442 research outputs found

    Massive photons and Dirac monopoles: electric condensate and magnetic confinement

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    We use the generalized Julia-Toulouse approach (GJTA) for condensation of topological currents (charges or defects) to argue that massive photons can coexist consistently with Dirac monopoles. The Proca theory is obtained here via GJTA as a low energy effective theory describing an electric condensate and the mass of the vector boson is responsible for generating a Meissner effect which confines the magnetic defects in monopole-antimonopole pairs connected by physical open magnetic vortices described by Dirac brane invariants, instead of Dirac strings.Comment: 6 pages, version accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Vanishing DC holographic conductivity from a magnetic monopole condensate

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    We show how to obtain a vanishing DC conductivity in 3-dimensional strongly coupled QFT's using a massive 2-form field in the bulk that satisfies a special kind of boundary condition. The real and imaginary parts of the AC conductivity are evaluated in this holographic setup and we show that the DC conductivity identically vanishes even for an arbitrarily small (though nonzero) value of the 2-form mass in the bulk. We identify the bulk action of the massive 2-form with an effective theory describing a phase in which magnetic monopoles have condensed in the bulk. Our results indicate that a condensate of magnetic monopoles in a 4-dimensional bulk leads to a vanishing DC holographic conductivity in 3-dimensional strongly coupled QFT's.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in JHE

    The BF theory as an electric Julia-Toulouse condensate

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    The Julia-Toulouse mechanism is used to show that the topological Abelian BF term may be induced by the condensation of electric charges. As an application we discuss the subtle question of including consistently magnetic defects into the Maxwell-BF theory in a way to avoid the usual problems of current conservation, charge quantization, Elitzur's theorem violation and the reality of the Dirac brane, produced by the non-minimal coupling. We also discuss a new way of obtaining the Dirac's veto, which is based on the so-called Dirac brane symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, reorganized and shortened version accepted for publication in the Brief Reports section of Physical Review

    Analysis of S. pombe SIN protein association to the SPB reveals two genetically separable states of the SIN.

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    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN) regulates cytokinesis, and asymmetric association of SIN proteins with the mitotic spindle pole bodies (SPBs) is important for its regulation. Here, we have used semi-automated image analysis to study SIN proteins in large numbers of wild-type and mutant cells. Our principal conclusions are: first, that the association of Cdc7p with the SPBs in early mitosis is frequently asymmetric, with a bias in favour of the new SPB; second, that the early association of Cdc7p-GFP to the SPB depends on Plo1p but not Spg1p, and is unaffected by mutations that influence its asymmetry in anaphase; third, that Cdc7p asymmetry in anaphase B is delayed by Pom1p and by activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, and is promoted by Rad24p; and fourth, that the length of the spindle, expressed as a fraction of the length of the cell, at which Cdc7p becomes asymmetric is similar in cells dividing at different sizes. These data reveal that multiple regulatory mechanisms control the SIN in mitosis and lead us to propose a two-state model to describe the SIN

    The Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to the Ability of Helminths to Modulate Allergic Inflammation

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    We thank Manuel Kulagin for technical help, Pierre Bonnaventure for portal vein blood sampling, Francisco Sepulveda for technical assistance in GS-MS acquisition, and Dorothee Hahne (Metabolomics Australia, University of Western Australia) for human samples SCFA isolation, acquisition, and analysis. We also thank Cristina Cartoni (Phenotyping Unit, EPFL) for Milliplex analysis, Jessica Dessimoz and her team from the Histology Core Facility (EPFL), Miguel Garcia and his team from the Flow Cytometry Core Facility (EPFL), and staff from the EPFL CPG animal house for excellent animal care. The computations were partially performed at the Vital-IT Center for high-performance computing of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.vital-it.ch). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 310948. Funding for A.W.W. and a subset of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing was provided by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT 098051). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Prevalence and Predictors of Urinary Tract Infection and Severe Malaria Among Febrile Children Attending Makongoro Health Centre in Mwanza City, North-Western Tanzania.

