115 research outputs found

    Max Ernst: "The hundred headless woman" and the eternal return

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    Max Ernst often responded to the thought of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his art in the 1920's. This study approaches the collage-novel, "The Hundred Headless Woman", from the perspective of Nietzsche's concept of the 'eternal return', suggested by imagery in the novel. The study offers a brief iconographical context for the concept of 'eternal return', and examines key images in Ernst's response to this concept. The discordant superimposing of layers of meaning and the refutation of rationality in the novel are considered in terms of the disorientation of time, seriality and the principle of identity implied by the perspectivism of Nietzsche's concept of the 'eternal return'. The study argues that Ernst's assimilation of Nietzsche's ideas and concepts is exceptionally sophisticated, and suggests that it significantly anticipates some of the concerns in the reinterpretations of Nietzsche by recent French philosophers.In sy kuns van die 1920's reageer Max Ernst voortdurend op die denke van die filosoof Friedrich Nietzsche. Hierdie studie benader die collage-roman, "The Hundred Headless Woman", vanaf die vertrekpunt van Nietzsche se konsep van die 'ewige wederkeer', gesuggereer deur beelde in die roman. Die studie plaas die konsep van die 'ewige wederkeer' kortliks binne 'n ikonografiese konteks, en ondersoek sentrale beelde in Ernst se reaksie op die konsep. Ernst se dissonante ooreenlegging van betekenislae en sy weerlegging van rasionaliteit, word oorweeg in terme van die disorientering van tyd, lineere denke en die beginsel van identiteit wat geimpliseer word deur die perspektivisme van Nietzsche se konsep van die 'ewige wederkeer'. Die studie argumenteer dat Ernst se gebruik van Nietzsche se idees en konsepte besonder gesofistikeerd is, en suggereer dat hy sommige van die belange in die herinterpretasie van Nietzsche in die onlangse Franse filosofie vooruitloop.Article digitised using: Suprascan 1000 RGB scanner, scanned at 400 dpi; 24-bit colour; 100% Image derivating - Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS3 - Image levels, crop, deskew Abbyy Fine Reader No.9 - Image manipulation + OCR Adobe Acrobat 9 (PDF

    Observation of a sudden cessation of a very-high-energy gamma-ray flare in PKS 1510-089 with H.E.S.S. and MAGIC in May 2016

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    The flat spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) PKS 1510-089 is known for its complex multiwavelength behavior, and is one of only a few FSRQs detected at very high energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) -rays. VHE -ray observations with H.E.S.S. and MAGIC during late May and early June 2016 resulted in the detection of an unprecedented flare, which reveals for the first time VHE -ray intranight variability in this source. While a common variability timescale of 1.5 hr is found, there is a significant deviation near the end of the flare with a timescale of ∼ 20 min marking the cessation of the event. The peak flux is nearly two orders of magnitude above the low-level emission. For the first time, curvature is detected in the VHE -ray spectrum of PKS 1510-089, which is fully explained through absorption by the extragalactic background light. Optical R-band observations with ATOM reveal a counterpart of the -ray flare, even though the detailed flux evolution differs from the VHE lightcurve. Interestingly, a steep flux decrease is observed at the same time as the cessation of the VHE flare. In the high energy (HE, E >100 MeV) -ray band only a moderate flux increase is observed with Fermi-LAT, while the HE -ray spectrum significantly hardens up to a photon index of 1.6. A search for broad-line region (BLR) absorption features in the -ray spectrum indicates that the emission region is located outside of the BLR. Radio VLBI observations reveal a fast moving knot interacting with a standing jet feature around the time of the flare. As the standing feature is located ∼ 50 pc from the black hole, the emission region of the flare may have been located at a significant distance from the black hole. If this correlation is indeed true, VHE rays have been produced far down the jet where turbulent plasma crosses a standing shock.Accepted manuscrip

    Die invloed van Nietzsche op enkele aspekte van Europese kuns voor 1937

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    Die kontroverse en radikale aard van Nietzsche se denke is voortdurend teenwoordig as ‘n belangrike invloed in die ontwikkeling van die visuele kunste in die eerste helfte van hierdie eeu. Dit is egter ‘n studieveld waarin steeds besondere groot leemtes bestaan, gedeeltelik as gevolg van die negatiewe beeld van die filosoof wat ontstaan het in die propagandaprosesse van die tweede wêreldoorlog. Hierdie studie bied 'n ondersoek van die ontwikkeling van Nietzsche se invloed op kuns. Eerstens word Nietzsche se kunsbeskouing ondersoek in die lig van die reaksie op sy werk in die visuele kunste. Hierna konsentreer die studie op die beskikbare getuies random die belangstelling in Nietzsche se denke, en die aard van sy invloed op die visuele kunste. Twee sentrale strominge word geidentifiseer in die ontwikkelingsgang van sy invloed, naamlik die benaderings tot Nietzsche in Duitse en Franse kuns. Die belangstelling in Nietszche in ander kunssentra word binne ‘n verband hiermee gebring. Die studie bied ‘n basis tot die uiteenlopende interpretasies van Nietzsche, en die ontplooiing van sy invloed op kuns, as 'n orientasiemodel tot verdere en meer spesifieke ondersoeke van hierdie invloed.Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1988.Visual ArtsMAUnrestricte