74 research outputs found

    "I never had the money for blood testing" – Caretakers' experiences of care-seeking for fatal childhood fevers in rural Uganda – a mixed methods study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The main killer diseases of children all manifest as acute febrile illness, yet are curable with timely and adequate management. To avoid a fatal outcome, three essential steps must be completed: caretakers must recognize illness, decide to seek care and reach an appropriate source of care, and then receive appropriate treatment. In a fatal outcome some or all of these steps have failed and it remains to be elucidated to what extent these fatal outcomes are caused by local disease perceptions, inappropriate care-seeking or inadequate resources in the family or health system. This study explores caretakers' experiences of care-seeking for childhood febrile illness with fatal outcome in rural Uganda to elucidate the most influential barriers to adequate care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mixed methods approach using structured Verbal/Social autopsy interviews and in-depth interviews was employed with 26 caretakers living in Iganga/Mayuge Demographic Surveillance Site who had lost a child 1–59 months old due to acute febrile illness between March and June 2006. In-depth interviews were analysed using content analysis with deductive category application.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Final categories of barriers to care were: 1) "Illness interpretation barriers" involving children who received delayed or inappropriate care due to caretakers' labelling of the illness, 2) "Barriers to seeking care" with gender roles and household financial constraints hindering adequate care and 3) "Barriers to receiving adequate treatment" revealing discontents with providers and possible deficiencies in quality of care. Resource constraints were identified as the underlying theme for adequate management, both at individual and at health system levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The management of severely ill children in this rural setting has several shortcomings. However, the majority of children were seen by an allopathic health care provider during the final illness. Improvements of basic health care for children suffering from acute febrile illness are likely to contribute to a substantial reduction of fatal outcomes. Health care providers at all levels and private as well as public should receive training, support, equipment and supplies to enable basic health care for children suffering from common illnesses.</p

    Drug dosing during pregnancy—opportunities for physiologically based pharmacokinetic models

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    Drugs can have harmful effects on the embryo or the fetus at any point during pregnancy. Not all the damaging effects of intrauterine exposure to drugs are obvious at birth, some may only manifest later in life. Thus, drugs should be prescribed in pregnancy only if the expected benefit to the mother is thought to be greater than the risk to the fetus. Dosing of drugs during pregnancy is often empirically determined and based upon evidence from studies of non-pregnant subjects, which may lead to suboptimal dosing, particularly during the third trimester. This review collates examples of drugs with known recommendations for dose adjustment during pregnancy, in addition to providing an example of the potential use of PBPK models in dose adjustment recommendation during pregnancy within the context of drug-drug interactions. For many drugs, such as antidepressants and antiretroviral drugs, dose adjustment has been recommended based on pharmacokinetic studies demonstrating a reduction in drug concentrations. However, there is relatively limited (and sometimes inconsistent) information regarding the clinical impact of these pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy and the effect of subsequent dose adjustments. Examples of using pregnancy PBPK models to predict feto-maternal drug exposures and their applications to facilitate and guide dose assessment throughout gestation are discussed

    Bradicardia como manifestação epiléptica em epilepsia temporal: relato de caso Bradycardia during temporal lobe seizure: case report

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    Descrevemos um caso de arritmia cardíaca como manifestação epiléptica. A monitorização video-eletrencefalográfica de uma paciente com 34 anos de idade que apresentava episódios de perda de consciência permitiu a detecção de períodos de assistolia como principal manifestação clínica, exigindo a implantação de marca-passo. O registro eletrencefalográfico concomitante mostrou atividade rítmica a 6-7 Hz de projeção na região temporal esquerda. A ressonância magnética mostrou lesão expansiva no giro para-hipocampal esquerdo. Alterações do ritmo cardíaco como taquicardia sinusal são frequentes em crises epilépticas. A descrição de bradicardia e/ou assistolia é rara. As conexões das estruturas mesiais temporais com estruturas profundas como o hipotálamo devem ser responsáveis pelas manifestações vegetativas durante crises epilépticas temporais.<br>We describe a patient who had cardiac arrhythmia as epileptic manifestation. In a 34-year-old woman who had many episodes of loss of consciousness, the simultaneous ECG and video-EEG monitoring recorded bradycardia with a short episode of asystolia (4 seconds) and left temporal rhythmic teta activity on EEG. MRI showed a small mass lesion in the left parahippocampal gyrus. Alterations in cardiac rhythm have been reported in epileptic seizures and taquycardia is the most common finding associated with them; bradyarrhythmia during seizures was uncommon. Many interconnections among insular cortex, limbic system and hypothalamus, may be responsible for vegetative manifestations in temporal lobe epilepsy
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