26 research outputs found

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    Valores de referĂȘncia para plumbemia em uma população urbana do Sul do Brasil Reference values for lead in blood in an urban population in southern Brazil

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    Objetivo. Descrever os valores de referĂȘncia para chumbo em sangue em uma população urbana do MunicĂ­pio de Londrina, Estado do ParanĂĄ, Brasil. MĂ©todos. A população de referĂȘncia foi constituĂ­da por 520 voluntĂĄrios adultos avaliados de novembro de 1994 a dezembro de 1996. Os critĂ©rios de exclusĂŁo foram: exposição ocupacional ao chumbo, exposição atravĂ©s de hĂĄbitos, fumar mais de 10 cigarros por dia e morar perto de indĂșstrias ou de locais que utilizam o chumbo em seus processos produtivos. TambĂ©m foram excluĂ­dos indivĂ­duos com valores de exames clĂ­nicos e laboratoriais fora da normalidade, doenças crĂŽnicas e distĂșrbios cardiovasculares. Os teores de chumbo em sangue foram determinados por espectrofotometria de absorção atĂŽmica com chama de ar-acetileno. O limite de detecção obtido foi 1,23 mig/dL. ApĂłs as anĂĄlises de chumbo em sangue, foram determinados valor mĂ­nimo, primeiro quartil, mediana, terceiro quartil e valor mĂĄximo; mĂ©dia geomĂ©trica; intervalo de confiança de 95%; intervalo experimental; e valor de referĂȘncia. Resultados. Os valores de referĂȘncia para plumbemia variaram de 1,20 a 13,72 mig/dL. A mĂ©dia geomĂ©trica foi igual a 5,5 mig/dL. ConclusĂ”es. Em geral, os valores obtidos no presente estudo sĂŁo mais baixos do que aqueles obtidos em outros paĂ­ses. Estudos adicionais deveriam enfocar a obtenção de valores de referĂȘncia em outras populaçÔes brasileiras que vivem em regiĂ”es mais industrializadas.<br>Objective. To describe the reference values for lead in blood in an urban population in the city of Londrina, in the state of ParanĂĄ, Brazil. Materials and methods. The reference population was composed of 520 adult volunteers who were assessed from November 1994 to December 1996. Exclusion criteria were: occupational exposure to lead, exposure through personal habits or practices, smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day, and living near industrial plants or other places that use lead in their production processes. Also excluded were individuals with abnormal clinical or laboratory results or with chronic diseases or cardiovascular disorders. Lead blood levels were determined using air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The detectable limit was 1.23 mug/dL. After the analyses of lead in blood, the following values were determined: minimum value, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum value; geometric mean; 95% confidence interval; experimental interval; and reference value. Results. The reference values for lead in blood ranged from 1.20 mug/dL to 13.72 mug/ dL. The geometric mean was 5.5 mug/dL. Conclusions. In general, the values found in this study are lower than those that have been reported for other countries. Additional data should be gathered from Brazilian populations living in more-industrialized areas

    A 'teoria da prĂĄxis': retomando o referencial marxista para o enfrentamento do capitalismo no campo da saĂșde The 'theory of praxis: ' retrieving the marxist framework to confront capitalism in the health field

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    Este ensaio tem a intenção de recolocar o marxismo - como corpo epistemolĂłgico, teĂłrico, metodolĂłgico e polĂ­tico voltado para a superação do capitalismo - na pauta do debate conceitual e polĂ­tico do campo da SaĂșde Coletiva. Discute o campo simbĂłlico como campo de expressĂŁo de ideologias que sustentam o capitalismo e que utiliza, dentre outras estratĂ©gias, o silenciamento sobre o marxismo, e mesmo sobre o capitalismo, para esvaziar a crĂ­tica e o questionamento polĂ­tico. Relaciona estes mecanismos Ă  saĂșde, identificando alguns campos onde o capitalismo opera nesta ĂĄrea. Apresenta alguns fundamentos filosĂłficos, teĂłricos e metodolĂłgicos da 'teoria da prĂĄxis', destacando a unidade indissolĂșvel entre teoria crĂ­tica e ação transformadora. Por fim, conclama os profissionais, pesquisadores e educadores do campo sanitĂĄrio a se (re)engajarem na luta contra o capitalismo, retomando a bandeira do socialismo, rumo Ă  conquista do efetivo direito Ă  saĂșde.<br>This essay is intended to retrieve Marxism - as an epistemological, theoretical, methodological and political body aimed toward overcoming Capitalism - in the political and conceptual debate agenda in field of Collective Health. It discusses the symbolic field as a field for the expression of ideologies that underpin capitalism and which uses, among other strategies,the silencing of Marxism, and even of capitalism, to eliminate criticism and political questioning. It relates these mechanisms to health, identifying some fields in which capitalism operates in this area. It presents a few philosophical, theoretical and methodological foundations of the 'theory of praxis,' highlighting the indissoluble unity between critical theory and transformative action. Finally, it urges health care practitioners, researchers and educators to (re)engage in the struggle against Capitalism, taking up the banner of Socialism aiming to achieve the actual right to health

    Xylitol inhibits J774A.1 macrophage adhesion in vitro

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of xylitol on J774A.1 macrophage adhesion. Adhesion consisted of a three-hour interval, at room temperature, followed by washing and cell incubation at 37ÂșC/5% CO2/ 48h. Xylitol was used to treat the cells either before (for 24h) or after the cell incubation (for 48h) at 5% as final concentration in both the situations. It was found that xylitol was effective in preventing the adhesion in both the conditions in spite of the former being 100-fold greater and significant (p < 0.001). The results pointed to an important xylitol action on macrophage adhesion, which should be further investigated as an inflammatory control