141 research outputs found

    The Yin and Yang of Type 1 Regulatory T Cells: From Discovery to Clinical Application

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    Regulatory T cells are essential players of peripheral tolerance and suppression of inflammatory immune responses. Type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells are FoxP3- regulatory T cells induced in the periphery under tolerogenic conditions. Tr1 cells are identified as LAG3+CD49b+ mature CD4+ T cells that promote peripheral tolerance through secretion of IL-10 and TGF-β in addition to exerting perforin- and granzyme B-mediated cytotoxicity against myeloid cells. After the initial challenges of isolation were overcome by surface marker identification, ex vivo expansion of antigen-specific Tr1 cells in the presence of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) and IL-10 paved the way for their use in clinical trials. With one Tr1-enriched cell therapy product already in a Phase I clinical trial in the context of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), Tr1 cell therapy demonstrates promising results so far in terms of efficacy and safety. In the current review, we identify developments in phenotypic and molecular characterization of Tr1 cells and discuss the potential of engineered Tr1-like cells for clinical applications of Tr1 cell therapies. More than 3 decades after their initial discovery, Tr1 cell therapy is now being used to prevent graft versus host disease (GvHD) in allo-HSCT and will be an alternative to immunosuppression to promote graft tolerance in solid organ transplantation in the near future

    The Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Immuno-Suppression by Human Type 1 Regulatory T Cells

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    The immuno-regulatory mechanisms of IL-10-producing type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells have been widely studied over the years. However, several recent discoveries have shed new light on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that human Tr1 cells use to control immune responses and induce tolerance. In this review we outline the well known and newly discovered regulatory properties of human Tr1 cells and provide an in-depth comparison of the known suppressor mechanisms of Tr1 cells with FOXP3+ Treg. We also highlight the role that Tr1 cells play in promoting and maintaining tolerance in autoimmunity, allergy, and transplantation

    173. Insulin B9-23 LV-Driven Expression in Hepatocytes Combined With Suboptimal Dose of Anti-CD3 mAb Cures Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease resulting in complete destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β cells. In T1D in human and in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse, the spontaneous murine model of T1D, auto-reactive T cells target islet-associated antigens. Induction of antigen (Ag)-specific tolerance could cure Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) but it has not been achieved yet. We previously showed that lentiviral vector (LV)-mediated gene expression in hepatocytes induces active tolerance toward the encoded-Ag. Systemic administration of a single dose of Integrase competent (IC) or integrase defective (ID) LV.ET.InsB9-23.142T, enabling stable and transient expression of InsB9-23 in hepatocytes, respectively, arrests β cell destruction in NOD mice at advanced pre-diabetic stage by generating InsB9-23-specific FoxP3+ T regulatory cells (Tregs). In the present study we tested the efficacy of hepatocytes-directed LV.ET. InsB9-23.142T gene transfer in protecting from disease progression at later stages and in reversing T1D.Treatment with LV.ET.InsB9-23.142T in NOD mice with glucose levels ranging from 200mg/mL to 250mg/mL blocked T1D progression in only 27% of the mice. Co-expression of the late auto-Ags-derived epitopes GAD206-220 and IGRP195-214 in hepatocytes did not improve the efficacy of LV.ET.InsB9-23.142T treatment. LV.ET.InsB9-23.142T treatment in diabetic NOD mice with blood glucose levels ranging from 250mg/mL to 300mg/mL did not result in reversion to normoglycemic levels in any of the treated mice.We next combined InsB9-23 gene transfer with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment. Treatment with anti-CD3 mAb at optimal doses is able per se to reverse T1D in NOD mice. Therefore, we tested decreasing doses of anti-CD3 mAb in diabetic NOD mice with blood glucose levels ranging from 250mg/mL to 300mg/mL to identify the sub-optimal dose unable to revert T1D. We found that a single administration of anti-CD3 mAb at 5μg instead of 10μg results was not effective. This sub-optimal dose of anti-CD3 mAb (1X 5μg) was administered together with LV.ET.InsB9-23.142T to NOD mice with blood glucose levels ranging from 250mg/mL to 300mg/mL. Results showed T1D reversal in 75% of ICLV-treated and 40% of the IDLV-treated mice. These data indicate that the LV.ET. InsB9-23.142T treatment combined with sub-optimal anti-CD3 mAb treatment is able to reverse overt diabetes

    637. Targeting of Myeloid Leukemia by IL-10-Engineered Human CD4+ Tr1 Cells

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    T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cells, characterized by the co-expression of CD49b and LAG-3 and the ability to secrete high amounts of IL-10, control immune responses by IL-10 and TGF-beta production and by killing of myeloid cells via a Granzyme B-dependent mechanism. Tr1 cells are induced in vitro in the presence of recombinant human IL-10 or tolerogenic dendritic cells secreting high amounts of IL-10 (DC-10). Proof-of-principle clinical trials suggest that Tr1 cells can modulate Graft-versus Host Disease (GvHD) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). However, their ability to mediate anti-leukemic activity or their effects of Graft versus Leukemia is largely unknown. We previously showed that enforced IL-10 expression converts human CD4+ T cells into Tr1-like (CD4IL-10) cells that suppress effector T cells in vitro and prevent xenogeneic-GvHD in humanized models. We now demonstrate that these CD4IL-10 cells selectively kill myeloid cell lines and myeloid blasts in vitro in HLA-class I-dependent but antigen-independent manner. Moreover, cytotoxic activity of CD4IL-10 cells is Granzyme B-dependent, is specific for CD13+ cells, and requires CD54 and CD112 expression on target cell lines or primary leukemic blast. Adoptive transfer of CD4IL-10 cells in humanized models mediates direct anti-leukemic activity, and does not compromise the anti-leukemic effect of allogeneic T cells while inhibits xeno-GvHD. These findings provide a strong rationale for designing personalized immunotherapy approaches using CD4IL-10 cells after allo-HSCT to cure myeloid malignancies

    Forkhead box P3: the peacekeeper of the immune system.

