8,469 research outputs found

    Mark 3 VLBI system: Tropospheric calibration subsystems

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    Tropospheric delay calibrations are implemented in the Mark 3 system with two subsystems. Estimates of the dry component of tropospheric delay are provided by accurate barometric data from a subsystem of surface meteorological sensors (SMS). An estimate of the wet component of tropospheric delay is provided by a water vapor radiometer (WVR). Both subsystems interface directly to the ASCII Transceiver bus of the Mark 3 system and are operated by the control computer. Seven WVR's under construction are designed to operate in proximity to a radio telescope and can be commanded to point along the line-of-sight to a radio source. They should provide a delay estimate that is accurate to the + or - 2 cm level

    On the List-Decodability of Random Linear Rank-Metric Codes

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    The list-decodability of random linear rank-metric codes is shown to match that of random rank-metric codes. Specifically, an Fq\mathbb{F}_q-linear rank-metric code over Fqm×n\mathbb{F}_q^{m \times n} of rate R=(1ρ)(1nmρ)εR = (1-\rho)(1-\frac{n}{m}\rho)-\varepsilon is shown to be (with high probability) list-decodable up to fractional radius ρ(0,1)\rho \in (0,1) with lists of size at most Cρ,qε\frac{C_{\rho,q}}{\varepsilon}, where Cρ,qC_{\rho,q} is a constant depending only on ρ\rho and qq. This matches the bound for random rank-metric codes (up to constant factors). The proof adapts the approach of Guruswami, H\aa stad, Kopparty (STOC 2010), who established a similar result for the Hamming metric case, to the rank-metric setting

    Atmospheric limitations to clock synchronization at microwave frequencies

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    Clock synchronization schemes utilizing microwave signals that pass through the Earth's atmosphere are ultimately limited by our ability to correct for the variable delay imposed by the atmosphere. The atmosphere is non-dispersive at microwave frequencies and imposes a delay of roughly 8 nanosec times the cosecant of the elevation angle. This delay is composed of two parts, the delay due to water vapor molecules (i.e., the wet delay), and the delay due to all other atmospheric constituents (i.e., the dry delay). Water vapor contributes approximately 5 to 10% of the total atmospheric delay but is highly variable, not well mixed, and difficult to estimate from surface air measurements. However, the techniques of passive remote sensing using microwave radiometry can be used to estimate the line of sight delay due to water vapor with potential accuracies of 10 to 20 picosec. The devices that are used are called water vapor radiometers and simply measure the power emitted by the water vapor molecule at the 22.2 GHz spectral line. An additional power measurement is usually included at 31.4 GHz in order to compensate for the effect of liquid water (e.g., clouds). The dry atmosphere is generally in something close to hydrostatic equilibrium and its delay contribution at zenith can be estimated quite well from a simple barometric measurement. At low elevation angles one must compensate for refractive bending and possible variations in the vertical refractivity profile. With care these effects can be estimated with accuracies on the order of 30 picosec down to elevation angles of 10 degree

    Numerical simulations of strong wind situations near the Mediteranean French Coast: comparison with FETCH data

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    A detailed analysis is made of some typical strong wind situations near the French Mediterranean coast. Special attention has been paid to the wind from the north-northwest in the Gulf of Lion, also called the mistral. The analysis is made from both the synoptic and mesoscale point of view with the aid of numerical simulations carried out with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to study the main atmospheric, climatic, and meteorological characteristics of this wind in the Gulf of Lion. Simulations were made with this model during the periods of 20-22 March and 24-26 March 1998. Afterward, a comparison was made with the meteorological measurements collected during the international Flux, Etat de la Mer et Te´le´de´tection en Condition de Fetch Variable (FETCH) campaign (Gulf of Lion, March-April 1998). The comparison between the simulated wind fields and the values measured by the coastal meteorological stations, an oceanographic buoy, and the ship Atalante at sea help to give full understanding of the complicated physical processes that characterize strong wind situations in coastal zone