5 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of sialidases from zebrafish

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    Sialidases remove sialic acid residues from various sialo-derivatives. To gain further insights into the biological roles of sialidases in vertebrates, we exploited zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an animal model. A zebrafish transcriptome- and genome-wide search using the sequences of the human NEU polypeptides as templates revealed the presence of seven different genes related to human sialidases. neu1 and neu4 are the putative orthologues of the mammalian sialidases NEU1 and NEU4 respectively. Interestingly, the remaining genes are organized in clusters located on chromosome 21 and are all more closely related to mammalian sialidase NEU3. They were thus named neu3.1, neu3.2, neu3.3, neu3.4 and neu3.5. Using RT-PCR (reverse transcription-PCR) we detected transcripts for all genes, apart from neu3.4, and whole-mount in situ hybridization experiments show a localized expression pattern in gut and tens for neu3.1 and neu4 respectively. Transfection experiments in COS7 (monkey kidney) cells demonstrate that Neu3.1, Neu3.2, Neu3.3 and Neu4 zebrafish proteins are sialidase enzymes. Neu3.1, Neu3.3 and Neu4 are membrane-associated and show a very acidic pH optimum below 3.0, whereas Neu3.2 is a soluble sialidase with a pH optimum of 5.6. These results were further confirmed by subcellular localization studies carried out using immunofluorescence. Moreover, expression in COS7 cells of these novel zebrafish sialidases (with the exception of Neu3.2) induces a significant modification of the ganglioside pattern, consistent with the results obtained with membrane-associated mammalian sialidases. Overall, the redundancy of sialidases together with their expression profile and their activity exerted on gangliosides of living cells indicate the biological relevance of this class of enzymes in zebrafish

    Sialidase NEU3 is a peripheral membrane protein localized on the cell surface and in endosomal structures

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    Sialidase NEU3 is also known as the plasma-membrane-asso- ciated form of mammalian sialidases, exhibiting a high substrate specificity towards gangliosides. In this respect, sialidase NEU3 modulates cell-surface biological events and plays a pivotal role in different cellular processes, including cell adhesion, recogni- tion and differentiation. At the moment, no detailed studies con- cerning the subcellular localization of NEU3 are available, and the mechanism of its association with cellular membranes is still unknown. In the present study, we have demonstrated that sialidase NEU3, besides its localization at the plasma membrane, is present in intracellular structures at least partially represented by a subset of the endosomal compartment. Moreover, we have shown that NEU3 present at the plasma membrane is internal- ized and locates then to the recycling endosomal compartment. The enzyme is associated with the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, as shown by selective cell-surface protein biotinyl- ation. This evidence is in agreement with the ability of NEU3 to degrade gangliosides inserted into the plasma membrane of adjacent cells. Moreover, the mechanism of the protein association with the lipid bilayer was elucidated by carbonate extraction. Under these experimental conditions, we have succeeded in solubilizing NEU3, thus demonstrating that the enzyme is a peripheral membrane protein. In addition, Triton X-114 phase separation demonstrates further the hydrophilic nature of the protein. Overall, these results provide important information about the biology of NEU3, the most studied member of the mammalian sialidase family