45 research outputs found

    Enhanced Motor Function by Training in Spinal Cord Contused Rats Following Radiation Therapy

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    Weight-bearing stepping, without supraspinal re-connectivity, can be attained by treadmill training in an animal whose spinal cord has been completely transected at the lower thoracic level. Repair of damaged tissue and of supraspinal connectivity/circuitry following spinal cord injury in rat can be achieved by specific cell elimination with radiation therapy of the lesion site delivered within a critical time window, 2-3 weeks postinjury. Here we examined the effects of training in the repaired spinal cord following clinical radiation therapy. Studies were performed in a severe rat spinal cord contusion injury model, one similar to fracture/crush injuries in humans; the injury was at the lower thoracic level and the training was a combined hindlimb standing and stepping protocol. Radiotherapy, in a similar manner to that reported previously, resulted in a significant level of tissue repair/preservation at the lesion site. Training in the irradiated group, as determined by limb kinematics tests, resulted in functional improvements that were significant for standing and stepping capacity, and yielded a significant direct correlation between standing and stepping performance. In contrast, the training in the unirradiated group resulted in no apparent beneficial effects, and yielded an inverse correlation between standing and stepping performance, e.g., subject with good standing showed poor stepping capacity. Further, without any training, a differential functional change was observed in the irradiated group; standing capacity was significantly inhibited while stepping showed a slight trend of improvement compared with the unirradiated group. These data suggest that following repair by radiation therapy the spinal circuitries which control posture and locomotor were modified, and that the beneficial functional modulation of these circuitries is use dependent. Further, for restoring beneficial motor function following radiotherapy, training seems to be crucial

    Syndromics: A Bioinformatics Approach for Neurotrauma Research

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    Substantial scientific progress has been made in the past 50 years in delineating many of the biological mechanisms involved in the primary and secondary injuries following trauma to the spinal cord and brain. These advances have highlighted numerous potential therapeutic approaches that may help restore function after injury. Despite these advances, bench-to-bedside translation has remained elusive. Translational testing of novel therapies requires standardized measures of function for comparison across different laboratories, paradigms, and species. Although numerous functional assessments have been developed in animal models, it remains unclear how to best integrate this information to describe the complete translational “syndrome” produced by neurotrauma. The present paper describes a multivariate statistical framework for integrating diverse neurotrauma data and reviews the few papers to date that have taken an information-intensive approach for basic neurotrauma research. We argue that these papers can be described as the seminal works of a new field that we call “syndromics”, which aim to apply informatics tools to disease models to characterize the full set of mechanistic inter-relationships from multi-scale data. In the future, centralized databases of raw neurotrauma data will enable better syndromic approaches and aid future translational research, leading to more efficient testing regimens and more clinically relevant findings

    British Medical Association

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    This chapter investigates the patterns of emission efficiency growth of 23 manufacturing sectors in 12 European countries with a focus on five emissions (CO2, NOx, NMVOC, SOx and CO). Emission efficiency growth is expected to be triggered by an improvement in the efficiency of frontier countries through the diffusion of better technologies to laggard countries. This effect is likely to differ according to the distance from the frontier country. Finally, the role of productivity patterns (total factor productivity) and energy price dynamics is assessed. Results based on the European NAMEA (National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts) further merged with sector accounts highlight significant spillovers from leaders in emission efficiency and a general tendency to converge for laggard countries and sectors (except for NMVOC emission efficiency). Energy prices induce substantial improvements in emission efficiency, with the effect being generally stronger for sectors and countries farther away from the emission efficiency frontier. Finally, total factor productivity (TFP) is strongly correlated with emission efficiency, while the distance from TFP frontier significantly harms emission efficiency growth