13 research outputs found

    Adequacy of Diabetes Care for Older U.S. Rural Adults: A Cross-sectional Population Based Study Using 2009 BRFSS Data

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    Background: In the U.S. diabetes prevalence estimates for adults ≥ 65 years exceed 20%. Rural communities have higher proportions of older individuals and health disparities associated with rural residency place rural communities at risk for a higher burden from diabetes. This study examined the adequacy of care received by older rural adults for their diabetes to determine if older rural adults differed in the receipt of adequate diabetes care when compared to their non-rural counterparts. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey were examined using bivariate and multivariate analytical techniques. Results: Logistic regression analysis revealed that older rural adults with diabetes were more likely to receive less than adequate care when compared to their non-rural counterparts (OR = 1.465, 95% CI: 1.454-1.475). Older rural adults receiving less than adequate care for their diabetes were more likely to be: male, non-Caucasian, less educated, unmarried, economically poorer, inactive, a smoker. They were also more likely to: have deferred medical care because of cost, not have a personal health care provider, and not have had a routine medical check-up within the last 12 months. Conclusion: There are gaps between what is recommended for diabetes management and the management that older individuals receive. Older adults with diabetes living in rural communities are at greater risk for less than adequate care when compared to their non-rural counterparts. These results suggest the need to develop strategies to improve diabetes care for older adults with diabetes and to target those at highest risk

    Recull factici de fragments de llibres litúrgics

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    Localització: Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, UAB Ms. 34.PergamíNotació musical amb tetragrames (UAB Ms. 34/2, 4-5, 8, 12, 15-16); excepte en el UAB Ms. 34/1 que no hi ha línies.En alguns documents, hiha anotacions manuscrites amb la transcripció dels textos (UAB Ms. 34/3, 12, 14, 18)Data aprox. deduïda del contingut i característiques dels textos.Els UAB Ms. 34/18-30 són una munió de petits fragments muntats sobre 13 fulls de plàstic; juntament amb els 34/22 i 34/30, muntats sobre f. de plàstic, hi ha a cada un 2 petits fragments sense muntar.Rúbriques en vermell. Caplletres alternant el vermell i blau, algunes amb filigranes.Fragments de diferents llibres litúrgics, alguns d'ells identificats, que corresponen a textos bíblics, patrístics, sobre màrtirs, misses, oficis de Pasqua, festes de sants i himnes

    Anatomy and Histology of the Ovary

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