30 research outputs found

    The lunar wake at 6.8 R(L): WIND magnetic field observations

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    We report on WIND magnetic field observations at ∌6.8 RL downstream of the moon on 27th December 1994. The moon was in the solar wind during the encounter. IMP‐8 observations are used to determine baseline IMF conditions, and therefore determine those features in the WIND data which are related to its proximity to the moon. Previous Explorer 35 observations suggest that the lunar wake is not detectable beyond a downstream distance of ∌4 RL. However, despite the distance of WIND from the moon, we observe a slight decrease in field intensity just prior to the spacecraft entering the optical shadow, a slight field strength enhancement whilst in shadow, and perhaps a weak depression once the spacecraft reemerges into sunlight. These signatures closely resemble, but are weaker than, the previous observations. We conclude that a lunar wake did extend to these distances at the time of this encounter. We also note a rotation in field direction some distance outside of the wake signature which may be attributed to the crossing of the lunar mach cone boundary. We discuss the observations in terms of simple models of the solar wind interaction with an insulating body

    Upstream ULF waves and energetic electrons associated with the lunar wake: Detection of precursor activity

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    We present observations of precursor ULF wave activity and energetic electron flows detected by the WIND spacecraft just prior to entry of the lunar wake on 27 December 1994. This activity occurs upstream of the wake on field lines directly connected to the wake penumbra region. The activity ceases near the penumbra entrance. The observations of upstream ULF wave activity and solar wind counterstreaming electron flows is similar to observations made upstream of collisionless bow shocks. Analogously, the wake precursor region is characterized by thermalization and information propagation ahead of the wake structure

    Evidence of currents and unstable particle distributions in an extended region around the lunar plasma wake

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    We report observations of electrostatic ion acoustic waves and Langmuir waves during a recent lunar encounter by the Wind spacecraft. These waves are observed when Wind is magnetically connected to the nominal wake and at distances greater than 8 lunar radii from the wake. When interpreted in the context of a simple time‐of‐flight model, these observations imply the existence of a system of currents and disturbed particle distributions that extends far into solar wind

    Observation of An Evolving Magnetic Flux Rope Prior To and During A Solar Eruption

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    Explosive energy release is a common phenomenon occurring in magnetized plasma systems ranging from laboratories, Earth's magnetosphere, the solar corona and astrophysical environments. Its physical explanation is usually attributed to magnetic reconnection in a thin current sheet. Here we report the important role of magnetic flux rope structure, a volumetric current channel, in producing explosive events. The flux rope is observed as a hot channel prior to and during a solar eruption from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) telescope on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). It initially appears as a twisted and writhed sigmoidal structure with a temperature as high as 10 MK and then transforms toward a semi-circular shape during a slow rise phase, which is followed by fast acceleration and onset of a flare. The observations suggest that the instability of the magnetic flux rope trigger the eruption, thus making a major addition to the traditional magnetic-reconnection paradigm.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Near-simultaneous bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994

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    Near‐simultaneous dawn‐side bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994 are analyzed to determine shock location and shape and to examine the changes in shock structure and the foreshock MHD wave properties with increasing downstream distance. The WIND and IMP 8 crossings took place at sun‐Earth‐spacecraft angles of 64.7° and 115.3°, respectively. The solar wind speed and interplanetary magnetic field magnitude were near their long‐term average values. However, the orientation of the IMF was unusual in that it rotated from an angle of ∌50–60° to the sun‐Earth line at the beginning of the interval of shock crossings to less than 20° just after the final crossings. The ratio of the downstream to upstream components of the magnetic field tangential to the shock decreases from 4.1 at WIND to 3.1 at IMP 8 in general agreement with theory. In addition, the overshoot in the shock magnetic ramp observed at WIND is greatly diminished by the downstream distance of IMP 8. In the foreshock, MHD waves with periods of 10–20 s and amplitudes of 3–6 nT were observed at both spacecraft. However, at WIND they have a strong compressional component which is much weaker farther downstream at IMP 8. Unexpectedly, the radial distance of the shock at both spacecraft is only ∌80–85% of that predicted by recent models. Motivated by this event, we have statistically analyzed a larger data set of bow shock crossings which took place under quasi‐field‐aligned flow conditions. On this basis it is suggested that magnetosheath thickness may decrease by ∌10% as the IMF becomes increasingly flow aligned

