68 research outputs found

    Geometry and topology of knotted ring polymers in an array of obstacles

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    We study knotted polymers in equilibrium with an array of obstacles which models confinement in a gel or immersion in a melt. We find a crossover in both the geometrical and the topological behavior of the polymer. When the polymers' radius of gyration, RGR_G, and that of the region containing the knot, RG,kR_{G,k}, are small compared to the distance b between the obstacles, the knot is weakly localised and RGR_G scales as in a good solvent with an amplitude that depends on knot type. In an intermediate regime where RG>b>RG,kR_G > b > R_{G,k}, the geometry of the polymer becomes branched. When RG,kR_{G,k} exceeds b, the knot delocalises and becomes also branched. In this regime, RGR_G is independent of knot type. We discuss the implications of this behavior for gel electrophoresis experiments on knotted DNA in weak fields.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    On the size of knots in ring polymers

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    We give two different, statistically consistent definitions of the length l of a prime knot tied into a polymer ring. In the good solvent regime the polymer is modelled by a self avoiding polygon of N steps on cubic lattice and l is the number of steps over which the knot ``spreads'' in a given configuration. An analysis of extensive Monte Carlo data in equilibrium shows that the probability distribution of l as a function of N obeys a scaling of the form p(l,N) ~ l^(-c) f(l/N^D), with c ~ 1.25 and D ~ 1. Both D and c could be independent of knot type. As a consequence, the knot is weakly localized, i.e. ~ N^t, with t=2-c ~ 0.75. For a ring with fixed knot type, weak localization implies the existence of a peculiar characteristic length l^(nu) ~ N^(t nu). In the scaling ~ N^(nu) (nu ~0.58) of the radius of gyration of the whole ring, this length determines a leading power law correction which is much stronger than that found in the case of unrestricted topology. The existence of such correction is confirmed by an analysis of extensive Monte Carlo data for the radius of gyration. The collapsed regime is studied by introducing in the model sufficiently strong attractive interactions for nearest neighbor sites visited by the self-avoiding polygon. In this regime knot length determinations can be based on the entropic competition between two knotted loops separated by a slip link. These measurements enable us to conclude that each knot is delocalized (t ~ 1).Comment: 29 pages, 14 figure

    Knot invariants in lens spaces

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    In this survey we summarize results regarding the Kauffman bracket, HOMFLYPT, Kauffman 2-variable and Dubrovnik skein modules, and the Alexander polynomial of links in lens spaces, which we represent as mixed link diagrams. These invariants generalize the corresponding knot polynomials in the classical case. We compare the invariants by means of the ability to distinguish between some difficult cases of knots with certain symmetries

    Knot localization in adsorbing polymer rings

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    We study by Monte Carlo simulations a model of knotted polymer ring adsorbing onto an impenetrable, attractive wall. The polymer is described by a self-avoiding polygon (SAP) on the cubic lattice. We find that the adsorption transition temperature, the crossover exponent ϕ\phi and the metric exponent ν\nu, are the same as in the model where the topology of the ring is unrestricted. By measuring the average length of the knotted portion of the ring we are able to show that adsorbed knots are localized. This knot localization transition is triggered by the adsorption transition but is accompanied by a less sharp variation of the exponent related to the degree of localization. Indeed, for a whole interval below the adsorption transition, one can not exclude a contiuous variation with temperature of this exponent. Deep into the adsorbed phase we are able to verify that knot localization is strong and well described in terms of the flat knot model.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Submitter to Phys. Rev.

    An Inquiry into the Practice of Proving in Low-Dimensional Topology

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    The aim of this article is to investigate specific aspects connected with visualization in the practice of a mathematical subfield: low-dimensional topology. Through a case study, it will be established that visualization can play an epistemic role. The background assumption is that the consideration of the actual practice of mathematics is relevant to address epistemological issues. It will be shown that in low-dimensional topology, justifications can be based on sequences of pictures. Three theses will be defended. First, the representations used in the practice are an integral part of the mathematical reasoning. As a matter of fact, they convey in a material form the relevant transitions and thus allow experts to draw inferential connections. Second, in low-dimensional topology experts exploit a particular type of manipulative imagination which is connected to intuition of two- and three-dimensional space and motor agency. This imagination allows recognizing the transformations which connect different pictures in an argument. Third, the epistemic—and inferential—actions performed are permissible only within a specific practice: this form of reasoning is subject-matter dependent. Local criteria of validity are established to assure the soundness of representationally heterogeneous arguments in low-dimensional topology

    Knotlike Cosmic Strings in The Early Universe

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    In this paper, the knotlike cosmic strings in the Riemann-Cartan space-time of the early universe are discussed. It has been revealed that the cosmic strings can just originate from the zero points of the complex scalar quintessence field. In these strings we mainly study the knotlike configurations. Based on the integral of Chern-Simons 3-form a topological invariant for knotlike cosmic strings is constructed, and it is shown that this invariant is just the total sum of all the self-linking and linking numbers of the knots family. Furthermore, it is also pointed out that this invariant is preserved in the branch processes during the evolution of cosmic strings

    Quantum Knitting

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    We analyze the connections between the mathematical theory of knots and quantum physics by addressing a number of algorithmic questions related to both knots and braid groups. Knots can be distinguished by means of `knot invariants', among which the Jones polynomial plays a prominent role, since it can be associated with observables in topological quantum field theory. Although the problem of computing the Jones polynomial is intractable in the framework of classical complexity theory, it has been recently recognized that a quantum computer is capable of approximating it in an efficient way. The quantum algorithms discussed here represent a breakthrough for quantum computation, since approximating the Jones polynomial is actually a `universal problem', namely the hardest problem that a quantum computer can efficiently handle.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Laser Journa

    The Combinatorics of Alternating Tangles: from theory to computerized enumeration

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    We study the enumeration of alternating links and tangles, considered up to topological (flype) equivalences. A weight nn is given to each connected component, and in particular the limit n0n\to 0 yields information about (alternating) knots. Using a finite renormalization scheme for an associated matrix model, we first reduce the task to that of enumerating planar tetravalent diagrams with two types of vertices (self-intersections and tangencies), where now the subtle issue of topological equivalences has been eliminated. The number of such diagrams with pp vertices scales as 12p12^p for pp\to\infty. We next show how to efficiently enumerate these diagrams (in time 2.7p\sim 2.7^p) by using a transfer matrix method. We give results for various generating functions up to 22 crossings. We then comment on their large-order asymptotic behavior.Comment: proceedings European Summer School St-Petersburg 200

    "New" Veneziano amplitudes from "old" Fermat (hyper) surfaces

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    The history of discovery of bosonic string theory is well documented. This theory evolved as an attempt to find a multidimensional analogue of Euler's beta function. Such an analogue had in fact been known in mathematics literature at least in 1922 and was studied subsequently by mathematicians such as Selberg, Weil and Deligne among others. The mathematical interpretation of this multidimensional beta function is markedly different from that described in physics literature. This paper aims to bridge the gap between the existing treatments. Preserving all results of conformal field theories intact, developed formalism employing topological, algebro-geometric, number-theoretic and combinatorial metods is aimed to provide better understanding of the Veneziano amplitudes and, thus, of string theories.Comment: 92 pages LaTex, some typos removed, discussion section is added along with several additional latest reference