4 research outputs found

    Community Capacity Building, Local Community Involvement in Tourism Activities and Community Welfare in Uganda

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    This study sought to examine the relationship between capacity building, community involvement in tourism activities and community welfare among the local communities living around protected areas in Uganda.  The design of the study was cross sectional in that both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used in the analysis of the findings. A significant positive relationship existed between capacity building, community involvement and community welfare respectively. A strong positive relationship existed between community involvement and community welfare. Where community involvement existed, community welfare improved and vice versa. Among all the factors, community welfare significantly depended on community involvement in tourism activities. The study recommended tourism stakeholders and policy makers to encourage local communities living around protected areas to engage in tourism activities as a way of improving their welfare. Keywords: Community capacity building, Community involvement, Tourism, Community welfare, Local communitie

    Work Environment, Service Quality and Customer Retention in Guesthouses in Uganda; Case of Kampala District

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    This study sought to examine the relationship between work environment, service quality and customer retention in guesthouses. The study was cross sectional in that both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. Factor analysis was carried out and five service quality dimensions were derived. Stratified sampling and later simple random sampling were employed so that good results could be got. The observation method was used to complement on the applied study tools. The results revealed that customers’ perception of the service quality in Kampala Guesthouses fell short of their expectations hence most of them were dissatisfied. The reasons for the above were failure by guesthouses to empower their staff in terms of quality delivery; unfavorable working environment characterized by long hours of work, low pay, job insecurity unfair treat, employment of untrained staff and relatives and a lot of intimidation by managers yet these are the very people who handle customers and provide the service. The study recommended critical empowerment of staff in terms of quality delivery and improvement of the working environment if they are to deliver quality service to customers. Critical areas should be staff training, remuneration, respect, motivation, renovation and repair of buildings, benchmarking, career development and job security. Keywords: Service quality, Work environment, Guesthouse, Customers, Tourism and hospitalit

    Environmental Conservation And its Influence on Tourism Development in Rwanda: Case Study of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)

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    The study explored environmental conservation and its influence on tourism development in Rwanda. The study objectives were designed for the study and literature review was guided by research objectives and was attained from secondary sources. The total population, mainly from REMA, tourists, tourism players was 109 respondents who were all included in the sample using both convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Tools for collecting data were questionnaires, documentaries and interview. Data was analyzed using tables, frequencies and percentages. Findings on the causes of environmental degradation in Rwanda were poor cultivation practices, deforestation, overgrazing, soil exhaustion, widespread poaching. The impact of environmental conservation on tourism development in Rwanda were the ability of the conserved flora and fauna to generate tourism revenue when visited by tourists, stabilizing biodiversity, quality air for visitors, and increase of wildlife conservation. The relationship between environmental conservation and tourism development were highly significant in that, if there is environmental conservation, then, tourism resources will be developed hence attracting visitors at the destination. The study proposed environmental sustainability in Rwanda such as;3R (recycle, re-use and reduce); implementing carrying capacity, green tourism, use of renewable energy, planting more trees and plants, efficient waste management, soil conservation and better agricultural practices as well as pollution Control. Keywords: Environmental conservation, Tourism, Developmen

    Environmental Conservation and its Influence on Tourism Development in Rwanda: Case Study of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)

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    The study explored environmental conservation and its influence on tourism development in Rwanda. The study objectives were designed for the study and literature review was guided by research objectives and was attained from secondary sources. The total population, mainly from REMA, tourists, tourism players was 109 respondents who were all included in the sample using both convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Tools for collecting data were questionnaires, documentaries and interview. Data was analyzed using tables, frequencies and percentages. Findings on the causes of environmental degradation in Rwanda were poor cultivation practices, deforestation, overgrazing, soil exhaustion, widespread poaching. The impact of environmental conservation on tourism development in Rwanda were the ability of the conserved flora and fauna to generate tourism revenue when visited by tourists, stabilizing biodiversity, quality air for visitors, and increase of wildlife conservation. The relationship between environmental conservation and tourism development were highly significant in that, if there is environmental conservation, then, tourism resources will be developed hence attracting visitors at the destination. The study proposed environmental sustainability in Rwanda such as;3R (recycle, re-use and reduce); implementing carrying capacity, green tourism, use of renewable energy, planting more trees and plants, efficient waste management, soil conservation and better agricultural practices as well as pollution Control