15 research outputs found

    Plantas e constituintes químicos empregados em Odontologia: revisão de estudos etnofarmacológicos e de avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana in vitro em patógenos orais

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    Mimicry Of Fish Larvae Live Food With Particles Obtained By Ionic Gelation And Coated With Proteins Through Electrostatic Interaction [mimetização De Alimento Vivo De Larvas De Peixes Com Partículas Obtidas Por Gelificação Iônica E Recobertas Com Proteína Por Interação Eletrostática]

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    In an attempt to mimic the proximate composition found in Artemia's nauplii, a type of food commonly used in intensive rearing of fish larvae, inert diets were produced by ionic gelation using either low methoxyl amidated pectin or sodium alginate and subsequently coated with whey proteins by electrostatic interaction. The particles were morphologically characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, showing spherical shape when moist or rehydrated. The resulting particles were characterized according to their proximate composition, average size, and rehydration behavior after freeze drying. The coated pectin and alginate particles, had sizes averaging 256.7 μm ± 17.1 and 241.9 μm ± 7.5, respectively, with no statistical difference. In relation to the contents of lipid, protein, dry-matter, and ash, the resulting particles were similar to the live food. 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