17 research outputs found

    Challenges of Turkish family businesses related to effective management strategies

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    Interest in family businesses has recently been on the rise in Turkey. The main reason for this is that family firms dominate business life and make a big contribution to job creation and exports. However, running a family business poses intrinsic human dilemmas and unique challenges. Family dynamics tend to affect business dynamics and vice versa. Managing family relationships is an important characteristic of a family business. Managed effectively, a family business offers rewards on many fronts; if managed poorly, the business, including the family, may face many problems, leading to bankruptcy. Therefore, it is important to determine predictors of family business sustainability for the benefit of both the economy and the families owning firms

    Corporate Governance in Family Businesses across Generations: Exploring Intergenerational Issues

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    The presence of different generations in family businesses creates intergenerational issues that affect the dynamics of their governance structures. Bringing together literature on family business governance with studies of intergenerational relationships, we contribute to our understanding of governance structures and relationships in family businesses. We illustrate these dynamics through a qualitative approach using an in-depth, longitudinal case study of a 180 year old family business, which we followed for 10 years. We focus on intergenerational and intertemporal dilemmas faced by the family throughout the generations, focusing on a shift away from ethical towards economic interests, as both family and business have grown in complexity

    Corporate Governance in Brazilian Companies: The Influence of the Founder in the Financial Decisions.

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    All over the world, corporate governance is adopting a new process of leadership and simultaneously propagating responsible governance for the welfare of stakeholders. This research has allowed us to identify new directions for future research. It examines the influence of several contextual factors in the framework of the financial decisions, where company has the right to have a transparent accountability, based on the influence of the founder, dispersion and type of ownership, size, economic sector and environment. The aim of this research is to analyse the influence of the founder in the financial decisions based on the comparability of the level of indebtedness among Brazilian companies managed by its founder and those managed by professionals. The methodology focuses the theoretical analysis on the literature review about Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance. The empirical analysis is based on econometric analysis supported on the multiple regression model and fixed effects method. The sample includes 356 non-financial Brazilian companies, with accounting data from the period 2004–2009, on a total of 2136 observations. The results find supporting evidence that lower debt in those companies of the sample in which the founder is the manager of the company and, in contrast, bigger indebted level of the professional manager. Further findings confirm a reduction of the investment level in businesses run by its founder, as well as, their preference for using equity. The founder has quite peculiar biases relation with decision making process. Generally, the founder has a personal need and his or her own interest, is based on the entrepreneurship decisions