be interpreted as twist nematic elastic energy, responsible for elastic reaction of 5D space-time on presence of anholonomic 4D submanifold, defined by \lambda. We derive both 5D covariant and 1+4 forms of 5D nematic equilibrium equations, consider simple examples and discuss some 4D physical aspects of generic 5D nematic topological defects.Comment: Latex-2e, 14 pages, 1 Fig., submitted to GR

    Casimir-Polder force between an atom and a dielectric plate: thermodynamics and experiment

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    The low-temperature behavior of the Casimir-Polder free energy and entropy for an atom near a dielectric plate are found on the basis of the Lifshitz theory. The obtained results are shown to be thermodynamically consistent if the dc conductivity of the plate material is disregarded. With inclusion of dc conductivity, both the standard Lifshitz theory (for all dielectrics) and its generalization taking into account screening effects (for a wide range of dielectrics) violate the Nernst heat theorem. The inclusion of the screening effects is also shown to be inconsistent with experimental data of Casimir force measurements. The physical reasons for this inconsistency are elucidated.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; improved discussion; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (Fast Track Communications

    A q-deformed Aufbau Prinzip

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    A building principle working for both atoms and monoatomic ions is proposed in this Letter. This principle relies on the q-deformed chain SO(4) > G where G = SO(3)_q

    Magnetic moment of the two-particle bound state in quantum electrodynamics

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    We have formulated the quasipotential method for the calculation of the relativistic and radiative corrections to the magnetic moment of the two-particle bound state in the case of particles with arbitrary spin. It is shown that the g-factors of bound particles contain O(α2)O(\alpha^2) terms depending on the particle spin. Numerical values for the g-factors of the electron in the hydrogen atom and deuterium are obtained.Comment: Talk presented at Nuclear Physics Department Conference "Physics of Fundamental Interactions" Russian Academy of Sciences, ITEP, Moscow, 27 November-1 December 2000. 11 pages, 1 figure uses linedraw.st

    Short-Wave Excitations in Non-Local Gross-Pitaevskii Model

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    It is shown, that a non-local form of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation allows to describe not only the long-wave excitations, but also the short-wave ones in the systems with Bose-condensate. At given parameter values, the excitation spectrum mimics the Landau spectrum of quasi-particle excitations in superfluid Helium with roton minimum. The excitation wavelength, at which the roton minimum exists, is close to the inter-particle interaction range. It is shown, that the existence domain of the spectrum with a roton minimum is reduced, if one accounts for an inter-particle attraction.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, UJP style; presented at Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference "Modern Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", September 15-18, 200

    On the use of the group SO(4,2) in atomic and molecular physics

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    In this paper the dynamical noninvariance group SO(4,2) for a hydrogen-like atom is derived through two different approaches. The first one is by an established traditional ascent process starting from the symmetry group SO(3). This approach is presented in a mathematically oriented original way with a special emphasis on maximally superintegrable systems, N-dimensional extension and little groups. The second approach is by a new symmetry descent process starting from the noninvariance dynamical group Sp(8,R) for a four-dimensional harmonic oscillator. It is based on the little known concept of a Lie algebra under constraints and corresponds in some sense to a symmetry breaking mechanism. This paper ends with a brief discussion of the interest of SO(4,2) for a new group-theoretical approach to the periodic table of chemical elements. In this connection, a general ongoing programme based on the use of a complete set of commuting operators is briefly described. It is believed that the present paper could be useful not only to the atomic and molecular community but also to people working in theoretical and mathematical physics.Comment: 31 page

    Stripes, Vibrations and Superconductivity

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    We propose a model of a spatially modulated collective charge state of superconducting cuprates. The regions of higher carrier density (stripes) are described in terms of Luttinger liquids and the regions of lower density as a two-dimensional interacting bosonic gas of d_{x^2-y^2} hole pairs. The interactions among the elementary excitations are repulsive and the transition to the superconducting state is driven by decay processes. Vibrations of the CCS and the lattice, although not participating directly in the binding mechanism, are fundamental for superconductivity. The superfluid density and the lattice have a strong tendency to modulation implying a still unobserved dimerized stripe phase in cuprates. The phase diagram of the model has a crossover from 1D to 2D behavior and a pseudogap region where the amplitude of the order parameters are finite but phase coherence is not established. We discuss the nature of the spin fluctuations and the unusual isotope effect within the model.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures. Post-March Meeting version: New references are added, some of the typos are corrected, and a few new discussions are include
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