50 research outputs found

    preservar a memória, valorizar o patrimônio, promover e disseminar o conhecimento. O programa Memória para Todos

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Para que servem e por que existem as humanidades digitais? Não existem “digitais” associadas a outras áreas científicas. O que singulariza as humanidades digitais? Admitindo sua afirmação, salientam-se neste artigo seis eixos fundamentais por meio dos quais sua contribuição é mais evidente e relevante para a atividade científica e a sociedade em geral. O programa Memória para Todos, desenvolvido a partir do campo das humanidades, mas intrinsecamente multidisciplinar, utilizador intensivo de ferramentas digitais, convoca os eixos referidos, ilustrando as humanidades digitais para além da aplicação do digital na investigação na área científica das humanidades. Why do digital humanities exist and what are they for? There are no “digitals” associated with other scientific areas. What singularizes the digital humanities? By admitting this statement, this article highlights six fundamental axes through which the contribution of the digital humanities is most evident and relevant to scientific activity and society in general. The Memory for All program, developed from the humanities field but intrinsically multidisciplinary, intensive user of digital tools, summons the aforementioned axes, illustrating digital humanities beyond the application of digital in scientific research of the humanities field.publishersversionpublishe


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    The 1970s represented for Portugal, Greece and Spain a new beginning which allowed them to leave behind years of non-democratic rule and embrace democracy. Over forty years have passed since 1974, when authoritarian regimes began being overturned in Southern Europe. During that same time period, the former European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU), actively sponsored the consolidation of democratic rule and grew to include more European countries. In recalling these facts..

    War and propaganda in the XXth Century

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    Propaganda represented the sacrifice of soldiers in war and praised the power of the country. It has been around these images that all over the world entire populations were mobilized on the expectation of victory. Through the static image of printed posters or the newspaper news projected in cinemas all over the globe, governments sought to promote a patriotic spirit, encouraging the effort of individual sacrifice by sending a clear set of messages that directly appealed to the voluntary enlistment in the armies, messages that explained the important of rationing essential goods, of the intensification of food production or the purchase of war bonds, exacerbating feelings, arousing emotions and projecting an image divided between the notion of superiority and the idea of fear of the opponent. From press, in the First World War, to radio in World War II, to television and cinema from the 1950s onwards, propaganda proved to be a weapon as deadly as those managed by soldiers in the battlefield. That’s why it is essential to analyse and discuss the topic of War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. This conference is organized by the IHC and the CEIS20 and is part of the Centennial Program of the Great War, organized by the IHC, and the International Centennial Program coordinated by the Imperial War Museum in London

    Portuguese East Africa and economic warfare (1914-1919)

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    Portugal e a Reconstrução Económica do Pós-Guerra. O Plano Marshall e a economia portuguesa dos anos 50

