10,244 research outputs found

    Cryopreservation of coffee seeds: a simplified method.

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    Coffee seeds are sensitive to desiccation and to storage. Advances in the technique of cryopreservation of these seeds have been achieved in recent years, and the aim of this study was to evaluate Coffea arabica seeds cryopreserved through direct immersion in liquid nitrogen after rapid and slow drying. Seeds of the cultivars ?Arara?, ?Catiguá?, ?Catuaí Amarelo? and ?Mundo Novo? underwent rapid and slow drying to 20% moisture content (dry basis); they were then immersed in liquid nitrogen for 24 hours and after that, reheated in a water bath. C. arabica seeds have better physiological quality after slow drying, but rapid drying is better for cryopreservation of these seeds. The seeds of the cultivars investigated have different levels of tolerance, but all can be cryopreserved; ?Catuaí Amarelo? is the most tolerant and ?Arara? the most sensitive to cryopreservation, regardless of the drying speed. The activity of the enzymes catalase, peroxidase and esterase increased after drying and after cryopreservation. Rapid drying in silica gel to 20% moisture content, followed by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen, allows cryopreservation of coffee seeds in a fast, simple and economical manner

    Development of an Optoelectronic Sensor for Detecting and Classifying Fruit Fly (Diptera:,Tephritidae) for Use in Real-Time Intelligent Traps.

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    Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) cause losses to world fruit growing. For a fast and effective control of the pest, it is necessary to identify the species and their populations. Thus, we developed an infrared optoelectronic sensor using phototransistors to capture the signal of the partial occlusion of the infrared light caused by the beating of the fly wings. Laboratory experiments were conducted using the sensor to capture the wing beat signal of A. fraterculus and C. capitata. The captured signals were used to obtain the characteristics of the flies’ wing beats frequency and for a production of a dataset made available as one of the results of this work. For the passage detection, we developed the algorithm of detection of events of passage (PEDA) that uses the root mean square (RMS) value of a sliding window applied to the signal compared to a threshold value. We developed the algorithm of detection of events of passage (CAEC) that uses the techniques of autocorrelation and Fourier transform for the extraction of the characteristics of the wings’ beat signal. The results demonstrate that it is possible to use the sensor for the development of an intelligent trap with detection and classification in real time for A. fraterculus and C. capitata using the wing beat frequency obtained by the developed sensor

    Gene expression of antioxidant enzymes and coffee seed quality during pre-and post- physiological maturity.

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    Seeds collected at different maturation stages vary in physiological quality and patterns of protective antioxidant systems against deterioration. In this study we investigated the expression of genes that codify catalase (CAT), dismutase superoxide (SOD), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) during the pre- and post-physiological maturation phases in whole seeds and in endosperms and embryos extracted from the seeds. Coffea arabica L. berries were collected at the green, yellowish-green, cherry, over-ripe, and dry stages, and the seeds were examined physiologically. The transcription levels of the genes were quantified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction using coffee-specific primers. The highest level of SOD expression was observed in the endosperm at the cherry and over-ripe stages; in addition, these seeds presented the greatest physiological quality (assessed via germination test). The highest CAT3 transcript expression was observed at the green stage in whole seeds, and at the green and over-ripe stages in the embryos and endosperms High expression of the PPO transcript was observed at the green and yellowish-green stages in whole seeds. In embryos and endosperms, peak expression of the PPO transcript was observed at the green stage; subsequently, peaks at the cherry and over-ripe stages were observed. We concluded that the expression patterns of the SOD and CAT3 transcripts were similar at the more advanced maturation stages, which corresponded to enhanced physiological seed quality. High expression of the PPO transcript at the over-ripe stage, also observed in the embryos and endosperms at the cherry stage, coincided with the highest physiological seed quality

    Cryopreservation of Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner seeds: importance of drying rate and moisture content.