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    In malaria endemic areas, fever has been used as an entry point for presumptive treatment of malaria. At present, the decrease in malaria transmission in Africa implies an increase in febrile illnesses related to other causes among underfives. Moreover, it is estimated that more than half of the children presenting with fever to public clinics in Africa do not have a malaria infection. Thus, for a better management of all febrile illnesses among under-fives, it becomes relevant to understand the underlying aetiology of the illness. The present study was conducted to determine the relative prevalence and predictors of P. falciparum malaria, urinary tract infections and bacteremia among under-fives presenting with a febrile illness at the Makongoro Primary Health Centre, North-Western Tanzania. From February to June 2011, a cross-sectional analytical survey was conducted among febrile children less than five years of age. Demographic and clinical data were collected using a standardized pre-tested questionnaire. Blood and urine culture was done, followed by the identification of isolates using in-house biochemical methods. Susceptibility patterns to commonly used antibiotics were investigated using the disc diffusion method. Giemsa stained thin and thick blood smears were examined for any malaria parasites stages. A total of 231 febrile under-fives were enrolled in the study. Of all the children, 20.3% (47/231, 95%CI, 15.10-25.48), 9.5% (22/231, 95%CI, 5.72-13.28) and 7.4% (17/231, 95%CI, 4.00-10.8) had urinary tract infections, P. falciparum malaria and bacteremia respectively. In general, 11.5% (10/87, 95%CI, 8.10-14.90) of the children had two infections and only one child had all three infections. Predictors of urinary tract infections (UTI) were dysuria (OR = 12.51, 95% CI, 4.28-36.57, P < 0.001) and body temperature (40-41 C) (OR = 12.54, 95% CI, 4.28-36.73, P < 0.001). Predictors of P. falciparum severe malaria were pallor (OR = 4.66 95%CI, 1.21-17.8, P = 0.025) and convulsion (OR = 102, 95% CI, 10-996, P = 0.001). Escherichia coli were the common gram negative isolates from urine (72.3%, 95% CI, 66.50-78.10) and blood (40%, 95%CI, and 33.70-46.30). Escherichia coli from urine were 100% resistant to ampicillin, 97% resistant to co-trimoxazole, 85% resistant to augmentin and 32.4% resistant to gentamicin; and they were 100%, 91.2% and 73.5% sensitive to meropenem, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone respectively. Urinary tract infection caused by multi drug resistant Escherichia coli was the common cause of febrile illness in our setting. Improvement of malaria diagnosis and its differential diagnosis from other causes of febrile illnesses may provide effective management of febrile illnesses among children in Tanzania

    Successful Induction of Specific Immunological Tolerance by Combined Kidney and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in HLA-Identical Siblings

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    Induction of immunological tolerance has been the holy grail of transplantation immunology for decades. The only successful approach to achieve it in patients has been a combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-matched or -mismatched living donor. Here, we report the first three patients in Europe included in a clinical trial aiming at the induction of tolerance by mixed lymphohematopoietic chimerism after kidney transplantation. Two female and one male patient were transplanted with a kidney and peripherally mobilized hematopoietic stem cells from their HLA-identical sibling donor. The protocol followed previous studies at Stanford University: kidney transplantation was performed on day 0 including induction with anti-thymocyte globulin followed by conditioning with 10x 1.2 Gy total lymphoid irradiation and the transfusion of CD34+ cells together with a body weight-adjusted dose of donor T cells on day 11. Immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine A and steroids for 10 days, cyclosporine A and mycophenolate mofetil for 1 month, and then cyclosporine A monotherapy with tapering over 9-20 months. The 3 patients have been off immunosuppression for 4 years, 19 months and 8 months, respectively. No rejection or graft-versus-host disease occurred. Hematological donor chimerism was stable in the first, but slowly declining in the other two patients. A molecular microscope analysis in patient 2 revealed the genetic profile of a normal kidney. No relevant infections were observed, and the quality of life in all three patients is excellent. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, all three patients were vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 (Comirnaty®), and they showed excellent humoral and in 2 out 3 patients also cellular SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity. Thus, combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a feasible and successful approach to induce specific immunological tolerance in the setting of HLA-matched sibling living kidney donation while maintaining immune responsiveness to an mRNA vaccine (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00365846). Keywords: COVID - 19; chimerism; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT); immunocompetence; kidney transplantation; toleranc

    Multicenter analysis of sputum microbiota in tuberculosis patients.

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    The impact of tuberculosis and of anti-tuberculosis therapy on composition and modification of human lung microbiota has been the object of several investigations. However, no clear outcome has been presented so far and the relationship between M. tuberculosis pulmonary infection and the resident lung microbiota remains vague. In this work we describe the results obtained from a multicenter study of the microbiota of sputum samples from patients with tuberculosis or unrelated lung diseases and healthy donors recruited in Switzerland, Italy and Bangladesh, with the ultimate goal of discovering a microbiota-based biomarker associated with tuberculosis. Bacterial 16S rDNA amplification, high-throughput sequencing and extensive bioinformatic analyses revealed patient-specific flora and high variability in taxon abundance. No common signature could be identified among the individuals enrolled except for minor differences which were not consistent among the different geographical settings. Moreover, anti-tuberculosis therapy did not cause any important variation in microbiota diversity, thus precluding its exploitation as a biomarker for the follow up of tuberculosis patients undergoing treatment