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    O objecto desta dissertação é o estudo da participação de Portugal no European Recovery Program (designação formal do Plano Marshall), observado no contexto geral da economia portuguesa do pós II Guerra Mundial. Os anos do pós-guerra constituíram um entreacto, importante na história económica portuguesa, no qual se integra a participação de Portugal no Plano Marshall. Foi durante esse período, que decorreu da Guerra até, simbolicamente, ao início da execução do I Plano de Fomento, que o País, entre hesitações e reajustamentos, percorreu os caminhos da transição da economia de guerra para a economia de paz e estruturou o essencial do modelo económico que prevaleceu até aos últimos anos da década de 50. O encontro de Portugal com o Plano Marshall contribuiu para a intensificação do envolvimento do nosso País num processo de crescente internacionalização e abertura ao exterior. Este trabalho defende e procura demonstrar que: (i) o auxílio financeiro concedido a Portugal, constituiu um financiamento externo que mobilizou também capitais portugueses, (ii) a sua utilização integrou-se e introduziu ajustamentos nas orientações da política económica do País; (iii) foi conjunturalmente importante no que respeita à contenção e superação da crise multifacetada que na altura afectava a economia e a sociedade portuguesas; (iv) contribuiu para eliminar o défice da nossa balança de pagamentos e facilitou o abastecimento de bens essenciais necessários para debelar a crise e para lhe minorar os efeitos económicos e sociais; (v) viabilizou a aquisição de equipamentos para alguns projectos que dependiam desse fornecimento para o início ou a prossecução da sua actividade. O aproveitamento do programa de Assistência Técnica e Produtividade, constituindo uma das faces menos 'visíveis' da participação de Portugal no Plano Marshall terá constituído algum dos seus benefícios mais importantes e duradouros. Por tudo isso, o Plano Marshall foi essencialmente um elemento catalizador e um instrumento de inovação e crescimento. A história do envolvimento do nosso País no Plano Marshall, que se estuda neste trabalho, foi parte integrante da conjuntura de passagem que o País atravessou no pós-Guerra; foi ponte de saída do fim da II Guerra Mundial, entre a cooperação e auto-suficiência, entre a inexorabilidade dos limites da autarcia e autarcia que era possível, entre a Lei de Reconstituição Económica e o I Plano de Fomento, entre o Portugal acentuadamente agrícola e o Portugal em processo de industrialização que se sobrepôs à projecção do País rural.Le sujet de cette thèse de doctorat est l’étude de la participation du Portugal à l'European Recovery Program (désignation officielle du Plan Marshall), analisée dans le contexte génerál de l’économie portugaise de la période après la 2ème Guerre Mondiale. Les années d’après-guerre constituèrent un entracte, important dans l’histoire économique portugaise, où s’intègre la participation du Portugal au Plan Marshall. Ce fut pendant cette période-là, qui se déroula entre la Guerre, symboliquement parlant, et le début de l’exécution du Premier Plan de Développement, que notre Pays, entre hésitations et réajustements, parcourut les chemins de transition de l’économie de guerre à l’économie de paix et structura l’essentiel du modèle économique qui s’imposa jusqu’à la fin des années 50. La rencontre du Portugal avec le Plan Marshall contribua à l’intensification de l’engagement de notre Pays dans un croissant processus d’internationalisation et d'ouverture vers l’extérieur. Cet ouvrage défend et essaie de démontrer que: (i) l’aide financière, concédée au Portugal, constitua un financement extérieur qui mobilisa aussi des capitaux portugais; (ii) son utilisation fut intégrée et introduisit des ajustements dans les orientations de la politique économique de notre Pays; (iii) fut conjoncturellement importante pour contenir et surmonter la crise multifacetée qui affectait l’économie et la société portugaises de ce temps; (iv) contribua à éliminer le déficit de notre balance des paiements et facilita la fourniture de biens essentiels nécessaires à vaincre la crise et à minorer ses effets économiques et sociaux; (v) viabilisa l’aquisition d’équipements pour certains projets qui dépendaient de cette fourniture pour commencer ou continuer leur activité. Le recours au programme d’Assistance Technique et de Productivité, l’une des faces moins ‘visibles’ de la participation du Portugal au Plan Marshall, aura constitué l’un de ses plus importants et plus durables bénéfices. Le Plan Marshall fut, ainsi, essentiellement un élément catalysateur et un instrument d’innovation et progrès. L’histoire de l’engagement de notre Pays dans le Plan Marshall, que l'on étudie dans cet ouvrage, fait partie intégrante de la conjoncture de transition que notre Pays traversa dans la période de l’après-guerre; elle fut le pont de sortie de la fin de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale, entre la coopération et l’autosuffisance, entre l'inexorabilité des limites d’une autarcie et l'autarcie possible, entre la Lei de Reconstituição Económica (Loi de Reconstitution Économique) et le Premier Plan de Développement, entre le Portugal accentuément agricole et le Portugal subissant un processus d’industrialisation qui se superposa à la projection du Pays rural.The subject of this doctoral dissertation is to study the participation of Portugal in the European Recovery Program (the official designation of the Marshall Plan), analysed within the general framework of the Portuguese economy of the period after the Second World War. The post-war years constituted an entr’acte, important in the Portuguese economic history, where the participation of Portugal in the Plan Marshall fits in. It was during that period, from the War up to, symbolically speaking, the beginning of the execution of the First Development Plan, that our Country, between hesitations and readjustments, followed the transition paths from the economy of war to the economy of peace and structured the essential of the economic model which prevailed until the end of the Fifties. Portugal’s meeting with the Marshall Plan has contributed to intensify the involvement of our Country in an increasing process of internationalization and opening onto the outside world. This work stands up for and tries to demonstrate that: (i) the financial aid, granted to Portugal, constituted a foreign financing which mobilized Portuguese capitals too; (ii) its use was integrated and has introduced adjustments into the economic policy orientations of our Country; (iii) was important to contain and overcome the multifaceted crisis that affected the Portuguese economy and society at that time; (iv) contributed to eliminate our balance of payments deficit and facilitated the supply of commodities necessary to overcome the crisis and to reduce its economic and social effects; (v) provided the acquisition of equipments for some projects which depended on that supply to start or continue their activity. To have resort to the Technical and Productivity Assistance, one of the least ‘visible’ faces of Portugal’s participation in the Marshall Plan, constituted one of its most important and lasting profits. The Marshall Plan acted, therefore, essentially as a catalyst and an instrument for innovation and improvement. The history of our Country’s involvement in the Marshall Plan, that is studied in this work, is an integral part of the conjuncture of transition that our Country went through in the post-war; it was the way out bridge of the end of the Second World War, between co-operation and self-sufficiency, between the inexorability of the limits of the autarky and the possible autarky, between the Lei de Reconstituição Económica (Law of Economic Rebuilding) and the First Development Plan, between Portugal markedly agricultural and Portugal under an industrialization process that superimposed the projection of a rural Portugal

    Parâmetros metodológicos para uma compreensão crítica dos contextos e tensões da inovação no Mundo Contemporâneo.

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    UID/HIS/04209/2013Pretende-se neste artigo apontar um caminho metodológico para a compreensão integrada das dinâmicas inovativas no mundo contemporâneo, sobretudo convocando o manancial teórico da historiografia. Para tal efeito, para uma percepção viva da cultura histórica, propomos um entendimento mais alargado do conceito de ‘Observatório’, pensando e definindo parâmetros teóricos e metodológicos que permitam colocar o conhecimento histórico e a investigação empírica no seio dos estudos de inovação, bem como no centro de uma melhor compreensão pública relativamenteaos actores, às instituições e às políticas, que tanto histórica como presentemente influenciam a dinâmica inovativa – bem como, igualmente, captar a respectiva acomodação ou reacção da sociedade à modernidade.publishersversionpublishe

    Portugal, as Telecomunicações e a Grande Guerra

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    UID/HIS/04209/2013 SFRH/BPD/111782/2015proofpublishe

    Encontro Europa-Oriente, Oriente-Europa. Perspectivas Coloniais dos Séculos XIX e XX

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    Foi em busca de «cristãos e especiarias», gente e comércio, que os portugueses se voltaram para o Oriente no século XV. E abertas as portas marítimas das Índias Orientais, a afluência europeia em força foi apenas uma questão de tempo. Foi, porém, ao longo do século XIX que a presença colonial europeia atingiu uma extensão e uma intensidade desconhecidas anteriormente. Ainda antes da mais conhecida «Corrida a África» na segunda metade do século XIX, já se iniciara uma «Corrida à Ásia». Lançada pelos ingleses, foi seguida por outros países, com repercussões sobre a geografia política, humana e económica local, mas também sobre outras velhas potências ali presentes, como Portugal, que teve de reconsiderar a sua posição. O desenvolvimento desta colonização na Ásia durante os séculos XIX e XX adotou formas diversificadas de acordo com as estruturas de cada Potência. Levou, no entanto, a uma reação local também realizada de formas diferenciadas (da resistência passiva à luta revolucionária), que, mais cedo do que em África, conduziu à descolonização. Pretendeu-se, neste Encontro, suscitar a reflexão sobre as colónias situadas na Ásia no contexto da exploração colonial que os europeus desenvolveram nos séculos XIX e XX, compreendendo elementos diversos, como questões humanas e sociais, a economia, a política, as relações externas, etc. Da mesma forma, considerou-se desejável o contributo para um melhor conhecimento da articulação entre estes espaços e o contexto colonial mais geral, de cada país ou das ligações a outros Estados


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    The 1970s represented for Portugal, Greece and Spain a new beginning which allowed them to leave behind years of non-democratic rule and embrace democracy. Over forty years have passed since 1974, when authoritarian regimes began being overturned in Southern Europe. During that same time period, the former European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU), actively sponsored the consolidation of democratic rule and grew to include more European countries. In recalling these facts..

    D6.3 Policy Recommendations and Strategy Report

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    The European Commission aims to develop a more sustainable environment for research infrastructures ecosystem, and to ensure that the benefits and impacts are widely perceived by research communities and led to research excellence. This vision is reflected in a range of international and European documents. Recent work conducted by the OECD and the European Commission, particularly by ESFRI and e-IRG, have stated the need to make structural changes in the EU framework for research infrastructures (RIs). In line with this strategic vision, DARIAH intends to establish itself as a sustainable research infrastructure. DESIR (DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined) work package 6 TRUST contributes to DARIAH’s long-term sustainability by measuring acceptance and impact of DARIAH in new cross-disciplinary DARIAH communities and core groups. This was the base to define the theoretical and methodological framework that supported the research here presented. Therefore, this report focuses on the development of recommendations and strategies to support and increase confidence in DARIAH services and infrastructure, aiming at contributing to a major DESIR goal, which is to enlarge DARIAH by engaging new cross-disciplinary communities and considering their specific requirements. The proposed recommendations could set the basis for a broader debate within the DARIAH and RIs landscape on the actions to be taken at all decision levels in order to address a vision for longer-term sustainable RI. So, this report intends to be a policy document that aims at inspiring the future path of DARIAH, contributing to its sustainability and to fulfil the mission for which it was created. The recommendations stem from the analytical work developed from the contributions of multiple sources of information: an academically-driven multi-country survey (see D6.2); 33 qualitative interviews in three different countries; a workshop with DARIAH national coordinators held in Warsaw; contributions from DESIR partners who lead other work projects within the project; and DESIR Winter School “Shaping New Approaches to Data Management in Arts and Humanities”. After defining the entire set of recommendations, they were grouped according to three main strategic frameworks (sustainability, scope and DARIAH Strategic Plan) and visually displayed in a “Recommendations & Community Engagement Tool” (https://dariah.peopleware.pt), an open platform that supports DARIAH, strengthening the link with arts and humanities communities.The new DARIAH Strategic Plan for the next seven years, which will be followed by the publication of a Strategic Action Plan, represents a big opportunity to address sustainability, both as a conceptual level and in terms of organizational and operational configuration. Therefore, the main findings are summarized in seven key recommendations, linked with the strategic pillars of the recent published DARIAH Strategic Plan:1. Promote research excellence with inclusive, collaborative, bureaucracy free and community-driven approach.2. Ensure the integration of tools, services, data and resources within DARIAH community and with other Research Infrastructures (e.g. by gathering them on a platform such as the Marketplace).3. Foster a collaborative learning environment and anticipate the skills of the future through a joint strategy for education and training (e.g. DARIAH-CAMPUS).4. Establish a flexible, participatory and effective governance model with a clear and sustainable business plan.5. Strengthen DARIAH’s representation in European and International policy arena, expanding its visibility and cooperation outside EU borders.6. Broaden and extend DARIAH’s role, action and benefits towards the strengthening of scientific citizenship in Europe.7. Set up means for monitoring and bringing communities together, while respecting diversity on an institutional, scientific, disciplinary and methodological level.The work developed in the DESIR project - particularly this set of recommendations - could be a contribution to foster the implementation of guidelines and short and long-term actions to improve DARIAH’s sustainability and firmly establish it as a long-term leader and partner within arts and humanities communities