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    Seeds of the Coffea canephora species are considered more recalcitrant than those of the Coffea arabica species. They tolerate partial dehydration and they cannot be stored in conventional seed banks at -18ºC because they are sensitive to freezing temperatures. Cryopreservation is a reliable method for storing seeds with these characteristics for long periods. However, preliminary studies are necessary to determine ideal storage conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the ideal physical and physiological conditions for cryopreservation of Coffea canephora seeds to reduce seed mortality caused by the formation of intracellular ice crystals and to avoid cell damage caused by excessive desiccation. Seeds were subjected to rapid drying in silica gel and slow drying in saturated NaCl solution to moisture contents of 0.20, 0.25, and 0.28 g.g-¹ (dry basis), followed by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen for rapid freezing. Physiological and biochemical analyses were performed to evaluate seed quality before and after cryopreservation. Rapid drying of Coffea canephora seeds to values near 0.20 g.g-1 (db) does not cause reduction in physiological quality. Moisture content of 0.25 g.g-¹ brings about greater survival of Coffea canephora seeds after cryopreservation. Drying rate affects the physiological quality of cryopreserved Coffea canephora seeds, and rapid drying in silica gel is more favorable than slow drying in a saturated NaCl solution. The activity of the enzymes catalase, esterase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, and polyphenol oxidase are indicators of seed quality for Coffea canephora seeds subjected to cryopreservation

    Ultrasonic pulse technique for evaluation of mechanical damage in processed coffee beans.

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    The knowledge of the physical characteristics of the coffee bean allows the transition from the conventional storage model in bags to the silo storage, and as an indirect measure of the improvement and conservation of the quality of the stored grain. The elastic modulus allows comparisons on the strength of material. The variations of this occur due to its chemical composition, microstructures and material defects, being able to be used as indicator of the physical integrity of the grain. The ultrasonic pulse technique is an alternative to obtain the elastic modulus in a simple and non-destructive way. In this context, it was proposed the development of a non-destructive methodology that will perform the quality evaluation by determining the elastic modulus of the coffee beans. For this purpose, a reference silo was constructed, reproducing the storage conditions, and the elastic modulus values were determined. The values obtained by the Stress Wave Timer apparatus are between 2.54 and 4.23 MPa, with a maximum load of 8.32 kN, and a calculated vertical pressure of 1,526 kPa. To evaluate the impact of the storage conditions and the loads applied during the non-destructive test, laboratory tests applied in seeds were performed, and the tetrazolium test was the only one able to differentiate the samples. It was concluded that Stress Wave Timer was able to determine the elastic modulus values for the coffee bean mass and could be used as an indicative of the quality.Título em português: Técnica de pulso ultrassônico para avaliação de danos mecânicos em grãos de café beneficiados

    Colorimetria em grãos de café submetidos a diferentes métodos de processamento e armazenados em ambiente resfriado.

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    A avaliação da cor de grãos de café torna-se importante uma vez que cafés descoloridos ou com diferentes níveis de branqueamento receberão menores preços no mercado. Além da desvalorização comercial, as alterações na cor são um indicativo da ocorrência de processos oxidativos e alterações bioquímicas de natureza enzimática que irão alterar qualitativa e quantitativamente a composição dos percursores do sabor e aroma dos grãos, resultando em queda da qualidade da bebida. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a cor dos grãos de café processados e beneficiados por diferentes métodos. Frutos de Coffea arábica foram colhidos no estádio cereja e processados por via úmida (fermentação em água) e por via seca (secados nos próprios frutos). Três tratamentos de beneficiamento foram utilizados: manual, mecânico e sem beneficiamento. O experimento constituiu em fatorial 2x3, sendo dois tipos de processamento (natural e despolpado) e três tratamentos de beneficiamento (manual, mecânico e sem beneficiamento). A cor dos grãos foi determinada em colorímetro Minolta® CR 310 (iluminante C e ângulo 10º) por meio dos parâmetros ?L? (luminosidade), ?a? e ?b? (coordenadas de cromaticidade). Conclui-se que a avaliação da coloração permite discriminar melhor lotes de café em fase de deterioração, antes mesmo de afetar a qualidade sensorial. O resfriamento do ar durante o armazenamento propicia a manutenção da qualidade fisiológica dos grãos por mais tempo, reduzindo o branqueamento dos grãos de café