8,253 research outputs found

    Coherence of neutrino flavor mixing in quantum field theory

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    In the simplistic quantum mechanical picture of flavor mixing, conditions on the maximum size and minimum coherence time of the source and detector regions for the observation of interference---as well as the very viability of the approach---can only be argued in an ad hoc way from principles external to the formalism itself. To examine these conditions in a more fundamental way, the quantum field theoretical SS-matrix approach is employed in this paper, without the unrealistic assumption of microscopic stationarity. The fully normalized, time-dependent neutrino flavor mixing event rates presented here automatically reveal the coherence conditions in a natural, self-contained, and physically unambiguous way, while quantitatively describing the transition to their failure.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An Empirical Measure of the Rate of White Dwarf Cooling in 47 Tucanae

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    We present an empirical determination of the white dwarf cooling sequence in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Using spectral models, we determine temperatures for 887 objects from Wide Field Camera 3 data, as well as 292 objects from data taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. We make the assumption that the rate of white dwarf formation in the cluster is constant. Stellar evolution models are then used to determine the rate at which objects are leaving the main sequence, which must be the same as the rate at which objects are arriving on the white dwarf sequence in our field. The result is an empirically derived relation between temperature (TeffT_{eff}) and time (tt) on the white dwarf cooling sequence. Comparing this result to theoretical cooling models, we find general agreement with the expected slopes between 20,000K and 30,000K and between 6,000K and 20,000K, but the transition to the Mestel cooling rate of Tefft0.4T_{eff} \propto t^{-0.4} is found to occur at hotter temperatures, and more abruptly than is predicted by any of these models.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    An Age Difference of 2 Gyr between a Metal-Rich and a Metal-Poor Globular Cluster

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    Globular clusters trace the formation history of the spheroidal components of both our Galaxy and others, which represent the bulk of star formation over the history of the universe. They also exhibit a range of metallicities, with metal-poor clusters dominating the stellar halo of the Galaxy, and higher metallicity clusters found within the inner Galaxy, associated with the stellar bulge, or the thick disk. Age differences between these clusters can indicate the sequence in which the components of the Galaxy formed, and in particular which clusters were formed outside the Galaxy and later swallowed along with their original host galaxies, and which were formed in situ. Here we present an age determination of the metal-rich globular cluster 47 Tucanae by fitting the properties of the cluster white dwarf population, which implies an absolute age of 9.9 (0.7) Gyr at 95% confidence. This is about 2.0 Gyr younger than inferred for the metal-poor cluster NGC 6397 from the same models, and provides quantitative evidence that metal-rich clusters like 47 Tucanae formed later than the metal-poor halo clusters like NGC 6397.Comment: Main Article: 10 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary Info 15 pages, 5 figures. Nature, Aug 1, 201

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Developing Salmonellosis through Consumption of Beef in Lusaka Province, Zambia

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    Based on the Codex Alimentarious framework, this study quantitatively assessed the risk of developing salmonellosis through consumption of beef in Lusaka Province of Zambia. Data used to achieve this objective were obtained from reviews of scientific literature, Government reports, and survey results from a questionnaire that was administered to consumers to address information gaps from secondary data. The Swift Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (sQMRA) model was used to analyse the data. The study was driven by a lack of empircally-based risk estimation despite a number of reported cases of salmonellosis in humans. A typology of consumers including all age groups was developed based on their beef consumption habits, distinguishing between those with low home consumption, those with medium levels of home consumption, and those with high levels through restaurant consumption. This study shows that the risk of developing salmonellosis in this population, from consuming beef, was generally low. At ID50 of 9.61 × 103 cfu/g and a retail contamination concentration of 12 cfu/g, the risk of developing salmonellosis through the consumption of beef prepared by consumers with low and medium levels of beef consumption was estimated at 0.06% and 0.08%, respectively, while the risk associated with restaurant consumption was estimated at 0.16% per year. The study concludes that the risk of developing salmonellosis among residents in Lusaka province, as a result of beef consumption, was generally low, mainly due to the methods used for food preparation. Further work is required to broaden the scope of the study and also undertake microbiological evaluation of ready-to-eat beef from both the household and restaurant risk exposure pathways

    Stellar Evolution in NGC 6791: Mass Loss on the Red Giant Branch and the Formation of Low Mass White Dwarfs

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    We present the first detailed study of the properties (temperatures, gravities, and masses) of the NGC 6791 white dwarf population. This unique stellar system is both one of the oldest (8 Gyr) and most metal-rich ([Fe/H] ~ 0.4) open clusters in our Galaxy, and has a color-magnitude diagram (CMD) that exhibits both a red giant clump and a much hotter extreme horizontal branch. Fitting the Balmer lines of the white dwarfs in the cluster, using Keck/LRIS spectra, suggests that most of these stars are undermassive, = 0.43 +/- 0.06 Msun, and therefore could not have formed from canonical stellar evolution involving the helium flash at the tip of the red giant branch. We show that at least 40% of NGC 6791's evolved stars must have lost enough mass on the red giant branch to avoid the flash, and therefore did not convert helium into carbon-oxygen in their core. Such increased mass loss in the evolution of the progenitors of these stars is consistent with the presence of the extreme horizontal branch in the CMD. This unique stellar evolutionary channel also naturally explains the recent finding of a very young age (2.4 Gyr) for NGC 6791 from white dwarf cooling theory; helium core white dwarfs in this cluster will cool ~3 times slower than carbon-oxygen core stars and therefore the corrected white dwarf cooling age is in fact ~7 Gyr, consistent with the well measured main-sequence turnoff age. These results provide direct empirical evidence that mass loss is much more efficient in high metallicity environments and therefore may be critical in interpreting the ultraviolet upturn in elliptical galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astrophys. J. Very minor changes from first versio

    Nonsingular, big-bounce cosmology from spinor-torsion coupling

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity removes the constraint of general relativity that the affine connection be symmetric by regarding its antisymmetric part, the torsion tensor, as a dynamical variable. The minimal coupling between the torsion tensor and Dirac spinors generates a spin-spin interaction which is significant in fermionic matter at extremely high densities. We show that such an interaction averts the unphysical big-bang singularity, replacing it with a cusp-like bounce at a finite minimum scale factor, before which the Universe was contracting. This scenario also explains why the present Universe at largest scales appears spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic.Comment: 7 pages; published versio

    Halos of Spiral Galaxies. III. Metallicity Distributions

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    (Abriged) We report results of a campaign to image the stellar populations in the halos of highly inclined spiral galaxies, with the fields roughly 10 kpc (projected) from the nuclei. We use the F814W (I) and F606W (V) filters in the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, on board the Hubble Space telescope. Extended halo populations are detected in all galaxies. The color-magnitude diagrams appear to be completely dominated by giant-branch stars, with no evidence for the presence of young stellar populations in any of the fields. We find that the metallicity distribution functions are dominated by metal-rich populations, with a tail extending toward the metal poor end. To first order, the overall shapes of the metallicity distribution functions are similar to what is predicted by simple, single-component model of chemical evolution with the effective yields increasing with galaxy luminosity. However, metallicity distributions significantly narrower than the simple model are observed for a few of the most luminous galaxies in the sample. It appears clear that more luminous spiral galaxies also have more metal-rich stellar halos. The increasingly significant departures from the closed-box model for the more luminous galaxies indicate that a parameter in addition to a single yield is required to describe chemical evolution. This parameter, which could be related to gas infall or outflow either in situ or in progenitor dwarf galaxies that later merge to form the stellar halo, tends to act to make the metallicity distributions narrower at high metallicity.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures (ApJ, in press