13,594 research outputs found

    Two-photon decay of heavy quarkonium from heavy-quark spin symmetry

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    With the recent measurements on ηc\eta_{c} and ηc′\eta_{c}^{\prime} at CLEO, Babar and Belle, and with the prospect of finding the ηb\eta_{b} at the Tevatron, it seems appropriate to have another look at the two-photon decay of heavy quarkonium from the standpoint of an effective Lagrangian based on local operator expansion and heavy-quark spin symmetry. In this talk, I would like to discuss a recent work on the two-photon decay rates of ground states and excited states of ηc\eta_c and ηb\eta_b using the local operator expansion approach and heavy-quark spin symmetry and taking into account the binding-energy. We find that the predicted two-photon width for ηc\eta_c agrees well with experiment, but the predicted value for ηc(2S)\eta_c(2S) is twice larger than the CLEO estimation. We point out that the essentially model-independent ratio of ηb\eta_b two-photon width to the Υ\Upsilon leptonic width and the ηb\eta_b two-photon width could be used to extract the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s .Comment: 9 pages, Talk given at the QCD@Work 2007 International Workshop on QCD: Theory and Experiment}, Martina Franca, Italy, 16--20 June 200

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk Menganalisis Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP pada Materi Cahaya

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    The challenge of 21st century education is to prepare human resources who are required to have skills, one of which is problem solving. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is considered effective in training problem-solving skills because it has constructivist characteristics with science learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze students' problem solving skills in the Light material through PBL learning. The research method used is quantitative with descriptive analysis. The research sample was 22 Tanah Merah Integrated Junior High School students grade IX. The data collection technique used the observation sheet of problem solving skills. The results showed that there was an increase in students' problem solving skills from the first to the third experiment. The increase with the highest percentage was in the third experiment with indicators of problem solving/ investigation by 90.9%. The average data for each problem solving indicator shows that students can understand the problem by 80.78%, collect data by 69.63%, carry out problem solving/investigation by 78.46%, and make conclusions by 66.67%. These results indicate that the Problem Based Learning model can be used as a science learning construction in improving problem solving skills

    Freshly ionized matter around the final Helium shell flash object V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object)

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    We report on the discovery of recently ionized hydrogen-deficient gas in the immediate circumstellar environment of the final helium shell flash star V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object). On spectra obtained with FORS2 multi-object spectroscopy we have found spatially extended (about 2") emission from [N II], [O I], [O II] and very faint Halpha and [S II]. In the [N II] (ll6548,83) lines we have identified two components located at velocities -350 +/-50 and +200 +/-50 km/s, relative to V4334 Sgr itself. The full width of the [N II] l6583 feature at zero intensity corresponds to a velocity spread of about 1500 km/s. Based on the available data it is not possible to conclusively determine the mechanism of ionization. Both photo-ionization, from a rapidly evolving central star, and shock excitation, as the result of the collision of the fast ouflows with slower circumstellar matter, could account for the observed lines. The central star is still hidden behind strong dust absorption, since only a faint highly reddened continuum is apparent in the spectra. Theory states that it will become hotter and will retrace its post-asymptotic giant branch evolution towards the planetary nebula domain. Our detection of the ionized ejecta from the very late helium shell flash marks the beginning of a new phase in this star's amazingly rapid evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    The Type IIP SN 2007od in UGC 12846: from a bright maximum to dust formation in the nebular phase

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    Ultraviolet (UV), optical and near infrared (NIR) observations of the type IIP supernova (SN) 2007od are presented, covering from the maximum light to the late phase, allowing to investigate in detail different physical phenomena in the expanding ejecta. These data turn this object into one of the most peculiar IIP ever studied. The early light curve of SN 2007od is similar to that of a bright IIPs with a short plateau, a bright peak (MV = -18 mag), but a very faint optical light curve at late time. However, with the inclusion of mid infrared (MIR) observations during the radioactive decay we have estimate a M(56Ni) ~ 2\times10^-2 M\odot. Modeling the bolometric light curve, ejecta expansion velocities and black-body temperature, we estimate a total ejected mass was 5 - 7.5 M\odot with a kinetic energy of at least 0.5 \times 10^51 erg. The early spectra reveal a boxy H{\alpha} profile and high velocities features of the Balmer series that suggest interaction between the ejecta and a close circum-stellar matter (CSM). SN 2007od may be, therefore, an intermediate case between a Type IIn SN and a typical Type IIP SN. Also late spectra show a clear evidence of CSM and the presence of dust formed inside the ejecta. The episodes of mass loss short before explosion, the bright plateau, along with the relatively small amount of 56Ni and the faint [O I] observed in the nebular spectra are consistent with a super-asympthotic giant branch (super-AGB) progenitor (M~9.7 - 11 M\odot).Comment: V2, some test added and three figures changed from the first version. 21 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS on May 24, 201

    The Opacity of Nearby Galaxies from Counts of Background Galaxies: II. Limits of the Synthetic Field Method

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    Recently, we have developed and calibrated the Synthetic Field Method (SFM) to derive the total extinction through disk galaxies. The method is based on the number counts and colors of distant background field galaxies that can be seen through the foreground object, and has been successfully applied to NGC 4536 and NGC 3664, two late-type galaxies located, respectively, at 16 and 11 Mpc. Here, we study the applicability of the SFM to HST images of galaxies in the Local Group, and show that background galaxies cannot be easily identified through these nearby objects, even with the best resolution available today. In the case of M 31, each pixel in the HST images contains 50 to 100 stars, and the background galaxies cannot be seen because of the intrinsic granularity due to strong surface brightness fluctuations. In the LMC, on the other hand, there is only about one star every six linear pixels, and the lack of detectable background galaxies results from a ``secondary'' granularity, introduced by structure in the wings of the point spread function. The success of the SFM in NGC 4536 and NGC 3664 is a natural consequence of the reduction of the intensity of surface brightness fluctuations with distance. When the dominant confusion factor is structure in the PSF wings, as is the case of HST images of the LMC, and would happen in M 31 images obtained with a 10-m diffraction- limited optical telescope, it becomes in principle possible to improve the detectability of background galaxies by subtracting the stars in the foreground object. However, a much better characterization of optical PSFs than is currently available would be required for an adequate subtraction of the wings. Given the importance of determining the dust content of Local Group galaxies, efforts should be made in that direction.Comment: 45 pages, 10 Postscript figure

    Continuous feedback on a quantum gas coupled to an optical cavity

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    We present an active feedback scheme acting continuously on the state of a quantum gas dispersively coupled to a high-finesse optical cavity. The quantum gas is subject to a transverse pump laser field inducing a self-organization phase transition, where the gas acquires a density modulation and photons are scattered into the resonator. Photons leaking from the cavity allow for a real-time and non-destructive readout of the system. We stabilize the mean intra-cavity photon number through a micro-processor controlled feedback architecture acting on the intensity of the transverse pump field. The feedback scheme can keep the mean intra-cavity photon number nphn_\text{ph} constant, in a range between nph=0.17±0.04n_\text{ph}=0.17\pm 0.04 and nph=27.6±0.5n_\text{ph}=27.6\pm 0.5, and for up to 4 s. Thus we can engage the stabilization in a regime where the system is very close to criticality as well as deep in the self-organized phase. The presented scheme allows us to approach the self-organization phase transition in a highly controlled manner and is a first step on the path towards the realization of many-body phases driven by tailored feedback mechanisms

    Explosion of a massive, He-rich star at z=0.16

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric data of the peculiar SN 2001gh, discovered by the 'Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO Supernova Search' (STRESS) at a redshift z=0.16. SN 2001gh has relatively high luminosity at maximum (M_B = -18.55 mag), while the light curve shows a broad peak. An early-time spectrum shows an almost featureless, blue continuum with a few weak and shallow P-Cygni lines that we attribute to HeI. HeI lines remain the only spectral features visible in a subsequent spectrum, obtained one month later. A remarkable property of SN 2001gh is the lack of significant spectral evolution over the temporal window of nearly one month separating the two spectra. In order to explain the properties of SN 2001gh, three powering mechanism are explored, including radioactive decays of a moderately large amount of 56Ni, magnetar spin-down, and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar medium. We favour the latter scenario, with a SN Ib wrapped in a dense, circumstellar shell. The fact that no models provide an excellent fit with observations, confirms the troublesome interpretation of the nature of SN 2001gh. A rate estimate for SN 2001gh-like event is also provided, confirming the intrinsic rarity of these objects.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted by MNRA
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