2,068 research outputs found

    Trimmed sample means for robust uniform mean estimation and regression

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    It is well-known that trimmed sample means are robust against heavy tails and data contamination. This paper analyzes the performance of trimmed means and related methods in two novel contexts. The first one consists of estimating expectations of functions in a given family, with uniform error bounds; this is closely related to the problem of estimating the mean of a random vector under a general norm. The second problem considered is that of regression with quadratic loss. In both cases, trimmed-mean-based estimators are the first to obtain optimal dependence on the (adversarial) contamination level. Moreover, they also match or improve upon the state of the art in terms of heavy tails. Experiments with synthetic data show that a natural ``trimmed mean linear regression'' method often performs better than both ordinary least squares and alternative methods based on median-of-means

    Assignment of novel functions to Helicobacter pylori 26695’s genome

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    Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium that colonizes the human epithelia, causing duodenal and gastric ulcers as well as gastric cancer. The genome of H. pylori 26695 has been sequenced and annotated. In addition, two genome-scale metabolic models have been developed. In order to maintain accurate and relevant information on coding sequences (CDS) and to retrieve new information, the assignment of new functions to Helicobacter pylori 26695’s genes was performed. The use of software tools, on-line databases and an annotation pipeline for inspecting each gene allowed the attribution of validated E.C. numbers to metabolic genes, and the assignment of 177 new functions to the CDS of this bacterium. This information provides relevant biological information for the scientific community dealing with this organism and can be used as the basis for a new metabolic model reconstruction.(undefined

    Morbilidade Neonatal e Cesariana Electiva em Recém-Nascidos de Termo

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    INTRODUCTION: International guidelines suggest that non-urgent planned deliveries be scheduled at or after 39 weeks. Despite this recommendation elective cesarean often occurs before 39 weeks. Some research has demonstrated that elective cesarean before 39 weeks poses a greater risk to the infants than at or after 39 weeks. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate neonatal morbidity in term newborns born by elective cesarean section. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective study of all term elective cesarean sections (scheduled and without labor) performed in level III maternity, in the last 11 years (2003 - 2013). High risk pregnancies were excluded: twins, premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, Rh isoimmunization and congenital malformations. Two groups of newborns with gestational age less than 39 weeks and equal or greater than 39 weeks gestational age were compared. RESULTS: In our sample, 45% of elective caesarean sections were performed before 39 weeks. Infants born before 39 weeks were more frequently admitted in neonatal intensive care, odds ratio 2.4 [1.4 - 4.1] p = 0.001, had more respiratory morbidity, odds ratio 2.4 [1.6 - 3.8] p < 0.001, more hyperbilirubinaemia odds ratio 2.3 [1.5 - 3.7] p < 0.001, more hypoglycaemia and/or feeding difficulties odds ratio 1.6 [1.2 - 2.4] p = 0.006, and longer admissions (more than five days), odds ratio 2.0 [1.4 - 3] p < 0.001. DISCUSSION: As in other studies 'early term' had higher respiratory and metabolic morbidity and consequently had a longer hospital stay. CONCLUSION: These findings support recommendations to delay elective cesarean delay until 39 weeks of gestation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assignment of novel functions to Helicobacter pylori 26695’s genome and reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model

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    Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic organism associated with human gastric diseases. The development of mathematical models of metabolism is now considered a fundamental part of the study of the cell. For the particular case of microorganisms associated with human diseases, information on metabolic and regulatory networks can be used to understand the molecular factors of the microorganism that are likely to interact with the host and cause diseases. The availability of the genome sequence of H. pylori 26695 and its annotation has allowed in the past the construction of a metabolic model for this organism. The first genome-scale metabolic model for H. pylori 26695 was published in 2002 (iCS291) and a corrected reconstruction was published in 2005 (iIT341 GSM/GPR). The main goal of the present work was to update H. pylori’s genome-scale metabolic model based on the new information made available. For that purposes, using new annotation methodologies and data available in databases, an assignment of novel functions to H. pylori 26695’s genome was performed. For a total of 510 “hypothetical proteins” (almost 1/3 of the genes) identified in the last re-annotation, 137 new functions were attributed. A total of 581 E.C. numbers were assigned to CDS, being 528 complete E.C. numbers. This new information was used as the basis of the model reconstruction. In addition, transport reactions in the model were updated. The biomass equation was reviewed and H. pylori biomass coefficients and composition were adjusted. The obtained model successfully predicted the nutritional requirements and amino acids essentialities, which were experimentally validated. As a result, the present work presents a new H. pylori 26695 genome-scale metabolic model with more accurate and reliable predictions and can be used to identify potential targets for designing more effective drugs for H. pylori inactivation

    Alimentação dos peixes detritívoros da Baía Tuiuiú, rio Paraguai, Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.

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    Foram analisadas as dietas dos peixes detritívoros da baía Tuiuiú, meandro abandonado do rio Paraguai, próximo a Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul. Os peixes detritívoros apresentam estratégias específicas para o consumo do detrito orgânico existente na baía, como o sairu-boi, Potamorhina squamoralevis, que possui os olhos voltados para baixo para consumo do detrito acumulado no fundo, e o cascudo, Liposarcus anisitsi, que se coloca de barriga para cima para raspar os detritos e algas acumuladas nas raízes das macrófitas aquáticas. Para L. anisitsi, que teve os conteúdos estomacais analisados em quase todos os períodos de amostragem, foi encontrada correlação entre índice alimentar e altura de inundação e transparência da água. Peixes detritívoros apresentam adaptações e estratégias específicas para alimentar-se desse tipo especial de alimento nos ambientes inundáveis do Pantanal. Detritus feeding fishes from Tuiuiú bay, an oxbow lake of Paraguay River, near Corumbá city, Mato Grosso do Sul State were evaluated. Detritus feeding fishes have specific strategies to take this kind of food in the environment. Potamorhina squamoralevis has its eyes directed to the bottom to feed on detritus accumulated in the bay bottom while Liposarcus anisitsi, stay with the belly to the surface in order to scrape detritus and algae from the macrophyte roots. Correlations were found to alimentary index of L. anistisi in relation to river height and water transparency. Detritus feeding fishes have specific adaptations and strategies to take this kind of food in floodable environments in the Pantanal.bitstream/item/68605/1/BP115.pd

    Alimentação de Liposarcus anisitsi e Potamorhina squamoralevis, peixes abundantes na Baía Tuiuiú, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.

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    Os grandes sistemas fluviais da América do Sul abrigam uma grande diversidade de espécies de peixes, que obtém o alimento nas mais diversas fontes. Este trabalho visou identificar e analisar a composição da dieta de Liposarcus anisitsi e Potamorhina squamoralevis, espécies abundantes na baía Tuiuiú, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram realizadas coletas bimestrais, durante três anos, na baía Tuiuiú, meandro abandonado do rio Paraguai. Dos exemplares coletados foram retirados os tratos digestivos e o conteúdo foi homogeneizado e diluído diversas vezes para facilitar a leitura e identificação dos itens alimentares que foi efetuada sob microscópio. As duas espécies apresentaram o detrito/sedimento como principal item alimentar. Além dos detritos, L. anisitsi ingeriu quantidades expressivas de restos de vegetais e algas. P. squamoralevis ingeriu quantidades significativas de algas e restos de vegetais são menos importantes na sua dieta. Também foram ingeridos outros itens, em menor proporção. Na baía Tuiuiú, P. squamoralevis e L. anisitsi podem ser classificados como espécies especializadas, uma vez que se alimentam principalmente de detrito/sedimento, com alguma tendência a generalistas, já que podem se alimentar também de outros itens alimentares associados a detritos. As espécies utilizam diferentes micro-hábitats na captura do alimento o que possibilita a sua coexistência. Devido à sua abundância e frequência de ocorrência, os peixes detritívoros constituem a base da cadeia alimentar aquática na baía Tuiuiú. The major river systems of South America have a great diversity of fish species, which feed on a great diversity of food sources. This study aimed to identify and analyze the composition of the feeding of Liposarcus anisitsi and Potamorhina squamoralevis, abundants in the Tuiuiú bay, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul State. Samples were collected bimonthly during three years in the Tuiuiú bay, an oxbow lake the Paraguay river. From the specimens were taken the digestive tracts and the contents were homogenized and diluted several times to facilitate the reading and identification of food items that was performed under microscope. In both fish species, the detritus / sediment were the main food item. L. anisitsi ingested large amounts of plant debris and algae. P. squamoralevis ingested significant amounts of algae; plant remains are less important in the diet of this species. Other items were also eaten in smaller proportions. In the Tuiuiú bay, P. squamoralevis and L. anisitsi can be classified as specialized species, since they feed mainly on detritus / sediment, with some degree to generalism, since it can feed also on other food items. L. anisitsi and P. squamoralevis use different microhabitats to capture food which allow them to coexist. Due to its abundance and frequency of occurrence, detritus feeding fishes are the basis of the aquatic food chain in the Tuiuiú bay

    Bioactives compounds in black garlic from different brazilian cultivars.

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    In this work aimed to study the differences bioative compounds produced in black garlic from Brazilian garlic cultivars (Santa Catarina, Amarante, Gigante Roxo)

    Re-annotation of the genome sequence of Helicobacter pylori 26695

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    Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium that colonizes the human epithelia, causing duodenal and gastriculcers, and gastric cancer. The genome of H. pylori 26695 has been previously sequenced and annotated. In addition, two genome-scale metabolic models have been developed. In order to maintain accurate and relevant information on coding sequences (CDS) and to retrieve new information, the assignment of new functions to Helicobacter pylori 26695s genes was performed in this work. The use of software tools, on-line databases and an annotation pipeline for inspecting each gene allowed the attribution of validated EC numbers and TC numbers to metabolic genes encoding enzymes and transport proteins, respectively. 1212 genes encoding proteins were identified in this annotation, being 712 metabolic genes and 500 non-metabolic, while 191 new functions were assignment to the CDS of this bacterium. This information provides relevant biological information for the scientific community dealing with this organism and can be used as the basis for a new metabolic model reconstruction.This work was supported by the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009707, entitled HeliSysBio molecular Systems Biology in Helicobacter pylori (Ref.: FCT PTDC/EBB-EBI/104235/2008). Daniela Correia is grateful for financial support from the FCT (PhD grant: SFRH/BD/47596/2008)

    Finite Temperature Phase Diagram of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Imbalanced Fermi Gases Beyond Mean-Field

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    We investigate the superfluid transition temperature of quasi-two-dimensional imbalanced Fermi gases beyond the mean-field approximation, through the second-order (or induced) interaction effects. For a balanced Fermi system the transition temperature is suppressed by a factor 2.72\approx 2.72. For imbalanced Fermi systems, the polarization and transition temperature of the tricritical point are significantly reduced as the two-body binding energy ϵB|\epsilon_B| increases.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure