4 research outputs found

    Genes Differentially Expressed in Conidia and Hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus upon Exposure to Human Neutrophils

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common etiologic agent of invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. Several studies have addressed the mechanism involved in host defense but only few have investigated the pathogen's response to attack by the host cells. To our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the genes differentially expressed in conidia vs hyphae of A. fumigatus in response to neutrophils from healthy donors as well as from those with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) which are defective in the production of reactive oxygen species.Transcriptional profiles of conidia and hyphae exposed to neutrophils, either from normal donors or from CGD patients, were obtained by using the genome-wide microarray. Upon exposure to either normal or CGD neutrophils, 244 genes were up-regulated in conidia but not in hyphae. Several of these genes are involved in the degradation of fatty acids, peroxisome function and the glyoxylate cycle which suggests that conidia exposed to neutrophils reprogram their metabolism to adjust to the host environment. In addition, the mRNA levels of four genes encoding proteins putatively involved in iron/copper assimilation were found to be higher in conidia and hyphae exposed to normal neutrophils compared to those exposed to CGD neutrophils. Deletants in several of the differentially expressed genes showed phenotypes related to the proposed functions, i.e. deletants of genes involved in fatty acid catabolism showed defective growth on fatty acids and the deletants of iron/copper assimilation showed higher sensitivity to the oxidative agent menadione. None of these deletants, however, showed reduced resistance to neutrophil attack.This work reveals the complex response of the fungus to leukocytes, one of the major host factors involved in antifungal defense, and identifies fungal genes that may be involved in establishing or prolonging infections in humans

    Queixas osteomusculares relacionadas ao trabalho relatadas por mulheres de centro de ressocialização Work-related musculoskeletal complaints by women in a social rehabilitation center

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    Considerando as queixas de origem laboral um problema de saúde pública, objetivou-se, com o presente estudo, analisar a freqüência da população que refere queixas osteomusculares e a associação de ocorrência e severidade destas às variáveis antropométricas e de trabalho. Tomou-se 146 mulheres de um centro de ressocialização feminino, que responderam a um questionário validado contendo informações sobre dados antropométricos e queixas osteomusculares relacionadas ao trabalho. O estudo da associação entre e dentro das variáveis foi feito pelo teste de Goodman. Observou-se elevada freqüência de ocorrência de queixas após início de atividade laboral (94,19%). As participantes com necessidade de afastamento apresentaram maiores valores em idade e peso. Queixa acentuada foi mais referida na coluna do tronco. Afastamento foi mais referido para as que trabalhavam há mais tempo. Concluiu-se que é alta a freqüência de queixas relacionadas ao trabalho e que há associação entre maiores valores de peso e de estatura e nível de severidade acentuado; maiores valores de idade e de peso e necessidade de afastamento; níveis acentuados de queixas e região da coluna e entre maior tempo de serviço e necessidade de afastamento.<br>Considering work-related complaints as a public health problem, the current study aimed to analyze the frequency of musculoskeletal complaints and the association between their occurrence and severity and anthropometric and work variables. The sample included 146 women from a social rehabilitation center who answered a validated questionnaire with anthropometric data and history of work-related musculoskeletal complaints. The Goodman test was used to analyze the association between and within variables. We observed a high rate of complaints after beginning work activity (94.19%). Subjects that required sick leave showed higher mean age and weight. The most severe complaints related to back pain. Sick leave was more common among women who had worked longer. The study concluded that there was a high frequency of work-related complaints and an association between: higher weight and height values and severity; higher age and sick leave; more serious complaints and back pain; and longer time on the job and need for sick leave

    A Colletotrichum graminicola mutant deficient in the establishment of biotrophy reveals early transcriptional events in the maize anthracnose disease interaction

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    Mechanism of Phosphate Solubilization and Physiological Functions of Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms

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