6,083 research outputs found

    Prescribing the Preschwarzian in several complex variables

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    We solve the several complex variables preSchwarzian operator equation [Df(z)]1D2f(z)=A(z)[Df(z)]^{-1}D^2f(z)=A(z), z\in \C^n, where A(z)A(z) is a bilinear operator and ff is a \C^n valued locally biholomorphic function on a domain in \C^n. Then one can define a several variables ffαf\to f_\alpha transform via the operator equation [Dfα(z)]1D2fα(z)=α[Df(z)]1D2f(z)[Df_\alpha(z)]^{-1}D^2f_\alpha(z)=\alpha[Df(z)]^{-1}D^2f(z), and thereby, study properties of fαf_\alpha. This is a natural generalization of the one variable operator fα(z)f_\alpha(z) in \cite{DSS66} and the study of its univalence properties, e.g., the work of Royster \cite{Ro65} and many others. M\"{o}bius invariance and the multivariables Schwarzian derivative operator of T. Oda \cite{O} play a central role in this work

    A Whitney map onto the Long Arc

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    In a recent paper, Garc\'{\i}a-Velazquez has extended the notion of Whitney map to include maps with non-metrizable codomain and left open the question of whether there is a continuum that admits such a Whitney map. In this paper, we consider two examples of hereditarily indecomposable, chainable continua of weight ω1\omega_1 constructed by Michel Smith; we show that one of them admits a Whitney function onto the long arc and the other admits no Whitney maps at all

    Far points and discretely generated spaces

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    We give a partial solution to a question by Alas, Junqueria and Wilson by proving that under PFA the one-point compactification of a locally compact, discretely generated and countably tight space is also discretely generated. After this, we study the cardinal number given by the smallest possible character of remote and far sets of separable metrizable spaces. Finally, we prove that in some cases a countable space has far points