109 research outputs found

    Forest fires: Evaluation of government intervention measures

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between government measures, volunteer participation, climate variables and forest fires. A number of studies have related forest fires to causes of ignition, to fire history in one area, to the type of vegetation and weather characteristics or to community institutions, but there is little research on the relation between fire production and government prevention and extinction measures from a policy evaluation perspective. An observational approach is first applied to select forest fires in the north east of Spain. Taking a selection of fires with a certain size, a multiple regression analysis is conducted to find significant relations between policy instruments under the control of the government and the number of hectares burn in each case, controlling at the same time the effect of weather conditions and other context variables. The paper brings evidence on the effects of simultaneity and the relevance of recurring to army soldiers in specific days with extraordinary high simultaneity. The analysis also brings light on the effectiveness of two preventive policies and of helicopters for extinction tasks.Forest fires, policy evaluation

    Catalan government popularity. An example of economic effects on sub-national government support

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    The aim of this essay is to deal with economic voting in contexts of multilevel governance and to be a contribution to the debate on attribution of responsibilities in popularity functions literature. We use aggregate and individual data from Catalonia in order to analyse the relation between the state of the economy and the support for a sub-state government. The empirical analysis shows that the responsibility hypothesis works in regional governments without explicit macroeconomic competencies. We have also considered the evaluations of government performance on certain specific policies in order to clarify and determine the factors that drive Catalan government support. The article considers the implications of the findings for future attempts to model party support in a context of the European Union.Economic vote, popularity functions, attribution of responsabilities, grievance asymmetry

    El comportament electoral dual a Catalunya

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    Voto dual y abstención diferencial. Un estudio sobre el comportamiento electoral en Cataluña

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico sobre los motivos del cambio sistemático de resultados electorales que se da en Cataluña según el ámbito de la convocatoria electoral de que se trate. La hipótesis, contrastada positivamente con datos del período 1982-1993, es que la victoria del partido nacionalista de centro derecha en las elecciones autonómicas en un territorio donde vencen siempre los socialistas en las elecciones legislativas se debe a la combinación de los fenómenos del voto dual y del abstencionismo diferencial. La aproximación metodológica de la elección racional permite construir grupos de electores que tienen distintas percepciones del espacio en el que se dirime la competición política, hecho que les induce a un comportamiento electoral diferenciado. Combinando estos resultados con los obtenidos del análisis con datos socioestructurales agregados, se establece un cierto perfil de los votantes duales y de los abstencionistas diferenciales. Finalmente, se realiza una interpretación de los resultados de las elecciones catalanas de 1995 y 1999 a la luz de los resultados de este estudio. This article presents the results of an empirical study about the reasons of the systematic change in the electoral results in Catalonia according to the type of elections. The hypothesis, positively tested with data from the period 1982-1993, is that the victory of the nationalist centre-right party in the autonomous elections in a region where always wins the socialist party in general elections, is due to the combination of the dual vote and differential abstention phenomena. The rational choice methodological approach allow to construct groups of electors with different perceptions about the space in which the political race takes place, fact that induces them different electoral behaviour. In combining these results with those obtained from the analysis with aggregated social and structural data, it is defined a certain the profile of the dual voters and the differential non-voters. Finally, it is given an interpretation of the Catalan election results in 1995 and 1999 using as a clue the results of this study.Comportamiento electoral, elecciones, elecciones autonómicas, España, Cataluña, voto dual, abstención diferencial

    Epistemic communities and service delivery choices in Spanish municipal administrations

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    This article contributes to the debate on the use of alternative formulas for public service provision with arguments related to epistemic communities' influence. Drawing on the literature on models of local public service delivery, the role of internal epistemic communities is discussed and tested through the consideration of two different communities related to specific municipal areas such as personal and urban services. The results demonstrate that the association of urban services' epistemic communities with alternative formulas for direct provision to deliver services is greater than in the case of personal services' epistemic community. Those findings contribute to the academic debate not only with arguments and evidence that reinforces the role of variables included in previous research but also by introducing the role of epistemic communities in determining some policy options (as the use of local public-service delivery formulas)

    Las bases sociales y políticas de la abstención en las elecciones generales españolas: recursos individuales, movilización estratégica e instituciones electorales

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    Este informe de investigación examina los factores sociales y políticos que han determinado el nivel y variabilidad de la abstención electoral en las elecciones generales españolas. Extendiendo los modelos de carácter psicológico y sociológico que se han empleado (con éxito relativo) para explicar la abstención española, este estudio muestra que el nivel de participación en las elecciones generales depende en buena medida de factores estrictamente políticos: la satisfacción global del electorado con la situación política del país, la implantación y capacidad de movilización de los partidos políticos, el nivel de asociacionismo y 'capital social', el grado de competitividad electoral en cada área geográfica y los cálculos estratégicos que los electores realizan en función del tamaño de las circunscripciones electorales y de las distorsiones a la representación que impone la ley electoral. El informe emplea datos individuales, procedentes de las encuestas postelectorales del CIS, y utiliza regresiones multivariantes no lineales, aplicadas a muestras agregadas en panel.Participación electoral, política española, instituciones electorales

    Improving social measurements: The experience of the ESS first rounds in Spain

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    With the two aims of monitoring social change and improving social measurement, the European Social Survey is now closing its third round. This paper shows how the accumulated experience of the two first rounds has been used to validate the questionnaire, better adapt the sampling design to the country characteristics and efficiently commit fieldwork in Spain. For example, the dynamic character of the population nowadays makes necessary to estimated design effects at each round from the data of the previous round. The paper also demonstrates how, starting with a response rate of 52% at first round, a 66% response rate is achieved at the third round thanks to an extensive quality control conducted by the polling agency and the ESS national team and based on a detailed analysis of the non-response cases and the incidences reported by the interviewed in the contact form.European social survey, fieldwork, response rate, sampling design

    The European Social Survey. Methodological aspects

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    From a scientific point of view, surveys are undoubtedly a valuable tool for the knowledge of the social and political reality. They are widely used in the social sciences research. However, the researcher's task is often disturbed by a series of deficiencies related to some technical aspects that make difficult both the inference and the comparison. The main aim of the present paper is to report and justify the European Social Survey's technical specifications addressed to avoid and/or minimize such deficiencies. The article also gives a characterization of the non-respondents in Spain obtained from the analysis of the 2002 fieldwork data file.European Social Survey, comparative studies, fieldwork, non-respondents

    Associationism and electoral participation: A multilevel study of 2000 Spanish general election

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    This work presents an application of the multilevel analysis techniques to the study of the abstention in the 2000 Spanish general election. The interest of the study is both, substantive and methodological. From the substantive point of view the article intends to explain the causes of abstention and analyze the impact of associationism on it. From the methodological point of view it is intended to analyze the interaction between individual and context with a modelisation that takes into account the hierarchical structure of data. The multilevel study of this paper validates the one level results obtained in previous analysis of the abstention and shows that only a fraction of the differences in abstention are explained by the individual characteristics of the electors. Another important fraction of these differences is due to the political and social characteristics of the context. Relating to associationism, the data suggest that individual participation in associations decrease the probability of abstention. However, better indicators are needed in order to catch more properly the effect of associationism in electoral behaviour.Electoral abstention in Spain, multilevel modelling

    Asessing public policies. The case of education in Europe and the interaction between personal and institutional factors

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    The paper deals with the comparative study of European citizens’ satisfaction with the state of education in their respective countries. Individual and contextual effects are tested applying multilevel analysis. The results show that educational public policies (level of decentralization, degree of comprehensiveness and public spending) as well as the students’ social environment (socioeconomic and cultural status) have a sound impact on the opinions about the state of education.Education, public opinion, public policies, multilevel analysis, comparative studies, European Social Survey