57 research outputs found

    Human Paramyxovirus Infections Induce T Cells That Cross-React with Zoonotic Henipaviruses

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    Humans are infected with paramyxoviruses of different genera early in life, which induce cytotoxic T cells that may recognize conserved epitopes. This raises the question of whether cross-reactive T cells induced by antecedent paramyxovirus infections provide partial protection against highly lethal zoonotic Nipah virus infections. By characterizing a measles virus-specific but paramyxovirus cross-reactive human T cell clone, we discovered a highly conserved HLA-B*1501- restricted T cell epitope in the fusion protein. Using peptides, tetramers, and single cell sorting, we isolated a parainfluenza virus-specific T cell clone from a healthy adult and showed that both clones cleared Nipah virus-infected cells. We identified multiple conserved hot spots in paramyxovirus proteomes that contain other potentially cross-reactive epitopes. Our data suggest that, depending on HLA haplotype and history of paramyxovirus exposures, humans may have cross-reactive T cells that provide protection against Nipah virus. The effect of preferential boosting of these cross-reactive epitopes needs to be further studied in light of paramyxovirus vaccination studies

    SARS-CoV-2-Specific Antibody Detection for Seroepidemiology: A Multiplex Analysis Approach Accounting for Accurate Seroprevalence

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitates better understanding of the kinetics of antibody production induced by infection with SARS-CoV-2. We aimed to develop a high-throughput multiplex assay to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 to assess immunity to the virus in the general population. Methods. Spike protein subunits S1 and receptor binding domain, and nucleoprotein were coupled to microspheres. Sera collected before emergence of SARS-CoV-2 (n = 224) and of non-SARS-CoV-2 influenza-like illness (n = 184), and laboratory-confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection (n = 115) with various severities of COVID-19 were tested for SARS-CoV-2–specific IgG concentrations. Results. Our assay discriminated SARS-CoV-2–induced antibodies and those induced by other viruses. The assay specificity was 95.1%–99.0% with sensitivity 83.6%–95.7%. By merging the test results for all 3 antigens a specificity of 100% was achieved with a sensitivity of at least 90%. Hospitalized COVID-19 patients developed higher IgG concentrations and the rate of IgG production

    Early Measles Vaccination During an Outbreak in the Netherlands: Short-Term and Long-Term Decreases in Antibody Respo

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    Background. The majority of infants will not be protected by maternal antibodies until their first measles vaccination, between 12 and 15 months of age. This provides incentive to reduce the age at measles vaccination, but immunological consequences are insufficiently understood, and long-term effects are largely unknown. Methods. A total of 79 infants who received early measles vaccination between 6 and 12 months age and a second dose at 14 months of age were compared to 44 children in a control group who received 1 dose at 14 months of age. Measles virus–specific neutralizing antibody concentrations and avidity were determined up to 4 years of age. Results. Infants who first received measles vaccination before 12 months of age had a long-term decrease in the concentration and avidity of measles virus–specific neutralizing antibodies, compared with infants in the control group. For 11.1% of children with a first dose before 9 months of age, antibody levels at 4 years of age had dropped below the cutoff for clinical protection. Conclusions. Early measles vaccination provides immediate protection in the majority of infants but yields a long-term decrease in neutralizing antibody responses, compared to vaccination at a later age. Additional vaccination at 14 months of age does not improve this. Over the long term, this may result in an increasing number of children susceptible to measles

    Het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma in Nederland. Ontwikkelingen in 2006

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    In 2006 several changes were made in the Dutch National Immunisation Programme (NIP): Hepatitis B vaccination at birth was added for children born to mothers positive for hepatitis B surface antigen; a new vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (a-cellular), poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae (DTaP-IPV/Hib) was introduced; vaccination against pneumococcal disease was added at two, three, four and eleven months; risk groups for hepatitis B receive a combined vaccine for DTaP-IPV/Hib and HBV at the same ages; DT-IPV and aP at the age of four years were combined in one vaccine; and new MMR vaccines were introduced. As new information became available in 2006, the desirability to introduce vaccinations in the NIP for the following diseases could be (re)considered: hepatitis B (universal vaccination), rotavirus, varicella and human papillomavirus. For respiratory syncytial virus and meningococcal serogroup B disease no candidate vaccines are available yet. Extension of the programme with available vaccines for hepatitis A, influenza and tuberculosis is not (yet) recommended. The NIP in the Netherlands is effective and safe. However, continued monitoring of the effectiveness and safety of the NIP is important as changes are made regularly. Maintaining high vaccine uptake is vital to prevent (re)emergence of diseases. Furthermore, the programme should be regularly reviewed as new vaccines become available.In 2006 traden verschillende veranderingen op in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma (RVP) in Nederland: kinderen die geboren worden uit moeders die chronisch geinfecteerd zijn met hepatitis B krijgen vlak na de geboorte een hepatitis B vaccinatie; er is een ander vaccin geintroduceerd voor difterie, kinkhoest (a-cellulair), tetanus, poliomyelitis en Haemophilus influenzae (DaKTP/Hib); vaccinatie tegen pneumokokken is toegevoegd op de leeftijd van 2, drie, vier en elf maanden; risicogroepen voor hepatitis B krijgen op diezelfde leeftijden een combinatievaccin voor DaKTP/Hib en hepatitis B; DTP en aK zijn gecombineerd in een vaccin op vierjarige leeftijd; en er zijn nieuwe BMR vaccins geintroduceerd. Op basis van informatie die in 2006 beschikbaar is gekomen wordt geadviseerd de introductie van vaccinaties voor de volgende ziekten te overwegen: hepatitis B (universele vaccinatie), rotavirus, waterpokken en humaan papillomavirus. Voor respiratoir syncytieel virus en meningokokken B zijn nog geen kandidaatvaccins beschikbaar en uitbreiding van het RVP met beschikbare vaccins voor hepatitis A, influenza en tuberculose wordt nog niet aanbevolen. Het RVP is effectief en veilig, maar voortdurende bewaking hiervan is groot belang, omdat er regelmatig veranderingen optreden. Handhaven van de hoge vaccinatiegraad is essentieel om terugkeer van ziekten te voorkomen. Verder moet regelmatig bekeken worden of het RVP aangepast moet worden aangezien er steeds nieuwe vaccins beschikbaar komen

    A Prominent Role for DC-SIGN+ Dendritic Cells in Initiation and Dissemination of Measles Virus Infection in Non-Human Primates

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    Measles virus (MV) is a highly contagious virus that is transmitted by aerosols. During systemic infection, CD150+T and B lymphocytes in blood and lymphoid tissues are the main cells infected by pathogenic MV. However, it is unclear which cell types are the primary targets for MV in the lungs and how the virus reaches the lymphoid tissues. In vitro studies have shown that dendritic cell (DC) C-type lectin DC-SIGN captures MV, leading to infection of DCs as well as transmission to lymphocytes. However, evidence of DC-SIGN-mediated transmission in vivo has not been established. Here we identified DC-SIGNhiDCs as first target cells in vivo and demonstrate that macaque DC-SIGN functions as an attachment receptor for MV. Notably, DC-SIGNhicells from macaque broncho-alveolar lavage and lymph nodes transmit MV to B lymphocytes, providing in vivo support for an important role for DCs in both initiation and dissemination of MV infection

    The synthetic bacterial lipopeptide Pam3CSK4 modulates respiratory syncytial virus infection independent of TLR activation

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important cause of acute respiratory disease in infants, immunocompromised subjects and the elderly. However, it is unclear why most primary RSV infections are associated with relatively mild symptoms, whereas some result in severe lower respiratory tract infections and bronchiolitis. Since RSV hospitalization has been associated with respiratory bacterial co-infections, we have tested if bacterial Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists influence RSVA2- GFP infection in human primary cells or cell lines. The synthetic bacterial lipopeptide Pam3-Cys-Ser-Lys4 (Pam3CSK4), the prototype ligand for the heterodimeric TLR1/TLR2 complex, enhanced RSV infection in primary epithelial, myeloid and lymphoid cells. Surprisingly, enhancement was optimal when lipopeptides and virus were added simultaneously, whereas addition of Pam3CSK4 immediately after infection had no effect. We have identified two structurally related lipopeptides without TLR-signaling capacity that also modulate RSV infection, whereas Pam3CSK4-reminiscent TLR1/2 agonists did not, and conclude that modulation of infection is independent of TLR activation. A similar TLR-independent enhancement of infection could also be demonstrated for wild-type RSV strains, and for HIV-1, measles virus and human metapneumovirus. We show that the effect of Pam3CSK4 is primarily mediated by enhanced binding of RSV to its target cells. The Npalmitoylated cystein
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