1,072 research outputs found

    Sirfídeos (Diptera: Syrphidae) predadores de pulgões (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em Prunus persica nas regiões Nordeste e Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo realizar um levantamento dos sirfídeos predadores de afídeos em pomares na região Sul e da Serra Gaúcha, no período da safra 2012/2013

    Gut microbiota in canine idiopathic epilepsy: Effects of disease and treatment

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in humans and dogs. The structure and composition of gut microbiome associated to this disorder has not yet been analyzed in depth but there is evidence that suggests a possible influence of gut bacteria in controlling seizures. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in gut microbiota associated to canine idiopathic epilepsy (IE) and the possible influence of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on the modulation of this microbiota. Faecal microbiota composition was analyzed using sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA gene in a group of healthy controls (n = 12) and a group of epileptic dogs both before (n = 10) and after a 30-day single treatment with phenobarbital or imepitoin (n = 9). Epileptic dogs showed significantly reduced abundance of GABA (Pseudomonadales, Pseudomonadaceae, Pseudomonas and Pseudomona_graminis) and SCFAs-producing bacteria (Peptococcaceae, Ruminococcaceae and Anaerotruncus) as well as bacteria associated with reduced risk for brain disease (Prevotellaceae) than control dogs. The administration of AEDs during 30 days did not modify the gut microbiota composition. These results are expected to contribute to the understanding of canine idiopathic epilepsy and open up the possibility of studying new therapeutic approaches for this disorder, including probiotic intervention to restore gut microbiota in epileptic individuals. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Distribution and Etiology of Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Primary Healthcare Departments in Cape Verde

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    Data on chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) are scarce or unavailable in most African countries. We aimed to determine the prevalence of CRD and associated risk factors in Cape Verde, at the primary healthcare level

    Caracteres anatômicos de fibras foliares de brotações de curauá propagadas in vitro.

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    O curauá [Ananas erectifolius (L.B.Sm) - Bromeliaceae] é uma espécie com grande potencial de utilização na indústria automobilística, devido à sua resistência, maciez e peso reduzido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar fibras presentes em brotações de curauá cultivadas in vitro, advindas ou não do estiolamento, bem como contribuir para a descrição anatômica das folhas. Foram comparadas brotações de curauá produzidas in vitro, pelo método convencional (T1) e pelo método de estiolamento (T2). Nas seções transversais, os feixes de fibras associadas e não às nervuras foram contados e tiveram os diâmetros medidos. O número e o diâmetro dos feixes de fibras associadas ou não às nervuras foram superiores no (T1). Este tratamento produziu 23,7 fibras não associadas às nervuras, enquanto que o (T2) produziu 14,3, e nas fibras associadas às nervuras, o (T1) produziu 14,6 e o (T2) produziu 11,3. No diâmetro das fibras associadas às nervuras em (T1) obteve-se 61,61 ?m e em (T2), 53,17 ?m. Para o diâmetro das fibras não associadas às nervuras, não houve diferença significativa. Quanto às características anatômicas, as maiores diferenças visuais foram constatadas no volume do clorênquima e do parênquima aqüífero, que foram maiores no (T2). Portanto, brotações de curauá cultivadas in vitro obtidas de brotos não estiolados possuem a tendência de produzir mais fibras.Título em inglês: Anatomical characters of curauá foliar fibers from plantlets in vitro propagation

    Influence of the body mass and visceral adiposity on glucose metabolism in obese women with Pro12Pro genotype in PPARgamma2 gene.

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    Introduction: Glucose metabolism may be altered in obesity and genotype for PPAR 2 can influence this variable. Objective: To evaluate the influence of body mass (BM) and visceral adiposity (VA) in glucose metabolism in morbid obese women with Pro12Pro genotype. Methods: Were selected 25 morbidly obese women. Groups were formed according to body mass index (BMI) [G1: 40-45 kg/m2 (n = 17); G2: > 45 kg/m2 (n = 8)]. Anthropometric, glycemia and insulinemia assessments (fasting, 60 and 120 minutes after high polyunsaturated fatty acids meal) were carried out. The insulin resistance (IR) and insulin sensitivity (IS) were assessed by HOMA-IR and QUICKI respectively. Results: G2 had higher BMI and waist circumference, compared to G1, impaired fasting glucose, low IS and higher IR. The postprandial glucose was normal, but there was a higher insulin peak one hour after the meal in G2. Conclusion: Increased BM and VA were associated with worse glucose metabolism suggesting metabolic differences between morbid obese with Pro12Pro genotype

    Metal-THINGS: The association and optical characterization of SNRs with HI holes in NGC 6946

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    NGC~6946, also known as the `Fireworks' galaxy, is an unusual galaxy that hosts a total of 225 supernova remnant (SNR) candidates, including 147 optically identified with high [SII]/Ha line ratios. In addition, this galaxy shows prominent HI holes, which were analyzed in previous studies. Indeed, the connection between SNRs and HI holes together with their physical implications in the surrounding gas is worth of attention. This paper explores the connection between the SNRs and the HI holes, including an analysis of their physical link to observational optical properties inside and around the rims of the holes, using new integral field unit (IFU) data from the Metal-THINGS survey. We present an analysis combining previously identified HI holes, SNRs candidates, and new integral field unit (IFU) data from Metal-THINGS of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946. We analyze the distributions of the oxygen abundance, star formation rate surface density, extinction, ionization, diffuse ionized gas, and the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich classification throughout the galaxy. By analyzing in detail the optical properties of the 121 previously identify HI holes in NGC 6946, we find that the SNRs are concentrated at the rims of the HI holes. Furthermore, our IFU data shows that the star formation rate and extinction are enhanced at the rims of the holes. To a lesser degree, the oxygen abundance and ionization parameter show hints of enhancement on the rims of the holes. Altogether, this provides evidence of induced star formation taking place at the rims of the holes, whose origin can be explained by the expansion of superbubbles created by multiple supernova explosions in large stellar clusters dozens of Myr ago.Comment: Accepted by A&