105,742 research outputs found

    Selectivity of mixed iron-cobalt spinels deposited on a N,S-doped mesoporous carbon support in the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media

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    One of the practical efforts in the development of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts applicable to fuel cells and metal-air batteries is focused on reducing the cost of the catalysts production. Herein, we have examined the ORR performance of cheap, non-noble metal based catalysts comprised of nanosized mixed Fe-Co spinels deposited on N,S-doped mesoporous carbon support (N,S-MPC). The effect of the chemical and phase composition of the active phase on the selectivity of catalysts in the ORR process in alkaline media was elucidated by changing the iron content. The synthesized materials were thoroughly characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy (RS). Detailed S/TEM/EDX and Raman analysis of the phase composition of the synthesized ORR catalysts revealed that the dominant mixed iron-cobalt spinel is accompanied by minor fractions of bare cobalt and highly dispersed spurious iron oxides (Fe2O3 and Fe3O4). The contribution of individual phases and their degree of agglomeration on the carbon support directly influence the selectivity of the obtained catalysts. It was found that the mixed iron-cobalt spinel single phase gives rise to significant improvement of the catalyst selectivity towards the desired 4e− reaction pathway, in comparison to the reference bare cobalt spinel, whereas spurious iron oxides play a negative role for the catalyst selectivity

    Landau theory of restart transitions

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    We develop a Landau like theory to characterize the phase transitions in resetting systems. Restart can either accelerate or hinder the completion of a first passage process. The transition between these two phases is characterized by the behavioral change in the order parameter of the system namely the optimal restart rate. Like in the original theory of Landau, the optimal restart rate can undergo a first or second order transition depending on the details of the system. Nonetheless, there exists no unified framework which can capture the onset of such novel phenomena. We unravel this in a comprehensive manner and show how the transition can be understood by analyzing the first passage time moments. Power of our approach is demonstrated in two canonical paradigm setup namely the Michaelis Menten chemical reaction and diffusion under restart

    Shell model study of the pairing correlations

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    A systematic study of the pairing correlations as a function of temperature and angular momentum has been performed in the sd-shell region using the spherical shell model approach. The pairing correlations have been derived for even-even, even-odd and odd-odd systems near N=Z and also for the asymmetric case of N=Z+4. The results indicate that the pairing content and the behavior of pair correlations is similar in even-even and odd-mass nuclei. For odd-odd N=Z system, angular momentum I=0 state is an isospin, t=1 neutron-proton paired configuration. Further, these t=1 correlations are shown to be dramatically reduced for the asymmetric case of N=Z+4. The shell model results obtained are qualitatively explained within a simplified degenerate model

    Phased array antenna steering using a ring resonator-based optical beam forming network

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    A novel beam steering mechanism for a phased array antenna receiver system is introduced. The core of the system is a ring resonator-based integrated optical beam forming network chip. Its principles are explained and demonstrated by presenting some measurement results. The system architecture around the chip is based on a combination of frequency down conversion, filter-based optical single sideband modulation and balanced coherent detection. It is proven that such an architecture has significant advantages with respect to a straightforward architecture using double sideband modulation and direct detection, namely relaxed bandwidth requirements on the optical modulators and detectors, reduced complexity and optical losses of the beam forming chip, and enhanced dynamic range

    The perceptions of consumers aged 18-30 of “lesbian” appeals in advertising

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    In an over-saturated market, advertisements have become more risqué as companies viefor consumer attention and lesbian content in advertising seems to be on the increasein mainstream media. This article attempts to discover whether lesbian content inadvertising elicits positive or negative consumer attitudes towards the advertisementand the brand, and to link these attitudes with the intention to purchase the product.By doing so, marketers will be able to ascertain whether this type of advertising appealis effective or whether it offends consumers and therefore decreases product sales.The study was quantitative in nature and used descriptive research in a field setting. Itwas found that there is a significant correlation between tolerance of homosexuality andacceptance of lesbian content in advertising. In addition, these advertisements attractedattention and interest and were not perceived as particularly immoral, exploitive oroffensive by most of the sample population. In terms of attracting attention and interest,and being memorable to consumers, advertisements containing clear lesbian interactionare more effective than those with lower levels of homoerotic