27 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Rekrutmen Pegawai PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara Wilayah Suluttenggo

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    Human resources planning that is hard-wired with good will support the quality ofprospective employees as well as the number of types of labour required at any given time, so being able tohelp the recruitment of employees. the process of recruitment of prospective employees who have the abilityto work in a company. PT PLN (Persero) conducts recruitment with several stages of recruitment, i.e.registration of participants, calling on the participants to the process of administration by bringing files thathad been noted at the time of registration, selection of administration, general aptitude test, academic andEnglish, the psychological test, interview and health tests. the environment PT PLN (Persero) is a publiccompany engaged in the service so it has a great responsibility to be able to provide the best service to thecommunity. The company is one of the strategic initiatives prepared for transforming human resources(human capital). to form a quality workforce then need to determine qualifications regarding labor is neededand put it in the right position, so that the company's goals will be achieved. to achieve the objectives of thecompany then needed a good workforce planning for each Division or Department within the company. Theimplementation of the recruitment policy of the State electricity company PT. (Persero) Region Suluttenggo.Views of 6 Implementation according to the theory of van meter and van horn that is standard policy andobjectives, resources, implementing agencies/implementor, implementer of the attitudes, communication,social conditions, economic, political. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach method through indepthinterviews to 8 people additional observations, the informant in the form of a list of guidelines forinterviews and writing stationery. The results showed in general recruitment policy ImplementationEmployees of the State electricity company PT has not gone well

    Pengaruh Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (Samsat) terhadap Kesadaran Masyarakat Membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor di Kota Manado

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    Based from the initial observation that the exictance of Administrative System Manunggal OneRoof (SAMSAT) in Manado city wasn't optimal yet, indicated that there are many people still wouldn't paytaxes on motor vehicles. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of samsat to people awareness of payingmotor vehicle tax in Manado cityThis study was explorative, with a quantitative approach. Data collected through a questionnairedistributed from 40 community respondents of Manado city that has a motor vehicle but does not pay thevehicle tax. The data collected then analyzed using linear regression analysis and simple correlation analysis.The results showed that SAMSAT aren't still work optimal, as the result samsat disable to encouragethe public to pay vehicle taxes.SAMSAT was effected the public awareness to pay motor vehicle tax in Manado city. Suggested, inorder Samsat can improve the quality of service so as to encourage people to pay vehicle taxes

    Dampak Kebijakan Pemekaran Wilayah terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat (suatu Studi di Kecamatan Gemeh Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud)

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    To maximize the benefits of decentralization in accordance with the mandate of the Act. No. 32 of 2004 so the arrangement of the New Autonomous Region became one of the important issues that are still focusing of the Government. PP. 129 of 2000 about the Formation Requirements and Criteria for Expansion, Elimination, and Regional Merger later replaced by Regulation 78 of 2007 about Procedures for the Establishment, Abolition, and Region Merging.The efforts regional division is seen as a breakthrough to accelerate development through improving the quality of and easy access to the public service for the people. Considering the regional autonomy objective is to improve the welfare of the community, get closer to public services, and strengthen regional competitiveness. This research is intended to answer the question about what is extending impact of division policy on the social economic conditions of the society in sub district Gemehof Talaud islands.This research used a descriptive-Evaluative, with a quantitative approach. Informants in this research are 15 people that were taken by proportion 5 villages: 1 rural village is in the center of town, each village in north, south, east, and west. Instrument this research is using data collection with interview. Analyze the data with quantitative analysis.The results showed: 1) Impact of the policy of regional expansion program, 2) implementation of the policy of regional expansion program. Based on the this research results conclusion that: division policy districts Talaud islands in the form of implementation programs for infrastructure development, community empowerment and community service, especially in the sub district Gemeh of Talaud islands.Based on the results of this research, the conclusion are: 1). To improve the social economic conditions of rural communities, particularly in Sub district Gemeh, it would require concerted effort of the government together with other stakeholders to work together to improve the development of rural community infrastructure, empowering people and providing excellent service to community.2) considering the division policy had a positive effect and significantly to the improvement of social economic conditions of the people, then the government needs to deal with programs that touch directly to the community that needs as an integral part of regional divisions implemented destination itself

    Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa ( Apbdesa) dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Desa di Desa Betelen Kecamatan Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    APBDesa ( Income Expenditure Budgeting of Village ) is an explanation needsin building the village as defined in Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 37 Year 2007on Guidelines for village financial management. The aim of this study is to determine theimplementation of village income expenditure to support the rural development in betelenvillage so that the data and information about constraints to the implementation of villageincome expenditure budgeting to supplort the rural development in Betelen village contained.This study uses qualitative research, the simple of informants selected by purposive sampling,sampling technique with particular data source (sugiono 2008). The key informants areselected from five jaga (5 areas) in Betelen village which is consist of village headmen,village secretary, village consultative body chairman, traditional leaders, religious leaders,youth leaders and four communities. A total 15 informants were selected and interviewed..The research results show, that the managerial capacity in financial management of thevillage officials is still lacking, transparency in financial management have not been fullyvisible, there is still confusing in budget management, participation or communityinvolvement in the process of overseeing and providing constructive feedback on theimprovement of financial management has not been fully maximized