    Direct observations of a surface eigenmode of the dayside magnetopause

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    The abrupt boundary between a magnetosphere and the surrounding plasma, the magnetopause, has long been known to support surface waves. It was proposed that impulses acting on the boundary might lead to a trapping of these waves on the dayside by the ionosphere, resulting in a standing wave or eigenmode of the magnetopause surface. No direct observational evidence of this has been found to date and searches for indirect evidence have proved inconclusive, leading to speculation that this mechanism might not occur. By using fortuitous multipoint spacecraft observations during a rare isolated fast plasma jet impinging on the boundary, here we show that the resulting magnetopause motion and magnetospheric ultra-low frequency waves at well-defined frequencies are in agreement with and can only be explained by the magnetopause surface eigenmode. We therefore show through direct observations that this mechanism, which should impact upon the magnetospheric system globally, does in fact occur

    Dual spacecraft observations of lobe magnetic field perturbations before, during and after plasmoid release

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    This study examines a data set returned by IMP 8 and Geotail on January 29, 1995 during a substorm which resulted in the ejection of a plasmoid. The two spacecraft (s/c) were situated in the north lobe of the tail and both observed a traveling compression region (TCR). We show that in this instance dual s/c measurements can be used to model all three dimensions of the underlying plasmoid and to estimate its rate of expansion. For this event plasmoid dimensions of ΔX ∌18, ΔY ∌30, and ΔZ ∌10 Re are determined from the IMP 8 and Geotail observations. Furthermore, a factor of ∌2 increase in the amplitude of the TCR occurred in the 1.5 min it took to move from IMP 8 to Geotail. Modeled using conservation of magnetic flux, this increase in lobe compression implies that the underlying plasmoid was expanding at a rate of ∌140 km/s. Finally, a reconfiguration of the lobe magnetic field followed plasmoid ejection which moved magnetic flux tubes into the wake behind the plasmoid where they would become available to feed the reconnection region

    Cluster electric current density measurements within a magnetic flux rope in the plasma sheet

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    [1] On August 22, 2001 all 4 Cluster spacecraft nearly simultaneously penetrated a magnetic flux rope in the tail. The flux rope encounter took place in the central plasma sheet, beta(i) similar to1-2, near the leading edge of a bursty bulk flow. The "time-of-flight'' of the flux rope across the 4 spacecraft yielded V-x similar to 700 km/s and a diameter of similar to1 R-e. The speed at which the flux rope moved over the spacecraft is in close agreement with the Cluster plasma measurements. The magnetic field profiles measured at each spacecraft were first modeled separately using the Lepping-Burlaga force-free flux rope model. The results indicated that the center of the flux rope passed northward ( above) s/c 3, but southward (below) of s/c 1, 2 and 4. The peak electric currents along the central axis of the flux rope predicted by these single-s/c models were similar to15-19 nA/m(2). The 4-spacecraft Cluster magnetic field measurements provide a second means to determine the electric current density without any assumption regarding flux rope structure. The current profile determined using the curlometer technique was qualitatively similar to those determined by modeling the individual spacecraft magnetic field observations and yielded a peak current density of 17 nA/m(2) near the central axis of the rope. However, the curlometer results also showed that the flux rope was not force-free with the component of the current density perpendicular to the magnetic field exceeding the parallel component over the forward half of the rope, perhaps due to the pressure gradients generated by the collision of the BBF with the inner magnetosphere. Hence, while the single-spacecraft models are very successful in fitting flux rope magnetic field and current variations, they do not provide a stringent test of the force-free condition