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    Este estudo verificou a prevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es na prĂĄtica esportiva do futebol amador. A amostra foi constituĂ­da por 30 praticantes amadores do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 35 anos. Foi aplicado o questionĂĄrio adaptado de Kroef em forma de entrevista para verificar a ocorrĂȘncia de lesĂ”es. Todos os jogadores sofreram alguma lesĂŁo relacionada ao futebol. No ano de 2015 a incidĂȘncia total de lesĂ”es foi de 72%. A frequĂȘncia de lesĂ”es em praticantes amadores de futebol Ă© alta, principalmente entorse (45,2%) e distensĂŁo muscular (36,7%). Observar a frequĂȘncia e os fatores associados Ă s lesĂ”es pode mostrar o melhor caminho para o manejo da saĂșde dos praticantes, buscando sempre a prevenção de problemas osteomusculares

    Culturable endophytic filamentous fungi from leaves of transgenic imidazolinone-tolerant sugarcane and its non-transgenic isolines

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    The diversity of endophytic filamentous fungi from leaves of transgenic imidazolinone-tolerant sugarcane plants and its isoline was evaluated by cultivation followed by amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) of randomly selected strains. Transgenic and non-transgenic cultivars and their crop management (herbicide application or manual weed control) were used to assess the possible non-target effects of genetically modified sugarcane on the fungal endophytic community. A total of 14 ARDRA haplotypes were identified in the endophytic community of sugarcane. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing revealed a rich community represented by 12 different families from the Ascomycota phylum. Some isolates had a high sequence similarity with genera that are common endophytes in tropical climates, such as Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Guignardia, Pestalotiopsis and Xylaria. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that fluctuations in fungal population were related to both transgenic plants and herbicide application. While herbicide applications quickly induced transient changes in the fungal community, transgenic plants induced slower changes that were maintained over time. These results represent the first draft on composition of endophytic filamentous fungi associated with sugarcane plants. They are an important step in understanding the possible effects of transgenic plants and their crop management on the fungal endophytic community.FAPESP[02/14143-3