    Implementasi Kebijakan Etika Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Sekretriat Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    ABSTRACK The service civil policy ethics as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 42 Year 2004 on Soul Coaching Corps and the Code of civil servants, establish ethical obligations that must be implemented by civil servants in performing official duties and relationships of everyday life. But in reality there are many civil servants attitude and behavior is not in accordance with the ethical values ​​of civil servants. Starting from these two studies in this meand to determine how the implementation of the civil service ethics policy at the District Secretariat Sula Islands. The method used was a qualitative method. Data sources / informants of this research is purposive sampling of civil servants in the Sula Islands District Secretariat is 5 persons from the leaders / officials concerned and 10 people on staff employee / executive, so the total number of informants there were 15 people. The instrument in this study is the researchers themselves, while collecting the data using interview techniques. Data analyzed to using qualitative analysis techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernann. The results on based of the study conclude: 1). Actions to do by the leadership in connection with the implementation of policies such as the civil service ethics laws and regulations (PP.42 2004), fostering employee awareness, and enforcement of ethics rules is already quite effective. 2) An understanding of the ethics of civil servants are set out in PP.42 2004 (in the state of ethics, organizational ethics, ethics in society, ethics in yourself, and the ethics of others civil servants) is good enough. 3). Application of civil service ethics or practice by employees in the execution of official duties generally been pretty good, but not maximized. This means that the attitude and behavior of civil servants in performing official duties in general is quite in accordance with the ethics of civil servants specified in PP.42 2004. Based on these results the conclusion can be stated as the following suggestions: 1) The enforcement of civil servants in the Secretariat ethics to the District Sula Islands needs to be improved. 2) Understanding of the staff of the Secretariat of the islands of Sula District of ethics of civil servants need to be improved; 3) Application of civil service ethics in the execution of official duties should also be improved in environmental Sula Islands District Secretariat. In this connection it is necessary a high awareness of the employees themselves to adjust the attitude and behavior of the ethical values ​​of civil servants

    Pengaruh Penerapan Otonomi Desa terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan (suatu Studi di Distrik Saifi Kabupaten Sorong Selatan)

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    This research moved from the initial observation that the application by the amah VillageAutonomy Law. No. 6 Year 2015 About the Village is not optimal so that the impact on the low participation ofrural communities, especially in the district of South Sorong Regency Saifi. Thus, this study aimed to analyzethe effect of implementation of village autonomy to public participation in the development of Saifi village inthe district of South Sorong regency. Denagn applying the method of descriptive and quantitative approachesand applying imntrumen questionnaire, distributed to 46 people selamnjutnya government officials Kampungdistributed into five villages. After the data and information collected, then processed and analyzed by usingfrequency tables and analysis product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression to test thehypothesis.The results of data analysis menunkkan that (1). The implementation of village autonomy is in thecategory "medium" tend to be "low", while the level of community participation in rural development are inthe category of "moderate" tend to be "high". (2). The implementation of village autonomy as one of the factorsthat influence people's participation in rural development. The implementation of village autonomy contributepositively and significantly on the level of participation of rural communities, especially in the district of SouthSorong Regency Saifi. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis can be tested by empirical validity as wellas to justify the underlying theories.It is necessary to give some suggestions, among others: (1). Not optimal application of Village Autonomy,it is expected that the government (district / city and province) is committed to delegate authority under thelegislation in force regarding some matters that are directly handled by the village government so as toencourage an increase in the intensity of the implementation of village autonomy. (2). It is recommended thatthe local government encourages well as streamline the functions of village institutions as a partner with thevillage government through education and functional training

    Efektivitas Program Pelayanan Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah (JAMKESDA) di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Bitung

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    Hospital is a health care institution that organizes personal health services in plenary thatprovides inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department. In connection with the Hospital opened healthservices through programs that one Regional Health Insurance program (JAMKESDA) which is aprogram for the poor that health care costs are guaranteed by the Government.This study is intended to answer the "Is service health insurance program area (JAMKESDA) in the cityof Bitung is already effective. This study uses a qualitative method. Data source / informant study is thehead of the general hospital one person, public hospital employees 10 people, and participants Jamkesda20 people, so the total number of informants there were 31 people. Primary data collection using thequestionnaire technique and help with the interview.Results of the data analysis showed that the implementation of the regional health insurance servicesprogram (JAMKESDA) in the city of Bitung is already operating effectively, although not optimal. Basedon the results of these studies conclude that it is not optimal effectiveness of the implementation of theRegional Health Insurance services program (JAMKESDA) related to the implementation of satisfactionindicators and indicators of adaptation that has not been effective, both the level of satisfaction ofemployees / employee hospitals and patients and families of patients who have not been satisfied on theservice they received.Referring to some of the findings in this study, then to optimize the achievement of effectiveimplementation of the Regional Health Insurance program (JAMKESDA) in city Bitung forward, needs tobe optimized implementation of satisfaction indicators and indicators of adaptation, through increasing itscapacity to adjust to the dynamics and demands of internal environment and externally

    Pengaruh Disiplin Pegawai terhadap Prestasi Kerja di Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Labor discipline is a behavioral containing technical aspects that work ethic is the norms that arebinding and are set explicitly and practices such as behavioral attitudes respect, honor, obey, and obey thatmust be held to be maintained and implemented in government agencies. Problems to be answered in thisstudy is the work discipline of employees about employee performance affects the performance ofemployees working in the department of Agriculture of North Sulawesi. This study aims to determine theeffect of labor discipline against the employees of performance. These results indicate that the labordiscipline and significant positive effect on the productivity of employees in the department of Agricultureof North Sulawesi. Based on these conclusions labor discipline must be observed and maintained on eachemployee so that the tasks and responsibilities can be a priority terselenggarakan well