2,299 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Magnetized Spherical Accretion Flows

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    Transonic accretion flow with self-consistent treatment of random magnetic field is presented.Comment: in proceedings to "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", Huangshan, China, 200

    A Business Application of the System Dynamics Approach: Word-of-Mouth and Its Effect in an Online Environment

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    In this article, we illustrate the use of system dynamics modeling approach to study a complex system: word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth plays an important role in reducing risk and uncertainty in purchase and consumption. Most of the prior research on word-of-mouth focused on studying either the factors that trigger consumers’ participation (sending or receiving) in word-of-mouth activities or the impact word-of-mouth information has on consumers’ buying decisions. The relationship between the two decision processes, however, is recursive and dynamic. Most prior studies have not focused on a recursive relationship. Our objective is to present a system dynamics model for the study of the relationship between the buying decision and the decision to participate in word-of-mouth communication. We also discuss how system dynamics modeling can be used in other complex problems in business such as the creation of a global business

    Should competing firms reveal their capacity?

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    In this article, we explore when firms have an incentive to hide (or reveal) their capacity information. We consider two firms that aim to maximize profits over time and face limited capacity. One or both of the firms have private information on their own capacity levels, and they update their beliefs about their rival's capacity based on their observation of the other firm's output. We focus on credible revelation mechanisms—a firm may signal its capacity through overproduction, compared to its myopic production levels. We characterize conditions when high‐capacity firms may have the incentive and capability to signal their capacity levels by overproduction. We show that prior beliefs about capacity play a crucial, and surprisingly complex, role on whether the firm would prefer to reveal its capacity or not. A surprising result is that, despite the fact that it may be best for the high‐capacity firm to overproduce to reveal its capacity when capacity information is private, it may end up with more profits than if all capacity information were public knowledge in the first place. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96261/1/21521_ftp.pd

    Effects of a liquefied petroleum gas stove intervention on gestational blood pressure: Intention-to-treat and exposure-response findings from the HAPIN trial

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 3 to 4 billion people worldwide are exposed to household air pollution, which has been associated with increased blood pressure (BP) in pregnant women in some studies. METHODS: We recruited 3195 pregnant women in Guatemala, India, Peru, and Rwanda and randomly assigned them to intervention or control groups. The intervention group received a gas stove and fuel during pregnancy, while the controls continued cooking with solid fuels. We measured BP and personal exposure to PM RESULTS: Median 24-hour PM CONCLUSIONS: In intention-to-treat, we found higher gestational BP in the intervention group compared with controls, contrary to expected. In exposure-response analyses, we found a slight increase in BP with higher exposure, but it was not statistically significant. Overall, an intervention with gas stoves did not markedly affect gestational BP

    Dublin City University video track experiments for TREC 2002

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    Dublin City University participated in the Feature Extraction task and the Search task of the TREC-2002 Video Track. In the Feature Extraction task, we submitted 3 features: Face, Speech, and Music. In the Search task, we developed an interactive video retrieval system, which incorporated the 40 hours of the video search test collection and supported user searching using our own feature extraction data along with the donated feature data and ASR transcript from other Video Track groups. This video retrieval system allows a user to specify a query based on the 10 features and ASR transcript, and the query result is a ranked list of videos that can be further browsed at the shot level. To evaluate the usefulness of the feature-based query, we have developed a second system interface that provides only ASR transcript-based querying, and we conducted an experiment with 12 test users to compare these 2 systems. Results were submitted to NIST and we are currently conducting further analysis of user performance with these 2 systems

    The many-year fluctuations of air temperature in the Shatsk national natural park

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    За даними 63-річних спостережень на метеостанції Світязь, встановлено закономірності багаторічних коливань середніх температур повітря: річних, за холодний (ХІ-ІІІ) і теплий (ІV-Х) періоди та найхолодніший (січень) і найтепліший (липень) місяці на території Шацького національного природного парку.As a result of the 63 year long observations at the Svityaz meteorological station we have established some regularition of the many-year fluctuation of the average air temperatures: within a year within, a cold (ХІ-ІІІ) and warm (ІV-Х) phase as well as during the coldest (Janyary) and warmest (July) months. The study was carried out in the area of the Shatsk national natural park

    The Tourist Infrastructure as Part of the Tourism and Recreational Potential of the Starovyzhivskiy District of Volyn Region

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    У статті зроблена спроба здійснити комплексну оцінку сучасного стану туристичної інфраструктури Старовижівського району Волинської області за окремими підсистемами: заклади розміщення, заклади харчування, заклади дозвілля та побутового обслуговування, транспортна інфраструктура, звʼязок та інформаційне забезпечення, людський потенціал. Окреслені проблеми елементів туристичної інфраструктури району та можливі шляхи їх вирішення.This article attempts to make a comprehensive assessment of the current state of tourism infrastructure in Starovyzhivskiy district of Volyn region in separate subsystems: placement establishments, food establishments, leisure establishments and consumer service, transport infrastructure, communication and information services, human potential. Problems elements of tourism infrastructure in the district and possible ways of their solution are outlined