1,965 research outputs found

    Analysis of decomposition parameters of green manure in the Brazilian Northeast with Association Rules Networks.

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    Modern agricultural processes are increasingly looking at the use of chemicals, so the constant search for organic alternatives to fertilization becomes frequent. The use of data mining using association rule networks (ARN) can aid in the analysis of the parameters involved in choosing which plant to use as green manure. In this work, an analysis of the parameters of green manures used in the Brazilian Northeast is presented, demonstrating the applicability of the computational technique as well as its use to gain in productivity

    Dirac-Surface-State-Dominated Spin to Charge Current Conversion in the Topological Insulator (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 Films at Room Temperature

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    We report the spin to charge current conversation in an intrinsic topological insulator (TI) (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 film at room temperature. The spin currents are generated in a thin layer of permalloy (Py) by two different processes, spin pumping (SPE) and spin Seebeck effects (SSE). In the first we use microwave-driven ferromagnetic resonance of the Py film to generate a SPE spin current that is injected into the TI (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 layer in direct contact with Py. In the second we use the SSE in the longitudinal configuration in Py without contamination by the Nernst effect made possible with a thin NiO layer between the Py and (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 layers. The spin-to-charge current conversion is attributed to the inverse Edelstein effect (IEE) made possible by the spin-momentum locking in the electron Fermi contours due to the Rashba field. The measurements by the two techniques yield very similar values for the IEE parameter, which are larger than the reported values in the previous studies on topological insulators.Comment: 18 pages and 7 figure

    Estimates of compensation and stability parameters in common bean lines aiming at multilines.

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    This study aimed to determine parameter estimates of compensation of common bean lines and verify if the stability of a mixture of lines is higher than of the line components. Six common bean lines were evaluated, pairwise, in equal proportions. The experiments were conducted in 11 environments, where the trait seed yield was evaluated (grams per plot). The positive ci estimate (compensation ability of line i) of cultivar Talismã was highest, indicating the line for mixtures. The combination of the pair Carioca and MA-II-16, with the highest positive sij estimate (specific compensation ability for the pair of lines i and j), was satisfactory. It was observed that the mean contribution of mixtures to the interaction was in the mean lower than of lines in monoculture. The stability was highest in the mixture Talismã and MA-II-8 and the risk of adoption lowest. The estimates of these compensation and stability parameters in mixtures underlying additional information are a support in the choice of lines to compose a multiline

    Geração e acumulo de mutantes com poucos poliedros após passagem serial do baculovirus anticarsia (AgMNPV) em cultura de células.

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    Principais características do sistema de produção de hortaliças no Município de Camocim de São Félix, Pernambuco.

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    A proposal for building domain topic taxonomies.

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    In this work a methodology to aid the process of organizing text collections is proposed, aiming to reflect exactly the existent and recoverable publications in a specific domain

    Uso de agrotóxicos no sistema de produção de hortaliças no Município de Camocim de São Félix, Pernambuco.

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    A falta de informacoes sobre as medidas de seguranca nas aplicacoes dos agrotoxicos predomina no meio rural, resultando na degradacao dos recursos naturais, com implicacoes diretas na saude humana. Visando suprir a ausencia de informacoes sobre o uso e manejo de agrotoxicos do municipio de Camocim de Sao Felix (PE), foram realizadas entrevistas com agricultores sobre aspectos pessoais, condicoes de trabalho, principais agrotoxicos utilizados e aspectos ambientais. Dentre os agrotoxicos mais usados, foram selecionados o Metamidofos e o Captan para analise de residuos em agua. Com base nos resultados, verificou-se que o nivel de escolaridade entre os entrevistados e muito baixo. Eles desconhecem o receituario agronomico, nao obedecem o periodo de carencia e, em geral, nao usam medidas de seguranca durante o manuseio, a aplicacao e mesmo apos a aplicacao dos agrotoxicos. Semanalmente e as vezes ate menos, aplicam inseticidas e/ou fungicidas, em carater preventivo e em doses excessivas, nao importando as consequencias para o aplicador e muito menos para o consumidor. No ano de 1997, os inseticidas mais utilizados foram os organofosforados e os piretroides. Com relacao aos fungicidas, o ditiocarbamato (Mancozeb) e o Captan foram os mais empregados. No periodo de setembro a novembro de 1997, foram detectados residuos dos agrotoxicos Metamidofos e Captan em agua de cacimba e de acude, com concentracoes acima do limite de padrao de potabilidade, o que indica agua impropria para consumo.bitstream/item/62533/1/CNPS-BOL.-PESQ.-6-99.pd