187 research outputs found

    Coleta, avaliação e caracterização de plantas medicinais de ocorrência na Amazônia.

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    Aplicaciones de la informática a la investigación en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología

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    La informática es en la actualidad un medio fundamental en los laboratorios de investigación. La informática desempeña una labor importante en la realización de experimentos (análisis de señales e imágenes), en la valoración analítica de los resultados (estadística, morfometría, espectometría), en el almacenamiento de la información (sistemas de memoria magnética y óptica) y finalmente en la presentación de las conclusiones (impresión laser, diapositivas y video asistido por ordenador). Se presentan las bases teóricas de la informática en el terreno de la investigación y se hace especial mención a los sistemas utilizados en nuestro laboratorio de Ortopedia experimental con objeto de que sirvan de referencia para quienes pretendan introducirse en este fascinante campo.Informatics has become a fundamental in basic and applied research. Informatics plays a important role in experimentals models (image analisys and data adquisition), analisys of the results (statistics, spectomatry, morphometry), storage of information (magnetic and optical devices) and finally in the exposition of conclusions (Laser printers, slides and Video assited by computed). We present the theorical basis of informatic in research sciences with a special mention for our own system. The purpose of this review is to offer a reference guide for those who want to be familiar with this exciting field

    Efeito de BAP sobre a proliferação de brotos in vitro de Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke (paricá).

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    O paricá, planta nativa das florestas tropicais, pertencente à família das caesalpinaceae, é uma espécie considerada com grande potencial devido à sua larga utilização. Com o objetivo de multiplicação da espécie in vitro, segmentos caulinares de plântulas estabelecidas in vitro foram excisados e inoculados em meio MS sólido suplementado com 0; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 e 3,0 mg.L-1 de BAP, 3% de sacarose e 0,1% de PVP. As atividades foram realizadas no Laboratório de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém (PA). As culturas foram mantidas sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas luz e 25+ 1°C de temperatura. Após três semanas realizou-se a avaliação com a contagem do número e comprimento de brotos por explante. O tratamento com 3 mg.L-1 BAP foi o que apresentou maior número de proliferação dos brotos, com 2,14 brotos por explante. Posteriormente, os brotos foram transferidos para o meio MS nas mesmas condições de cultivo para enraizamento

    Reducing sugary drink intake through youth empowerment: results from a pilot-site randomized study

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    BACKGROUND: Efficacious strategies to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption among youth are needed. This pilot study assessed the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a community-based youth empowerment intervention to reduce SSB consumption and obesity risk among a low-income, ethnically diverse sample of youth. METHODS: The H2GO! intervention was pilot-tested in an afterschool setting (Boys and Girls Clubs (BGC)) in Massachusetts, USA. One site was randomized to receive the intervention; the other site received standard programming. Youth ages 9-12 years and their parents/caregivers were eligible to participate. A total of N = 110 parent-child pairs (N = 55 parent-child pairs per site) were recruited. The 6-week intervention consisted of group-based weekly sessions delivered by trained BGC staff and youth-led activities that engaged parents. Child outcomes included self-reported SSB and water intake and measured body mass index z scores (zBMI). Parent outcomes included self-reported SSB and water intake, SSB purchasing, and availability of SSBs at home. Outcomes were measured at baseline, 2 months, and 6 months. Generalized linear and logistic regression models were used to estimate intervention effects over time. RESULTS: The final analytic study sample consisted of 100 child participants (38% Black, 20% Hispanic, 13% White, 12% Multiracial, 11% Asian) and 87 parent participants (78.2% female; 78.2% reporting eligibility for the free-or-reduced price lunch program). 6-month retention rates were \u3e /= 82%. Intervention attendance rates among intervention child participants (N = 51) averaged 78.1% (SD = 10.3). Over half (56.0%) of child participants were overweight or obese at baseline. Relative to the comparison site, intervention site child participants had decreased SSB intake (beta = - 1.64; 95% CI: 2.52, - 0.76), increased water intake (beta = 1.31; 95% CI: 0.38, 2.23), and decreased zBMI (- 0.23 units; 95% CI: - 0.31, - 0.14) over 6 months (p \u3c 0.001). Intervention parent participants also reported decreased SSB intake (beta = - 1.76; 95% CI: - 2.56, - 0.96) and increased water intake (beta = 1.75; 95% CI: 1.11, 2.40) than comparison parent participants at 6 months (p \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Findings demonstrate the potential of a youth empowerment intervention on reducing SSB intake and zBMI among a diverse sample. Findings will guide a larger cluster-randomized controlled trial to test intervention efficacy on preventing childhood obesity, as well as inform future interventions that aim to target additional diet and physical activity behaviors through youth empowerment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02890056 . Registered 31 August 2016

    The Potential Electrospinnability and Filtration Capabilities of Pea- Protein Isolate/Polyvinyl Alcohol Air Filter Nanofabrics: A Systematic Review

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    Given the pervasiveness of air pollution with varying components and the shortcomings of conventional air filter mats, multifunctional air filters are becoming increasingly important. This has led to the development of air filter nanofabrics comprising bio-based components (such as chitin and proteins) and polymers (such as polyvinyl alcohol and pullulan). Electrospun air filter nanofabrics containing pea protein isolate (PPI) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) have yet to be developed to the researchers’ knowledge. In this study, the potential electrospinnability and filtration capabilities of PPI and PVA were assessed and elaborated via a systematic review. Since PPI’s globular morphology lacks molecular entanglement, PVA, an auxiliary spinning polymer with protein binding capabilities, is needed to aid PPI. Combining the two has successfully produced electrospun homogenous nanofabrics. Additionally, the nanofabrics likely possess physical and chemical filtration capabilities due to desirable material properties and powerful intermolecular interactions. Thus, PPI/PVA nanofabrics show great potential for multifunctional air filtration applications

    Home Matters: Adolescents Drink More Sugar Sweetened Beverages When They Are Available at Home

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    Objective: Sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption has increased by 300% in the past three decades and the largest source of both added sugar and calories in the diets of US adolescents. It has been argued that the increased intake of SSBs has contributed to the rising prevalence of obesity. The availability and accessibility of foods/drinks in multiple levels of an adolescent’s environment can influence one’s choices and impact consumption. The aim of this study is to examine the association between adolescent self-report of the availability of SSBs in their home and SSB consumption and whether neighborhood and school SSB availability modifies the association between availability of SSBs in the home and adolescent SSB consumption. Methods: The Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health and Eating (FLASHE) was used to conduct a cross sectional analysis of 1,484 parent-adolescent dyads. Each dyad completed four online surveys about dietary and activity health behaviors. Ordinal logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the association between the measures of SSB availability in the home and teen SSB consumption behaviors. The potential moderators, school SSB availability and neighborhood SSB availability, were tested separately using stratified ordinal logistic regression analyses. Results: The greater frequency of availability of SSB’s in the home had a positive association with teen SSB consumption. This association remained present despite the availability of SSB’s in other locations. There was no moderation effect present in either school SSB availability and neighborhood SSB availability. Conclusion: Understanding the impact of the availability of SSB’s in multiple environments on consumption is important for obesity prevention efforts. This study found that parents can be important factors in reducing adolescent SSB consumption by influencing the home environment. Despite the availability of SSB’s in other environments, the home remains important for impacting consumption. Also Presented at the 2018 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting