13,180 research outputs found

    Parallel structurally-symmetric sparse matrix-vector products on multi-core processors

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    We consider the problem of developing an efficient multi-threaded implementation of the matrix-vector multiplication algorithm for sparse matrices with structural symmetry. Matrices are stored using the compressed sparse row-column format (CSRC), designed for profiting from the symmetric non-zero pattern observed in global finite element matrices. Unlike classical compressed storage formats, performing the sparse matrix-vector product using the CSRC requires thread-safe access to the destination vector. To avoid race conditions, we have implemented two partitioning strategies. In the first one, each thread allocates an array for storing its contributions, which are later combined in an accumulation step. We analyze how to perform this accumulation in four different ways. The second strategy employs a coloring algorithm for grouping rows that can be concurrently processed by threads. Our results indicate that, although incurring an increase in the working set size, the former approach leads to the best performance improvements for most matrices.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, reviewed related work section, fixed typo

    Variação intra-anual dos teores foliares de carboidratos e atividade de invertases em videiras no Vale do rio São Francisco.

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    O pólo de agricultura irrigada do Vale do Rio São Francisco a presenta um crescente aumento na produção de uvas para vinificação. Entre os vinhos finos ali produzidos, destaca-se aquele obtido da cv. Petite Syrah, que se adaptou bem às condições climáticas da região. Pouco se conhece, no entanto, sobre o metabolismo de carboidratos das videiras nessa região. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de açúcarese de amido, bem como a atividade de invertases, durante dois ciclos de produção consecutivos. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Semi-Árido e na Vitivinícola Santa Maria, localizadas, respectivamente, em Petrolina e em Lagoa Grande - PE. Semanalmente, de janeiro a dezembro de 2003, foram coletadas folhas para análise dos teores de açúcares redutores (AR), açúcares solúveis totais (AST) e amido,bem como ensaios de invertases ácida (IA) e neutra (IN). Os resultados indicam que os teores de AR, AST e amido aumentam durante a maturação dos frutos e que estes acompanham as variações da temperatura, radiação e insolação. O ciclo de produção do segundo semestre apresentou maiores teores de AR e AST e menores teores de amido que o ciclo do primeiro semestre. A atividade de IA foi maior que ade IN e estas também variaram de acordo com as condições climáticas. A fase de maturação de frutos apresentou maiores teores de açúcares e maior atividade de invertases nas folhas, indicando um alto metabolismo e transporte de açúcares durante essa fase.bitstream/CPATSA/33115/1/BPD70.pd

    Cooperation between university and industry in the research of the suitability of agile methodologies in software development

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    Choosing a proper approach to manage a software development project is critical to increasing the chances to succeed in the venture. One of the great dilemmas nowadays concerns the option for an Agile or a traditional approach. There are several characteristics of software projects and the business environment in which they are carried out that must be considered while choosing the most appropriate development process. Although Agile development methodologies have been increasingly expanding and consolidating worldwide as an effective way of building software in the last two decades, they are not a one-size-fits-all approach. Knowing when to use Agile and which methodology is most suitable are the great questions that we aimed to answer in this study. In this paper, through a comprehensive revision of the Agile literature and an exploratory study, with the realization of focus group sessions with Agile practitioners and an interview with an Agile expert actively engaged in the software industry, we explored the characteristics of software development projects and organisational environments, identifying those that favour the use of an Agile approach. We also studied the main aspects that lead Agile teams to opt for one of the common Agile frameworks: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, or Lean Software Development (LSD). The major goal of our study, clarifying the main aspects to be considered in the choice of an Agile methodology, is to support the decision-maker in the process of selecting an appropriate development approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Mugwort-celery-carrot-curry syndrome: a case report

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    The Apparent Fractal Conjecture: Scaling Features in Standard Cosmologies

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    This paper presents an analysis of the smoothness problem in cosmology by focussing on the ambiguities originated in the simplifying hypotheses aimed at observationally verifying if the large-scale distribution of galaxies is homogeneous, and conjecturing that this distribution should follow a fractal pattern in perturbed standard cosmologies. This is due to a geometrical effect, appearing when certain types of average densities are calculated along the past light cone. The paper starts reviewing the argument concerning the possibility that the galaxy distribution follows such a scaling pattern, and the premises behind the assumption that the spatial homogeneity of standard cosmology can be observable. Next, it is argued that to discuss observable homogeneity one needs to make a clear distinction between local and average relativistic densities, and showing how the different distance definitions strongly affect them, leading the various average densities to display asymptotically opposite behaviours. Then the paper revisits Ribeiro's (1995: astro-ph/9910145) results, showing that in a fully relativistic treatment some observational average densities of the flat Friedmann model are not well defined at z ~ 0.1, implying that at this range average densities behave in a fundamentally different manner as compared to the linearity of the Hubble law, well valid for z < 1. This conclusion brings into question the widespread assumption that relativistic corrections can always be neglected at low z. It is also shown how some key features of fractal cosmologies can be found in the Friedmann models. In view of those findings, it is suggested that the so-called contradiction between the cosmological principle, and the galaxy distribution forming an unlimited fractal structure, may not exist.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX. This paper is a follow-up to gr-qc/9909093. Accepted for publication in "General Relativity and Gravitation

    Germinação sementes de caupi em diferentes concentações de NaCl e CaCl 2.

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    A germinação das sementes e o crescimento das plântulas são afetados em solos salinos

    Disorder-induced Spin Gap in the Zigzag Spin-1/2 Chain Cuprate Sr_{0.9}Ca_{0.1}CuO_2

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    We report a comparative study of 63Cu Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spin lattice relaxation rates, T_1^{-1}, on undoped SrCuO_2 and Ca doped Sr_{0.9}Ca_{0.1}CuO_2 spin chain compounds. A temperature independent T_1^{-1} is observed for SrCuO_2 as expected for an S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. Surprisingly, we observe an exponential decrease of T_1^{-1} for T < 90,K in the Ca-doped sample evidencing the opening of a spin gap. The data analysis within the J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model employing density-matrix renormalization group calculations suggests an impurity driven small alternation of the J_2-exchange coupling as a possible cause of the spin gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure