14 research outputs found

    How are legal matters related to the access of traditional knowledge being considered in the scope of ethnobotany publications in Brazil?

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    Essential oil composition of Bacopa imbricata (Benth.) pennel collected at wet and dry Amazonian seasons

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    The volatiles of Bacopa imbricata, collected at wet and dry Amazonian seasons were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GUM and GUMS. Comparison with the essential oil obtained from the samples collected from the same locality shows noticeable differences in the total oil content (wet season: 0.2%; dry season: 0.1%), and in the percentage of the main component beta-sesquiphellandrene (wet season: 65.3%, dry season: 43.3%).2013

    Variation in volatiles of Ocimum campechianum Mill. and Ocimum gratissimum L. cultivated in the North of Brazil

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    The essential oils of seven samples of Ocimum campechianum and five samples of O. gratissimum cultivated in the state of Para were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The most abundant components identified in the leaf oils from O. campechianum were: eugenol (32.2% - 60.6%), methyleugenol (60.6% - 69.5%),1,8-cineole (0.9% - 19.7%), and elemicin (0.2% - 65.9%). The most abundant components identified in the oils from 0. gratissimum were: thymol (13.1% - 36.2%),7-terpinene (0.2% - 28.1%),1,8-cineole (0.0 - 25.2%), and p-cymene (4.4% - 19.9%). The results reveals the occurrence al least four types of O. campechianum in the State of Para, and at least two types of O. gralissimum. The O. gratissimum studied,are belongs to variety macrophyllum.10322924