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    Ten years ago Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) was discovered as master gene driving CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell regulatory (Treg) function. Since then, several layers of complexity have emerged in the regulation of its expression and function, which is not only exerted in Treg cells. While the mechanisms leading to the highly selective expression of FOXP3 in thymus-derived Treg cells still remain to be elucidated, we review here the current knowledge on the role of FOXP3 in the development of Treg cells and the direct and indirect consequences of FOXP3 mutations on multiple arms of the immune response. Finally, we summarize the newly acquired knowledge on the epigenetic regulation of FOXP3, still largely undefined in human cells

    Rapamycin and Interleukin-10 Treatment Induces T Regulatory Type 1 Cells That Mediate Antigen-Specific Transplantation Tolerance

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    Islet transplantation is a cure for type 1 diabetes, but its potential is limited by the need for constant immunosuppression. One solution to this problem is the induction of transplantation tolerance mediated by T regulatory cells. T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cells are characterized by their production of high levels of interleukin (IL)-10, which is crucial for their differentiation and suppressive function. We investigated the effects of IL-10 administered in combination with rapamycin on the induction of Tr1 cells that could mediate a state of tolerance in diabetic mice after pancreatic islet transplantation. The efficacy of this treatment was compared with IL-10 alone and standard immunosuppression. Stable long-term tolerance that was not reversible by alloantigen rechallenge was achieved only in mice treated with rapamycin plus IL-10. Tr1 cells that produced high levels of IL-10 and suppressed T-cell proliferation were isolated from splenocytes of rapamycin plus IL-10–treated mice after treatment withdrawal. In rapamycin plus IL-10–treated mice, endogenous IL-10 mediated an active state of tolerance, as was observed when the blockade of IL-10 activity rapidly induced graft rejection >100 days after transplantation. CD4+ T-cells from rapamycin plus IL-10–treated mice transferred antigen-specific tolerance in mice that received new transplants. Thus rapamycin plus IL-10 not only prevented allograft rejection but also induced Tr1 cells that mediated stable antigen-specific, long-term tolerance in vivo

    Human CD25+CD4+ T Suppressor Cell Clones Produce Transforming Growth Factor β, but not Interleukin 10, and Are Distinct from Type 1 T Regulatory Cells

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    T regulatory (Tr) cells are essential for the induction of peripheral tolerance. Several types of Tr cells exist, including CD4+ T cells which express CD25 constitutively and suppress immune responses via direct cell-to-cell interactions, and type 1 T regulatory (Tr1) cells, which function via secretion of interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. The relationship between CD25+CD4+ T cells and Tr1 cells remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate at the clonal level that Tr1 and CD25+CD4+ T cells are two distinct subsets of regulatory cells with different cytokine production profiles. Furthermore, CD25−CD4+ T cells can be rendered anergic by IL-10 and differentiated into Tr1 cells in the absence of CD25+CD4+ T cells. Cloned human CD25+CD4+ T cell populations are heterogeneous and only a subset of clones continues to express high levels of CD25 and is suppressive. The intensity of CD25, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen (CTLA)-4, and glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor expression correlates with the suppressive capacity of the T cell clones. None of the CD25+CD4+ T cell clones with suppressive function produce IL-10, but all produce TGF-β. Suppression mediated by CD25+CD4+ T cell clones is partially dependent on TGF-β, but not on constitutive high expression of CD25. Together these data indicate that naturally occurring human CD25+CD4+ T cells are distinct from IL-10–producing Tr1 cells

    IL-3 or IL-7 Increases ex Vivo Gene Transfer Efficiency in ADA-SCID BM CD34 + Cells while Maintaining in Vivo Lymphoid Potential

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    To improve maintenance and gene transfer of human lymphoid progenitors for clinical use in gene therapy of adenosine deaminase (ADA)-deficient SCID we investigated several gene transfer protocols using various stem cell-enriched sources. The lymphoid differentiation potential was measured by an in vitro clonal assay for B/NK cells and in the in vivo SCID-hu mouse model. Ex vivo culture with the cytokines TPO, FLT3-ligand, and SCF (T/F/S) plus IL-3 or IL-7 substantially increased the yield of transduced bone marrow (BM) CD34+ cells purified from ADA-SCID patients or healthy donors, compared to T/F/S alone. Moreover, the use of IL-3 or IL-7 significantly improved the maintenance of in vitro B cell progenitors from ADA-SCID BM cells and allowed the efficient transduction of B and NK cell progenitors. Under these optimized conditions transduced CD34+ cells were efficiently engrafted into SCID-hu mice and gave rise to B and T cell progeny, demonstrating the maintenance of in vivo lymphoid reconstitution capacity. The protocol based on the T/F/S + IL-3 combination was included in a gene therapy clinical trial for ADA-SCID, resulting in long-term engraftment of stem/progenitor cells. Remarkably, gene-corrected BM CD34+ cells obtained from one patient 4 and 11 months after gene therapy were capable of repopulating the lymphoid compartment of SCID-hu hosts