9,506 research outputs found

    Normal Coordinates and Primitive Elements in the Hopf Algebra of Renormalization

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    We introduce normal coordinates on the infinite dimensional group GG introduced by Connes and Kreimer in their analysis of the Hopf algebra of rooted trees. We study the primitive elements of the algebra and show that they are generated by a simple application of the inverse Poincar\'e lemma, given a closed left invariant 1-form on GG. For the special case of the ladder primitives, we find a second description that relates them to the Hopf algebra of functionals on power series with the usual product. Either approach shows that the ladder primitives are given by the Schur polynomials. The relevance of the lower central series of the dual Lie algebra in the process of renormalization is also discussed, leading to a natural concept of kk-primitiveness, which is shown to be equivalent to the one already in the literature.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Submitted to Commun. Math. Phy

    Barkhausen noise in the Random Field Ising Magnet Nd2_2Fe14_{14}B

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    With sintered needles aligned and a magnetic field applied transverse to its easy axis, the rare-earth ferromagnet Nd2_2Fe14_{14}B becomes a room-temperature realization of the Random Field Ising Model. The transverse field tunes the pinning potential of the magnetic domains in a continuous fashion. We study the magnetic domain reversal and avalanche dynamics between liquid helium and room temperatures at a series of transverse fields using a Barkhausen noise technique. The avalanche size and energy distributions follow power-law behavior with a cutoff dependent on the pinning strength dialed in by the transverse field, consistent with theoretical predictions for Barkhausen avalanches in disordered materials. A scaling analysis reveals two regimes of behavior: one at low temperature and high transverse field, where the dynamics are governed by the randomness, and the second at high temperature and low transverse field where thermal fluctuations dominate the dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Under review at Phys. Rev.

    Magnetism, structure, and charge correlation at a pressure-induced Mott-Hubbard insulator-metal transition

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    We use synchrotron x-ray diffraction and electrical transport under pressure to probe both the magnetism and the structure of single crystal NiS2 across its Mott-Hubbard transition. In the insulator, the low-temperature antiferromagnetic order results from superexchange among correlated electrons and couples to a (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) superlattice distortion. Applying pressure suppresses the insulating state, but enhances the magnetism as the superexchange increases with decreasing lattice constant. By comparing our results under pressure to previous studies of doped crystals we show that this dependence of the magnetism on the lattice constant is consistent for both band broadening and band filling. In the high pressure metallic phase the lattice symmetry is reduced from cubic to monoclinic, pointing to the primary influence of charge correlations at the transition. There exists a wide regime of phase separation that may be a general characteristic of correlated quantum matter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Inference with interference between units in an fMRI experiment of motor inhibition

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    An experimental unit is an opportunity to randomly apply or withhold a treatment. There is interference between units if the application of the treatment to one unit may also affect other units. In cognitive neuroscience, a common form of experiment presents a sequence of stimuli or requests for cognitive activity at random to each experimental subject and measures biological aspects of brain activity that follow these requests. Each subject is then many experimental units, and interference between units within an experimental subject is likely, in part because the stimuli follow one another quickly and in part because human subjects learn or become experienced or primed or bored as the experiment proceeds. We use a recent fMRI experiment concerned with the inhibition of motor activity to illustrate and further develop recently proposed methodology for inference in the presence of interference. A simulation evaluates the power of competing procedures.Comment: Published by Journal of the American Statistical Association at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2012.655954 . R package cin (Causal Inference for Neuroscience) implementing the proposed method is freely available on CRAN at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ci

    Flow-test device fits into restricted access passages

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    Test device using a mandrel with a collapsible linkage assembly enables a fluid flow sensor to be properly positioned in a restricted passage by external manipulation. This device is applicable to the combustion chamber of a rocket motor

    Variational Approach to Gaussian Approximate Coherent States: Quantum Mechanics and Minisuperspace Field Theory

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    This paper has a dual purpose. One aim is to study the evolution of coherent states in ordinary quantum mechanics. This is done by means of a Hamiltonian approach to the evolution of the parameters that define the state. The stability of the solutions is studied. The second aim is to apply these techniques to the study of the stability of minisuperspace solutions in field theory. For a λφ4\lambda \varphi^4 theory we show, both by means of perturbation theory and rigorously by means of theorems of the K.A.M. type, that the homogeneous minisuperspace sector is indeed stable for positive values of the parameters that define the field theory.Comment: 26 pages, Plain TeX, no figure

    Tensor Coordinates in Noncommutative Mechanics

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    A consistent classical mechanics formulation is presented in such a way that, under quantization, it gives a noncommutative quantum theory with interesting new features. The Dirac formalism for constrained Hamiltonian systems is strongly used, and the object of noncommutativity θij{\mathbf \theta}^{ij} plays a fundamental rule as an independent quantity. The presented classical theory, as its quantum counterpart, is naturally invariant under the rotation group SO(D)SO(D).Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Scaled penalization of Brownian motion with drift and the Brownian ascent

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    We study a scaled version of a two-parameter Brownian penalization model introduced by Roynette-Vallois-Yor in arXiv:math/0511102. The original model penalizes Brownian motion with drift hRh\in\mathbb{R} by the weight process (exp(νSt):t0){\big(\exp(\nu S_t):t\geq 0\big)} where νR\nu\in\mathbb{R} and (St:t0)\big(S_t:t\geq 0\big) is the running maximum of the Brownian motion. It was shown there that the resulting penalized process exhibits three distinct phases corresponding to different regions of the (ν,h)(\nu,h)-plane. In this paper, we investigate the effect of penalizing the Brownian motion concurrently with scaling and identify the limit process. This extends a result of Roynette-Yor for the ν<0, h=0{\nu<0,~h=0} case to the whole parameter plane and reveals two additional "critical" phases occurring at the boundaries between the parameter regions. One of these novel phases is Brownian motion conditioned to end at its maximum, a process we call the Brownian ascent. We then relate the Brownian ascent to some well-known Brownian path fragments and to a random scaling transformation of Brownian motion recently studied by Rosenbaum-Yor.Comment: 32 pages; made additions to Section

    Baby-Step Giant-Step Algorithms for the Symmetric Group

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    We study discrete logarithms in the setting of group actions. Suppose that GG is a group that acts on a set SS. When r,sSr,s \in S, a solution gGg \in G to rg=sr^g = s can be thought of as a kind of logarithm. In this paper, we study the case where G=SnG = S_n, and develop analogs to the Shanks baby-step / giant-step procedure for ordinary discrete logarithms. Specifically, we compute two sets A,BSnA, B \subseteq S_n such that every permutation of SnS_n can be written as a product abab of elements aAa \in A and bBb \in B. Our deterministic procedure is optimal up to constant factors, in the sense that AA and BB can be computed in optimal asymptotic complexity, and A|A| and B|B| are a small constant from n!\sqrt{n!} in size. We also analyze randomized "collision" algorithms for the same problem